





















危害和解决方法需要适度、精确,并且彼此相称。借用杰出的Yogi Surendranath教授的话:如果你提出的危害(需要克服的问题)是“世界每年排放39G吨CO2”,那么解决方法(你的成就)需要是,你在论文结束时达到碳中和。













(9)关于Cover Letter。

根据我的经验,期刊编辑会阅读Cover Letter和手稿。由于这个原因,我们不会在这两份文件中重复相同的内容。通常,Cover Letter会更有吸引力,更容易理解。它将包含一个视觉元素(图形或表格),以说明主要的新想法和应用成果。













Mac Finder 几个基本技巧


其中一个痛点是,有时候总是找不到下载的文件在哪里。虽然可以在文件夹里按『arrange by』,然后根据『data added』来排序,但是问题是:如果我上次退出finder时文件已经处于按『date added』来排序的,再次排序需要重启finder。






解决方法二:使用app image2icon,这样甚至可以创建很有特色的图标


常用app的url scheme

利用Launch Center Pro来快速启动app,玩了好些年了。很方便。这其中一个关键是获取app的url scheme。

iOS app的URL Schemes是存放在应用ipa里的Info.plist文件中的。Apple Configurator 2是Apple提供的一个工具,可以给手机安装app、描述文件等,可以用来获取第三方app的ipa文件及Info.plist。

  1. 在Mac上安装打开Apple Configurator 2,并连接手机。
  2. 点击菜单栏中的添加按钮,选择应用,进入添加应用页面
  3. 在搜索框中选择想要查看的第三方app,然后添加即可。
  4. 如果你的手机上没有此app,那么第一次会直接安装,需要进行第二次相同的操作,此时Apple Configurator 2会提醒你,你的手机上已经有此app,询问你是覆盖还是终止操作,不要选择覆盖,也不要选择终止,先把这个对话框搁置那里,然后打开Finer,在前往文件夹中搜索 ~/Library/Group Containers/K36BKF7T3D.group.com.apple.configurator/Library/Caches/Assets/TemporaryItems/MobileApps/,此时该文件夹中就有你刚刚下载app的ipa文件了,把这个ipa文件移到到桌面。
  5. 在桌面存放的ipa文件改为zip格式,解压后便可找到info.plist文件,及对应的url scheme。

常用app的url scheme:

  1. 华盛顿邮报:washpost://
  2. 华尔街日报:wsj://
  3. 墨客:com.moke.moke:
  4. qq音乐:wx5aa333606550dfd5
  5. 网易音乐: orpheuswidget://
  6. 静雅思听:justing://


Browsing RNA-Seq Data in Ensembl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NUibgdkTRY&feature=emb_logo

If you’re a bench biologist who has decided to incorporate next-generation sequencing (NGS) bioinformatics into your research, you might be feeling overwhelmed as you try to process the data. I felt that way when I did gene expression analysis for the first time, but I quickly learned that NGS bioinformatics is not only powerful but can also be fun! Here are some insights to keep in mind while you navigate these data-ridden waters. (If you’re interested in becoming a bioinformatician, Asmaa Ali’s article on the topic is a great place to start.)

To Code or Not to Code?

Coding is no longer a prerequisite for performing NGS bioinformatics in your research, although it is if bioinformatics is going to be your profession or constitute the meat of your research. If not, consider the advantages and disadvantages of going the coding route.

The Benefits of Learning to Code

Coding the calculations yourself will give you a lot of control. In addition, the software that requires you to code to extract data is mostly open-source—in other words, free of charge, making your research cheaper. But maybe you’ve never used coding languages before, and they read like gibberish to you.

Fortunately, the websites that provide the software programming environments, including Python and R, which are most commonly used for bioinformatics, contain resources to get you started learning to use them. The Python site has step-by-step tutorials, as written instructions and as audio/video clips, and the R site has manuals and a book list.

If books are your thing, this book is great for getting started with Bioconductor, a software package specifically for high-throughput genomics that’s mostly distributed as an add-on module in R. For more instruction, MIT OpenCoursewareUCLA Coding Boot Camp, and Codecademy are just a few examples of places where you can take coding courses online.

Graphical User Interfaces Allow You to Avoid Coding

If you’d like to skip the coding aspect of NGS bioinformatics, you (or your company) might want to invest in a graphical user interface (GUI) program – i.e., one that doesn’t require a coding language. If you’re in academia, your university likely already has subscriptions to such programs and it won’t cost you or your lab a penny to use them; you’d just need to apply for a login account.

For instance, to help me analyze my RNA-seq data, my university provided me with Partek Flow and Partek Genomics Suite, as well as a wonderful program from Qiagen called Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA), which yields a downstream analysis of the biological functions affected by the genes or transcripts in your data.

If you’re in industry, AltAnalyzeApache Taverna, and UGENE are free alternatives to the Partek suite. You might also talk your boss into investing in software from Partek or Qiagen, or make the investment yourself if you own the company. Ultimately, it’s a judgment call, depending on your company’s finances, how satisfied you are with open source software, and the extent to which you intend to use bioinformatics going forward.

Learn Some Linux Commands

A final note about code: I recommend that, even if you find you don’t need code for your NGS bioinformatics, try to learn at least a few Linux commands, if only just to set up the file transfers you’ll need to get started. Even GUI programs sometimes have a few early steps at the command line. For instance, say you are doing an entire NGS project on Partek Flow. Before the NGS bioinformatics even begins, you will likely need to transfer the raw sequencing data files from the server that performed the sequencing to your computer or (more likely) cloud service for storing and running processes that take up large amounts of space. Transferring the files at a Linux command line would minimize the chance of the process freezing mid-transfer, as is often seen with GUIs (Google Drive, for one, is notorious for file downloads freezing after the first 2.0 GB).

The Linux command line is readily accessible on a Mac or a computer running a Linux operating system, but with a client app such as PuTTY it is also easy to run Linux commands on a PC. Maker Pro provides one of many resource pages for learning Linux commands, which I have found to be much easier to remember than other programming languages. Besides, a bit of experience typing in commands will ready your brain for learning more code if you do decide to wade deeper into the wonderful world of computation one day.

Gather Your Resources

Whichever path of programs you choose, your learning curve will be steep in the beginning. Fortunately, many of the sources for learning programming languages also teach bioinformatics. If you’re at a university, your library is likely to have people whose job it is to connect you to the bioinformatics programs available at the school and teach you how to use them. In addition to finding help at the library, GUI programs, like programming language platforms, provide a lot of instruction on their own websites. Qiagen has a particularly impressive and still growing list of in-depth tutorial videos on ways to use IPA as well as the company’s other bioinformatics tools. AltAnalyze, Apache Taverna, and UGENE also come with their own tutorials. Free bioinformatics help is available at Biostars.

Always remember: you’ll have a lot of big and little questions that you can always type word for word into a search engine. Chances are, it’ll refer you to a forum where someone else asked the same question, and got answers! Personally, I Google shamelessly for all my projects, bioinformatics and otherwise. Of course, you could always ask the question yourself on Quora, Reddit (particularly at the r/learnbioinformatics subreddit), or ResearchGate, but if you start with Google, you could get your answer right away.

More resources for teaching yourself NGS analysis are listed here and, for learning a coding language, here and here.

Your Project, Your Interpretation, Your Decisions

So you’ve run your NGS bioinformatics analyses and ended up with huge tables and tangles of networks. What now? Remember that you ultimately want to tell a verifiable story, not just cough up a bunch of numbers.

Make Sure Your Analysis Algorithms Were Sound

First off, it’s imperative to check that your in-silico data are reliable and not just artifacts of the combination of programs you happened to choose. That step wherein you normalize your gene counts, for example. Which algorithm did you use? Another algorithm could have generated a completely different list of statistically significant reads. It’s advantageous if your project involves many knowns alongside your unknowns. If you’re checking a cell population that you know expresses certain cytokines more than another cell population but you have no idea whether or not it expresses more enzymes, check the cytokines. Do their expression patterns, using the algorithms you used, match those seen in the literature? If not, you’ll have to try a different algorithm (and the normalization step is usually a good place to start trying changes).

You may end up running three different algorithms for your NGS analysis, running functional analyses on all the results, and ending up with Venn diagrams showing a relatively small list on which they all agree! And that might already be your story (for now) if little is known about what you’re studying.  If, again, you have a lot of knowns, let them be your guidepost and they’ll save you a lot of repetition. Your unknowns are where you’ll want to explore.

Getting Creative With the Unknowns

Your NGS will almost certainly include genes whose expression patterns were not previously known in your tissue(s) of interest. Use them as a springboard for the next chapter of your project! Maybe you love endocytosis and it’s never been studied in the tissue your samples are from. Does your functional analysis show you statistically significant patterns for that? Sometimes you’ll get the most interesting answers when you pull from your data rather than let your data push at you.

Don’t worry if what you picked isn’t what has the highest-magnitude change in your data. It’s YOUR story, and your experiments will tell you whether you’re onto something or not. Combine poring over your tables with some good old-fashioned paper-reading about genes that have piqued your interest, and start planning that benchwork! After all, bioinformatics is a hypothesis generator, not a decision-maker. The latter role belongs to you! (Well, your PI, too, if you have one.)

Time Management Is Key

Bioinformatics means planning your time as much as you do with hands-on science that calls for lengthy experiments. You never know when you’ll have to repeat an analysis with one or two changes (see above). Some analysis steps take hours or even days to run (in the background while you do other stuff). Oftentimes there are bugs and downtimes for program administrators to fix them or make upgrades. So, as with pretty much any sizeable task, set aside more time than you think you’ll need and don’t wait until you’re near a deadline to start.

As you’ve seen, bioinformatics is fascinating, widely useful, and surprisingly accessible. The keys to succeeding in it are to find the right resources for you and never stop steering the big data ship. Good luck with your projects!

Separating cells is hard


I write this entry to accompany my short talk at Woodstock.bio meeting ( #physiologicalirrelevantconference ) .

A few years ago we published a paper in PNAS in which we showed that full-length mRNAs transfer between mammalian cells via a unique type of structure called membrane nanotubes, or tunneling nanotubes (TNTs). This work was started at Rob Singer’s lab, continued at the Gerst lab and in collaboration with Arjun Raj.

I wrote a “behind the scenes” post, detailing how that paper came to be, and some of the problems I had along the way.

I next published a method paper, which also included some new information – in particular that the transferred mRNA is encapsulated in an unknown protein shell. I wrote a “behind the paper” post at the Springer Nature blogs. There, I told about all the problems I had just because a simple change…

View original post 610 剩余字数




今天赛先生推出一篇文章,对病毒实验室泄露的猜疑,进行了还击,有两个结论是可信的:第一,这次病毒泄露和nature med那篇文章报道的重组病毒无关;二,没有证据表明这次病毒是经过实验室重组获得的:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zV4T4xpFa-ljU5zanKD-DQ




2、文章说, ”网络上还一些有实验动物泄漏的猜测,有人甚至把自己实验室及其它实验室动物管理不善的“经验”直接套在石正丽团队上。“。这个逻辑也奇怪:其它实验室管理不善,固然不能说明石老师的实验室管理不规范,也不能说明她的实验室管理非常规范。


4、文章说,”RaTG13 是石正丽他们几年前在云南省的蝙蝠中检测到的,但他们在此之前并没有 RaTG13 的活病毒和全序列。于是他们从保存的 RNA 样品里测了 RaTG13 的全序列,发现 RaTG13 和 nCoV-2019 的全基因组序列有 96.2%的同源性,共有近 1100 个碱基的差异。“






Guidelines for the Research Proposal

A research proposal is intended to convince the reviewers in the selection committee that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study.

Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following:

1. What you plan to accomplish in the time you have.

2. Why you want to do it (potential contributions; relation to your short- or long-term research plans e.g., article or paper).

3. How you are going to do it (specific methodology, theoretical approach, type of archives, and contacts on the ground if relevant).

The proposal should be 600-700 words long. It should have sufficient information to convince the committee’s readers that you have an important or relevant research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound. Please keep in mind that the readers might not be specialists in your field.

The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing.

Letters of Recommendation from Faculty

Please provide specific information about the applicant based on your first-hand knowledge, such as:

§ Examples of what the applicant has done (e.g., if the student wrote a brilliant paper, mention its topic and why it stood out).

• Merits of the proposed research project — background and rationale, research questions, methodology, plan of work and time schedule, short bibliography.

§ Positive impact the fellowship would have on the student’s short- or long-term specific research goals (article, paper) and overall educational trajectory.

Top Ten style checks for PhDs

photo_2019-12-24 12.54.25.jpeg

Style issues for writing creative non-fiction at a research level are rather different from the rules or guidance for fiction writers. As in many professional tasks, having a basic checklist can often help you develop your own practice. Here are some possible kernel questions that may help.

1.How many words are there in your paragraphs? — Aim for around 150 to 200 words average. Never have paragraphs below 50 words [this makes your text look bitty and fragmented], or above c.250 to 300 words [readers will get lost]

2. Do your paragraphs follow a ‘topic/ body/ tokens/ wrap’ structure, like this?

First (topic) sentence — Clearly signposts the topic of the paragraph
Body (middle) of the paragraph — Sets out argument and gives detailed exegesis.
Tokens — handle evidence, examples, and supplementary elucidation supporting the main argument. Be careful, they can become digresive.
Last (wrap) sentence — Sums up the paragraph conclusion and signals the implication of findings. (Tip: sometimes the Wrap sentence gets displaced, so that it appears as the first sentence of the next paragraph, which then mis-signals what the next paragraph is about).

3. If not what is the structure? How easy or hard is it for readers to ‘glean’ what a paragraph is about on a quick view?

4. How long are your sentences? How long are the outlier (smallest and largest) sentences? [Check the ‘Tools’ menu in Word here] — Aim for c. 20 words as an average. Is there a decent variety of sentence lengths and structures? Or is your writing unvaried and repetitive-looking?

5. Are you using active verbs with real subjects?[good] Or passive verbs, whose subjects are abstractions, reifications or anthromorphized concepts? [bad] Word and other equivalents will identify every passive formulation in the Spellchecker facility — go through and change them all over.

6. In each sentence do you keep the subject, verb, and object (SVO) close together and clearly linked? Are the qualifying clauses in your sentences placed at the beginning or end of sentences [good]? Or in the middle, between SVO components [bad]?

7. Do your sentences generally have a Link/Frame/Deliver sequence — or some other pattern? Do you have some variety in your sentence lengths and structures?

8. How much jargon do you use? How many multi-syllabic words are there? How high would you score on the ‘fog index’? Do you keep acronyms to a minimum and explain well any that you do use? Are you minimizing on the use of capital letters, bold or italics (they all generally make your text less readable)?

9. Stand back and ask — Is this text attractive, involving, varied and interesting? How could it become more so?

10. Apply the BBC test. Does a paragraph or sentence

Build your argument, advance readers’ understanding, strike the right tone and reach the right level? — Keep this text intact
Blur your argument, perhaps repeating material, over-analysing already clear points, or waffling with no clear purpose? — Assess the usefulness of such text critically. Not all ‘blur’ materials or slack should be cut out if they help readers. But be skeptical.
Corrode the thesis, creating a liability by including material that is wrong, too crude, or is out of scope or irrelevant to the main argument at this point? — Always either cut out the text concerned; or radically upgrade it so that it is no longer corrosive.
To follow up these ideas in more detail see my book: Patrick Dunleavy, ‘Authoring a PhD’ (Palgrave, 2003) or the Kindle edition, where Chapter 5 covers ‘Writing clearly’ and Chapter 6 ‘Developing as a Writer’.

There is also very useful advice on Rachael Cayley’s blog Explorations of Style.

Illumina Sequencing (for Dummies) -An overview on how our samples are sequenced.

A primer for Illumina sequencing


For the past year (or so), I have been really struggling to understand the rudiments of how Illumina sequencing works, especially with the concept of “paired ends”. I needed a simple, clear explanation of the “for Dummies” variety (I love those books!). I have struggled with the variety of sources out there that describe Illumina sequencing, none of which seem to be exactly how the samples in my lab are sequenced. So here’s my version of an explanation. I think I just may finally be cracking this one conceptually…(and I made a set of video lectures about this too, audio isn’t great so consider them beta but “up”).

First, our samples are sequenced (at the Hubbard Genome Center of UNH) on an Illumina HiSeq 2500 machine. We have 250 bp Paired End (PE) reads done, and our libraries are made by size selecting for fragments not smaller than 350 bp…

View original post 1,442 剩余字数


Considering that there are approximately 30,000 human genes and that up to 60% are alternatively spliced, this new antisense approach may have far-reaching implications in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Oligonucleotides can be used to silence mutations that cause aberrant splicing, thus restoring correct splicing and function of the defective gene. This is important since close to 50% of genetic disorders are caused by mutations that cause defects in pre-mRNA splicing. Thus, targeting splicing with antisense oligonucleotides significantly extends the clinical potential of these compounds.

Examples of Splice Modulating ASO Drugs

In December 2016, Ionis Pharmaceuticals announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had approved nusinersen for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in pediatric and adult patients. SMA is a leading genetic cause of death in infants and toddlers, marked by progressive and debilitating muscle weakness. According to Chiriboga et al., nusinersen is a 2’-O-(2-methoxyethyl) (MOE) phosphorothioate (PS)-modified ASO designed to alter splicing of SMN2 mRNA and increase the amount of functional SMN protein produced, thus compensating for the genetic defect in the SMN1 gene.

In December 2018, Sarepta Therapeutics announced that it had completed the submission of a New Drug Application (NDA) seeking accelerated approval for golodirsen, a phosphordiamidate morpholino oligomer (PMO, depicted here) for treatment of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), who have genetic mutations subject to skipping exon 53 of the Duchenne gene. Duchenne is a fatal genetic neuromuscular disorder affecting an estimated one in approximately every 3,500 – 5,000 males born, worldwide.

In addition, the announcement stated that Sarepta’s eteplirsen PMO for DMD in patients with a confirmed mutation of the DMD gene amenable to exon 51 skipping, had also been approved under accelerated approval based on the increased dystrophin levels in skeletal muscle observed in some patients treated with this drug. However, a clinical benefit of eteplirsen has not been established, meaning that continued approval for this indication may be contingent upon verification of a clinical benefit in confirmatory trials.

In December 2018, ProQR Therapeutics announced a publication in Nature Medicine regarding the results of a clinical trial investigating its splice modulating ASO, QR-110, for the treatment of Leber’s congenital amaurosis 10 (LCA10), a rare but severe form of childhood blindness. LCA10 is an inherited retinal dystrophy associated with mutations in the CEP290 gene. QR-110 is a single-stranded, fully PS- and 2′-O-methyl (2’-OMe)-modified RNA oligonucleotide designed to correct the splicing defect resulting from the CEP290 c.2991+1655A>G mutation, which is the underlying cause of LCA10. QR-110 is designed to restore normal (wild-type) CEP290 mRNA, leading to the production of normal CEP290 protein. QR-110 is intended to be administered through intravitreal injections in the eye, and it has been granted orphan drug designation in the United States and the European Union, receiving fast-track designation by the FDA.

Systematic Development of Splice Modulating ASOs

Despite the proven utility of splice modulating ASOs and increasing interest in this mechanistic class of nucleic acids, published information on the design of these compounds is scarce. Wilton and collaborators have addressed this issue in a September 2019 publication, briefly summarized below. Readers interested in details should consult the full paper at this link.

According to these researchers, splice modulating ASOs are designed to hybridize to elements within or flanking an exon, thereby influencing its recognition by the spliceosome (depicted here) so that the exon is preferentially retained or excised from the mature mRNA, as required. They add that redirection of splicing is presumably a consequence of the ASO preventing positive (enhancer) or negative (silencer) splicing factors from recognizing enhancer or silencer elements in the pre-mRNA transcript. Steric hindrance by the ASO at these sites alters the recognition of normal splice sites by the splicing machinery, leading to alternative selection of exons or intronic sequences in the targeted transcript.

Wilton and collaborators state that several Web-based tools have facilitated the prediction of potential splice factor motifs in any given sequence, and that bioinformatics can contribute to the design of splice switching ASOs. While it is relatively straightforward to target AOs to predicted enhancer or silencer motifs, or to confirmed splice donor or acceptor sites, they cite published examples on how this approach does not consistently yield effective splice altering ASO sequences. In their opinion, “identifying target domains within a pre-mRNA that influence splicing and then refining ASO design through micro-walking [exemplified here] must be done empirically.”


RT-PCR analysis of ITGA4 transcripts demonstrating refinement of splice switching ASOs targeting ITGA4 exon 3. ASOs tested in a first screen are indicated by red lines and the micro-walked ASOs tested in a second screen are represented by blue lines. Nucleotide positions are -/+ numbers and levels of exon skipping after transfection at 100 nM are % values. Taken from Aung-Htut et al. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(20), 5030 and free to use.

To date, Wilton and collaborators have screened over 5,000 ASOs as potential splice modulating agents directed at numerous gene transcripts linked to genetic diseases that may be potentially amenable to a splice intervention therapy. In addition, they have explored non-productive splicing to downregulate expression of selected gene transcripts. This was achieved through induction of non-functional isoforms by either the excision of exons encoding crucial functional domains, or disruption of the reading frame. Consequently, these researchers have developed the following general guidelines, which are efficient and effective in developing biologically active splice switching ASOs:

1) The pre-mRNA sequence is interrogated by one or more in silico prediction programs to identify potential splice enhancer or silencer motifs.
2) Antisense oligonucleotides, typically 20- to 25-mers, are designed to anneal to the target motifs and are synthesized with 2′-OMe nucleobases and PS linkages throughout. (Note: 2’-OMe/PS-modified ASOs are available from TriLink BioTechnologies)
The test compounds are complexed with cationic liposome preparations and transfected into cells.
3) After incubation, total RNA is extracted and the target transcript is amplified using RT-PCR to assess differences in pre-mRNA processing, with and without ASO treatment.
4) Oligomers shown to induce the desired changes in pre-mRNA processing are further refined by micro-walking around the annealing site and/or altering AO length.
5) Transfection studies over a range of concentrations are performed to identify compound(s) that modify splicing in a dose-dependent manner, and at the lowest concentration.

Comments on These Guidelines

According to Wilton and collaborators, the use of negative ASO control sequences, whether they be random, scrambled, or unrelated, is essential to confirm specific target modification. Establishing target specificity is particularly crucial in situations where gene downregulation is the desired outcome. However, in many cases of splice switching (either exon skipping, exon retention, or intron retention), the presence of a novel transcript is proof of the anticipated antisense mechanism.

The researchers further note that, depending on the gene and targeted exon, up to two-out-of-three ASOs designed in a first pass can induce some level of exon skipping. However, targeting certain motifs noticeably results in more efficient exon skipping than others, and when developing any ASO for clinical use, the most appropriate compound will be one that induces robust splice switching at a low concentration.

The use of a positive transfection control ASO is recommended for each transfection experiment, as this can control for transfection efficiencies across different experiments. It is also important to note that cell confluency, passage number, and other culture conditions can substantially influence transfection efficiency in primary cells and may lead to variations in ASO efficacy between biological replicates.

In some cases, individual ASOs were ineffective at modifying exon selection, even after transfection at high concentrations. Wilton and collaborators state that they have frequently found that selective ASO “cocktails”, which include two or more ASOs used in conjunction for a given exon target, mediate exon skipping in a synergistic manner, while each ASO transfected alone is ineffective. Conversely, they have also observed a marked decrease in exon skipping efficiency when two highly effective AOs are combined.

Wilton et al. also recommend confirming the identity of putative exon-skipped products by direct DNA sequencing, as nearby cryptic splice sites may be activated, resulting in the generation of amplicons of similar length to the expected product. A difference of only a few bases in length can be difficult to resolve on an agarose gel, and such differences would be impossible to detect in longer RT-PCR products representing multiple exons.

Upon identification of amenable sites in the pre-mRNA that induce the desired splice modulation, ASOs can be further optimized by micro-walking and shifting the ASO annealing sites in either direction to ensure the most amenable splice motifs have been targeted, as was depicted and exemplified above. If considered necessary and of particular relevance, further micro-walking can be undertaken by moving the lead ASO candidate target sequence a few nucleotides in either the 5′ or 3′ direction. Finally, systematic truncation of a lead ASO can provide the shortest ASO that retains the desired level of potency.

Concluding Remarks

This blog started off by noting the pioneering work of Ryszard Kole, which was first reviewed by Kole et al. in an article titled RNA modulation, repair and remodeling by splice switching oligonucleotides published in Acta Biochimica Polonica in 2004. This initial review, published in a relatively obscure Polish journal, is freely downloadable at this link for readers interested in learning more about the “early days” of this exciting field. The introduction provides the following historical statement that’s worth mentioning:

The cited seminal paper in 1993 in PNAS by Dominski (a postdoctoral student) and Kole is also freely available at this link. The aforementioned review by Kole et al., depicted as the single data point for 2004 in the graph below, has been succeeded by a rapidly increasing number of annual publications in PubMed.Given this trend, and the clinical development of splice modulating ASOs discussed in this blog, it seems likely that future successes will follow for this novel mechanistic class of modified oligonucleotides as therapeutic agents for genetic diseases.


THIS IS ADAPTED FROM: http://zon.trilinkbiotech.com/2019/11/26/splice-modulating-antisense-oligonucleotides/


Preventing misguided creations

The clearest way to visually depict an idea must always be carefully considered. Rather than repurposing existing plots and schematics, Review figures should craftily organize, summarize, and redraw the information in a meaningful way. This is perhaps the best opportunity for creativity; again, everyone remembers Frankenstein’s monster.

So, let’s assume we’ve decided a paneled figure is best for depicting emerging MOF applications. Now it’s time to sew the panels together and infuse the figure with life. However, careful steps must be taken to avoid transforming the paneled figure into the dreaded Frankenfigure. Here is some general advice for creating a readily adoptable figure:

Ensure a clear layout
Upon inspection, it should be immediately obvious how to interpret a figure. Clear and logical visual flow is essential for reader comprehension (e.g., top-to-bottom and left-to-right). Each panel should be visually and/or spatially separated to clearly delineate topics. Of course, it should be clear as to what information belongs with each panel (see Frankenfigures 1C and 1E).

Contextualize panels
Repurposed figures lack the context provided in the original article because the remainder of the article is discarded. Careful subtitles, figure and symbol labels, descriptors, and captions can resurrect the necessary context. For example, readers would certainly benefit from a description of the molecular structure and red circles in Frankenfigure 1A or added scale bars in Frankenfigure 1E. Don’t forget, readers will have difficulty understanding a disembodied figure without help.

Pay attention to details
Details matter. They really do. The figure should be consistent in all possible ways to increase the likelihood of reader comprehension. At a minimum, the figure should display coherent legible fonts, panel background colors, image quality, and relative panel sizes. Even if panels come from multiple sources, it shouldn’t be obvious to the reader.

Edit the figure
It is easy to want to keep adding more elements to the figure; however, it is important that each additional component be critical to teaching the desired concept. Remove any figure components that stray from the main concept—not all the article’s complexities must be included in a single figure!

Utilize figure captions
The reader should have the necessary information to fully interpret the figure from simply viewing the image and associated caption. And although Frankenstein’s monster lacked a name, this doesn’t mean your figure has to! Short, descriptive figure titles can be used in the beginning of the caption to add context for the reader.

How to prepare creative and effective figures?

Class 1: Data collection and replotting 

One interesting and important class of Review figures consists of data acquired from a variety of sources that are compiled into a single figure in an insightful fashion. This type of figure allows readers to draw new conclusions, often with bigger-picture takeaways, from data that otherwise exists scattered throughout the literature. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate this idea. This format is a great way to present numerical data for direct comparison, and is, in many cases, superior to including a variety of plots from many literature sources. A clear advantage is that these figures only display data that best supports the authors’ main message rather than including extraneous information likely present in pre-existing figures. Additionally, articles existing in the literature often use different scales, units, and metrics, so replotting the data affords both the author and readers a chance to compare seemingly disparate data sets.  

Both Figures 1 and 2 are original figures that compile data from an assortment of references. This means that authors can carefully control the color scheme, size, and font to be clear and uniform. Importantly, all axes are clearly labeled, each figure panel is clearly distinguishable, and there are only a few panels. Figure 2 is interesting in that (B) is a legend/key for (A). This design allows the figure to convey a great deal of information with the plot in panel A being overly cluttered. 

Figure 1

Figure 1. The authors describe metal-insulator transitions in correlated oxides for solid-state neuromorphic computing. The details in (A–D) are not important. However, in (E), the authors created a plot change in resistivity/conductivity at the metal-insulator transition temperature, TC, for these materials. The vertical dashed line at 400 K labels the threshold imperative for computing which allows the reader to effectively view promising material candidates for this application. 

Figure 2

Figure 2. The authors of this article defined a new figure of merit for biofabrication, RTM, and plotted various technologies according to their calculated or estimated RTM. This let the authors compare different technologies in a novel, objective manner. 

Class 2: Schematic illustrations 

Another exciting class of Review figures is schematic diagrams. Schematics are valuable figure designs in most article types because they succinctly convey to the reader complex processes that would otherwise be difficult to visualize from a short description alone. Figure 3 demonstrates this idea for the processing of perovskite solar modules. The artistic rendering of the manufacturing process captures the reader’s attention but is still straightforward to understand. This figure is particularly illustrative because it is multi-scale, showing both the sequential processing as well as the various components added to the module at each step. Rather than appearing as a many-paneled figure, the schematic stands on its own with clear visual flow in a clockwise (and bottom-up) manner. 

Figure 3

Figure 3. This is a schematic that simultaneously depicts the layers of the perovskite solar modules as well as the processing steps. TCO is the transparent conductive oxide, ETL is the electron transport layer, and HTL is the hole transport layer. P1, P2, and P3 are three scribing steps 

Class 3: Conceptual diagrams 

A final general class of Review figures is conceptual diagrams, which are a subclass of schematic figures that organize concepts. This type of figure can be used in all article formats but are most often present in Reviews. Of course, the information contained in a conceptual diagram could be explained within the main text of the article. However, the figure presents the information in a way that the reader can quickly digest. Conceptual diagrams allow the author to emphasize key article points in a visual format. Figure 4 provides an excellent example. Here, the figure organizes the strategies and challenges for designing battery components in lithium-air batteries. The success of Figure 4 stems from its simplicity, with succinct text and visually organized ideas that allows the reader to easily understand their connectivity. Importantly, the amount of text in the figure is limited and the article itself is used to elaborate on the details and concepts. 

Figure 4

Figure 4. The is a conceptual diagram that organizes the issues facing Li air batteries as well as the material design strategies. 

Become an artist 

These types of Review figures are far from exhaustive. However, we chose these general classes and specific examples because we, as readers, find them to be particularly insightful and enlightening. As these examples demonstrate, standout Review figures stem from a unique and original twist on a concept. By starting from scratch, figures are designed to convey the main article message in a neat, uniform, and tidy way but without the extraneous components 

RNA-Seq: 10年回顾和展望


RNA测序(RNA-seq)在过往十年里逐渐成为全转录组水平分析差异基因表达和研究mRNA差异剪接必不可少的工具。随着二代测序技术 (NGS)的发展,RNA-seq的应用也越来越广。现已经可以应用于很多RNA层面的研究,比如单细胞基因表达、RNA翻译(translatome)和RNA结构组(structurome结构组学)。新的有意思的应用,如空间转录组学(spatialomics)也在积极研究中。通过结合新兴的三代长读长long-read和direct RNA-seq技术,以及更好的计算分析工具,RNA-seq帮助大家对RNA生物学的理解会越来越全面:从转录本在何时何地转录到RNA折叠以及分子互作发挥功能等。


RNA测序(RNA-seq)自诞生起就应用于分子生物学,帮助理解各个层面的基因功能。现在的RNA-seq更常用于分析差异基因(DGE, differential gene expression),而从得到差异基因表达矩阵,该标准工作流程的基本分析步骤一直是没有太大变化:

* 始于湿实验,提取RNA,富集mRNA或消除rRNA,合成cDNA和构建测序文库。
* 然后在高通量平台(通常是Illumina)上进行测序,每个样本测序reads深度为10-30 Million reads。
* 最后一步是计算:比对/拼装测序reads到转录本,计数与转录本比对上的reads数定量,样本间过滤和标准化,样本组间基因/转录本统计差异分析。

早期的RNA-seq实验从细胞群(如来源于某个组织或器官的细胞)中得到DGE数据,并可以应用于很多物种,如玉米(Zea mays),拟南芥(Arabiodopsis thaliana),酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisae),鼠(Mus musculus)和人(Homo sapiens)。虽然RNA-seq这个词通常包含很多不同的RNA相关的方法或生物应用,但DGE分析始终是它的主要应用(表1),并且是DGE研究的常规工具。

RNA-seq的广泛应用促进了对许多生物层面的理解,如揭示了mRNA剪接的复杂性、非编码RNA和增强子RNA调控基因表达的机制。RNA-seq的发展和进步一直离不开技术发展的支持(湿实验方面和计算分析方面),且与先前的基于基因芯片的技术比起来,获得的信息更多、偏好性更小。到目前为止,已从标准的RNA-seq流程中衍生出多达100种不同的应用。大部分应用都是基于Illumina short-read测序,但最近基于long-read RNA-seq和direct RNA sequencing (dRNA-seq)的方法可以帮助解决Illumina short-read技术处理不了的问题。

本文中,我们先熟悉’baseline’流程,用short-read RNA-seq技术分析DGE。先描述短读长测序的文库构建过程、实验设计注意事项和计算分析流程,探究其应用如此广泛的原因。然后描述单细胞转录组和空间转录组的发展和应用。我们会举例说明RNA-seq在RNA生物学关键研究中的应用,包括转录和翻译的动力学分析,RNA结构,RNA-RNA和RNA-蛋白质间相互作用等。最后我们小小地展望一下RNA-seq的未来,如单细胞和空间转录组是否也会是以后的常规分析,在什么情况下long reads会替代short reads RNA-seq。不过篇幅有限,本文对RNA-seq分析还是有照顾不到的地方,比如典型的有非编码转录组,原核转录组和表观转录组。

图1A:三种RNA测序方式的建库方法概览:short-read测序(黑色),long-read cDNA测序(绿色)和long-read direct RNA-seq(蓝色)。根据不同的应用目的,文库构建的复杂性和偏好性不同。short-read和long-read cDNA的建库方案在很多步骤是一样的,比如在所有建库方案中接头连接是共有的。三种方法都会受到样本质量和文库构建上下游的计算问题影响。


图1B: 三种主要测序技术的比较。
Illumina workflow(左):建库之后,单独的cDNA分子在流动槽中构建测序簇,使用3’阻断的荧光标记的核苷酸进行边合成边测序。在每一轮测序中,高速摄像机拍照捕获当前激发的荧光,来判断当前是哪个核苷酸合成进来,测序长度在50-500 bp。
The Pacific Biosciences workflow(中):建库之后,每个分子与固定在纳米孔底部的聚合酶结合。然后是边合成边测序,测序长度可以高达50 kb。
The Oxford Nanopore workflow(右):建库后,将单个分子加载到流动槽中,在接头连接过程中加上的分子马达会与生物纳米孔结合。马达蛋白控制RNA链穿过生物纳米孔,引起电流变化,从而推测出经过的碱基序列,生成的测序reads大小为1-10 kb。

图1C:short-read,long-read和direct RNA-seq分析

人体中,超过90%的基因(gene n)会发生可变剪接,并生成至少两种不同的表达形式(转录本x,y)。相比于long-read测序可以直接测到每一种不同的转录本,从而获得更全面的信息,short-read的测序在检测转录本上受限于短reads比对的模糊性。在short-read cDNA测序中,有很多reads比对回两个不同转录本共享的外显子上导致无法确定其真实来源。跨越2个或多个外显子的Junction reads可以改善转录异构体的分析,但当两种转录异构体共享剪接断点时就无能为力了。这些问题都增加了分析和解读结果的复杂度。long-read cDNA方法能直接检测全长转录异构体,从而移除或大幅减少检测偏好,提高差异表达转录本分析的准确率。

而以上这些方法都依赖于cDNA转换,这一过程抹去了有关RNA碱基修饰的信息,而且也只能粗略估计多聚腺苷酸(poly(A))尾巴的长度,而direct RNA-seq可以直接分析全长转录本异构体、度量碱基修饰(比如N6-甲基腺苷(M6A))和检测poly(A)尾巴长度。


在NCBI Short Read Archive (SRA)数据共享平台中多于95%的数据来自于Illumina short-read测序技术(表2)。目前几乎所有已发布的mRNA-seq数据都是short-read测序所得,所以我们认为这是RNA-seq技术的常规操作,接下来讨论它的主要流程和限制。不过在转录异构体检测的研究(图1;表1)方面,不断进步的long-read cDNA测序和dRNA-seq技术将向short-read测序技术的主导地位发起挑战。


short-read cDNA测序用于差异基因分析

short-read测序是检测和定量转录组范围基因表达的最常见方式,部分原因是因为它比表达芯片更便宜、更易于应用,但更主要的是它可以获得全转录组水平高质量的表达数据。采用Illumina的short-read测序做DGE分析的核心步骤包括RNA提取,cDNA合成,接头连接,PCR扩增,测序和数据分析(图一)。由于mRNA片段化和基于beads的文库纯化过程中偏好150-200 bp的片段,导致这个方案最后获得的cDNA片段都在200 bp以下。每个样本平均测20-30 million reads,对每个基因或转录本进行定量,再统计分析差异基因(参考RNA-seq数据分析部分)。short-read RNA-seq结果很稳定,对RNA-seq的short-read测序技术多次测试比较发现,其平台内和平台间的相关性都很好。然而在样本准备和计算分析阶段有一些步骤也会引入偏好性。这些限制会影响特定生物问题的解释,比如正确地识别和定量一个基因的多个转录异构体。这一局限与研究特别长或特别多变的转录异构体尤其相关。如人的转录组中,50%的转录本长度大于2500 bp,转录本长度范围在186 bp到109 kb。尽管short-read RNA-seq 可以对更长的转录本进行细致的分析,但相应的方法很难高通量化用于全转录组范围的分析。其它的偏好性和限制可能来自于RNA-seq数据分析的计算方法,比如怎么处理在基因组上有多个匹配位置的序列。一个新的称为合成长读长测序 (synthetic long reads)可以进行全长mRNA测序和解决一部分存在的问题。在short-read RNA-seq建库前利用唯一分子标识符(UMI)标记cDNA分子,从而解决短读长问题做到测序全长mRNA。基于这个技术可以对长达4 kb的转录本异构体进行鉴定和定量。从根本上解决short-cDNA测序固有限制的最有效的方法还是long-read cDNA测序和dRNA-seq方法。

long-read cDNA 测序

尽管Illumina是目前主流的RNA-seq平台,但Pacific Biosciences(PacBio)和Oxford Nanopore(ONT)能在完整的RNA分子反转录为cDNA后进行单分子长读长测序。因为消除了short RNA-seq reads需要的组装步骤,可以解决short reads测序相关的一些问题。例如:序列比对的模糊性降低,可以鉴定更长的转录本,这些有助于更好地检测转录异构体的多样性。同时还可以降低许多short-read RNA-seq计算工具引入的剪接位点检测的高假阳性率。

基于PacBio技术的Iso-Seq能够检测长达15 kb的全长转录本cDNA reads,这有助于发现大量先前未注释的转录本,并通过全长测序确认了早期基于跨物种同源序列的基因预测结果。在标准的Iso-Seq实验流程中,模板置换逆转录酶可以将高质量RNA转化为用来测序的全长cDNA。然后将得到的cDNA进行PCR扩增,并构建PacBio单分子实时(single-molecule, real-time,SMRT)文库。因为短转录本可以很快地扩散到测序芯片的活性表面造成一定的测序偏好,建议选择1至4 kb长度的转录本一起测序,以保证这一长度范围的长短转录本有同等几率进行测序。同时PacBio测序对模板量需求很大,要求进行大体积PCR,需要优化反应体系降低过扩增的影响。PCR末端修复和PacBio SMRT 接头连接后,就可以进行long-read测序了;通过调整测序芯片的上样条件可以进一步控制测序片段的大小选择偏好。

ONT cDNA测序也可以测序全长转录本,而且适用于单细胞测序。同样使用模板置换逆转录来制备全长cDNA,在加接头制备测序文库之前,可以自己决定是否进行PCR扩增。Direct cDNA测序可消除PCR偏差,获得的测序结果质量更高 ;PCR扩增的cDNA文库的测序产出(测序获得的reads数)更高,适用于样本中RNA含量较少的情况。而目前还未在ONT cDNA测序中发现PacBio测序存在的转录本长短选择偏好。

这些long-read cDNA方法都受模板置换逆转录酶限制。这个酶可以把全长和截断的RNA都转换成cDNA。反转录酶只将5’-capped mRNA转换成cDNA,这样就降低了由于RNA降解、RNA断裂导致的转录本截断生成的cDNA和不完整的cDNA合成,从而提高数据质量。但是这些逆转录酶对ONT平台的测序reads读长有反作用。

Long-read direct RNA 测序

正如上面所讨论的,long-read和baseline short-read 平台一样,都需要在测序之前将mRNA转化成cDNA。近期Oxford Nanopore展示他们的纳米孔测序技术能直接测序RNA,也就是说,建库过程中没有修复、cDNA合成、PCR扩增这些过程,移除了这些操作过程的偏好并且保留了RNA上的表观修饰信息,这一技术也称为dRNA-seq。直接从RNA建库需要两步接头连接。首先,带有oligo(dT)悬臂的duplex adaptor与mRNA的PolyA尾巴退火连接。后续是一个可选的逆转录操作,用于提高测序通量(一般推荐做)。第二个连接操作就是添加连有分子马达的测序接头用于后续测序。随后文库加载入MinION,启动3ʹpoly(A)尾巴向5ʹcap端的RNA测序。早期研究表明,dRNA-seq的测序长度在1000 bp左右,最大测序长度超过10 kb。与短读长测序相比,长读长测序可以改善转录异构体的检测,估计PolyA尾巴的长度进行选择性多腺苷酸化分析。Nanopolish-polya工具可以分析纳米孔测序得到的数据,计算基因间或转录本间的poly(A)尾的长度。结果表明内含子保留的转录本相比于完全剪切的转录本具有稍长的PolyA尾巴。虽然dRNA-seq还处于起步阶段,但是其能直接检测RNA碱基修饰的潜力有望在表观转录组领域促进更新的发现。



当前长读长测序方法的主要局限就是其通量低。在Illumina平台上,一个RUN可以生成10^9-10^10条reads,而PacBio和ONT平台上,一个RNA-seq RUN只能产生10^6-10^7 reads。这种低通量限制了应用长读长测序的项目的大小(实验样本的数目),并降低了差异基因表达检测的灵敏性。当然也不是所有的应用都需要很高的测序深度。比如如果研究者关注的是转录异构体的发现和鉴定,测序长度比测序深度更重要。测序1百万个PacBio环形一致性序列 (circular consensus-sequencing, CCS) 可以保证长度大于1 kb的高表达基因测通,ONT测序技术也是如此。因此,测序深度主要影响低中表达的基因。低通量的局限性在研究功能基因组进行大规模差异基因分析时会更明显。为了获得足够的以保证转录组表达变化检测的准确性,需要对多个样品组的多个生物学重复同时进行测序分析。在这些应用上,长读长技术不太可能取代短读长技术,除非它们的通量能提高2个数量级。随着全长RNA-seq reads数目增加,转录本检测的灵敏度将会达到Illumina平台的水平,但有着更高的特异性。通过将Illumina 的短读长RNA-Seq与PacBio的长读长Iso-Seq结合 (并且可能还与ONT方法结合),在保留转录本定量质量的基础上,可以增加RefSeq注释的全长转录异构体检测的数量、灵敏性和特异性。尽管当前长读长RNA-seq方法实验成本更高,但它们可以检测短读长方法所遗漏的转录异构体,尤其是那些难以测序但与临床相关的区域,例如高度多态的人类主要组织相容性复合体MHC或雄激素受体。

长读长测序平台的第二个主要限制是其高错误率,比成熟的Illumina测序仪要高出一到两个数量级。长读长测序平台上生成的数据还包含更多的插入-缺失错误。如果是做突变位点检测这些错误率/错误形式会影响很大,但是对转录组分析影响并不是太大,只要能区分转录本和转录异构体即可。如果是应用于对错误率敏感的项目,也有一些办法进行补救。PacBio SMRT测序平台出现的典型测序错误是随机错误,可以通过增加测序深度来进行CCS序列矫正解决。在测序过程中,cDNA的长度是人为选择控制的,连接接头后形成环形模板,每个分子可以被测序多次,从而产生长度范围是10-60 kb的连续长序列,里面包含了原始cDNA的多份拷贝。这些长序列经过计算拆分成为单个cDNA子读长 (subreads),并比对在一起互相校正获得一致性序列。插入的cDNA分子测序到的次数越多,校正后错误率越低;研究表明CCS可以将错误率降低到与短读长相当甚至更低的水平。但是,把平台的测序能力用于读取相同的分子更加加剧了其测序通量低的问题,更少的独立转录本会被测到。

长读长RNA-seq方法的敏感性还受到其他几个因素的影响。首先,用于建库的RNA分子需要是全长转录本,但由于RNA提取、分离过程中会导致RNA断裂或实验过程中RNA降解,使得理想状态并非总能实现。这种情况在短读长RNA-seq中也会导致可控的3ʹ端偏好,但对定位于应用长读长的RNA-seq分析全长转录组的研究者来说,即使是低水平的RNA降解,效果也会受限。因此,相关研究者需要在RNA提取后进行严格质控。其次,中位读长长度也会受到文库制备中的技术问题与技术偏好的限制,例如cDNA合成过程中的截断或降解的mRNA反转录成的降解cDNA。最近研发的高效逆转录酶具有更好的链特异性和更均一的3’-5’转录本覆盖,可能会改善这一过程。虽然还没有广泛使用,但是这些高效逆转录酶也提高了对结构稳定的RNAs(如tRNAs)的覆盖检测,这是其它在基于oligo-dT和全转录组分析 (WTA) 的方法中使用的逆转录酶很难达到的效果。第三,长读长测序平台固有的偏好(如长插入文库在测序芯片上的更不容易进行测序)会降低更长转录本的覆盖率。

长读长测序 (不管是基于cDNA还是RNA) 因为读长长,解决了短读长测序方法用于转录异构体分析的短板。长读长方法可以获得从Poly(A)尾巴到5ʹ帽子的全长转录本读长。因此,这些方法对转录本和转录异构体的分析不再依赖于短序列重构转录本或推测转录本的存在;而是每个测序到的reads都代表它所来源的RNA分子。基于全长cDNA测序或dRNA-seq的差异基因分析依赖于PacBio和ONT技术的通量提高。长读长RNA-seq与深度短读长RNA-seq技术结合的思路正在迅速被研究者用于更全面的分析,这非常类似于基因组组装所采取的混合组装方式。随着研究的深入,长读长和dRNA-seq方法将会揭示:即便在研究的很透彻的物种中,已经鉴定出的基因和转录本可能也只是冰山一角。随着方法的成熟和测序通量的增加,基于长读长的差异转录本分析将会成为常规研究。基于组装的长读长RNA-seq (synthetic long-read RNA-seq)或其它技术的发展对这个领域的影响还有待观察。从目前来看,Illumina短读长RNA-seq依然占据了该领域的主导地位。后面我们只会集中讨论短读长测序。


RNA-seq方法源于早期的表达序列标签 (expressed-sequence tag)和表达芯片技术,最初用于分析多聚腺苷酸化的转录本。但是,二代测序的应用发现了这些方法的局限性,虽然在表达芯片中并不明显。因此,在RNA-seq技术首次发表后不久,许多文库制备方法的改进相继推出。例如,片段化RNA而非cDNA可以降低3’/5’偏好,链特异性文库制备方法能够更好的区分正链和负链转录的基因,这些改进都能获得更准确的转录本丰度估计。片段化RNA和构建链特异性文库很快成了大部分RNA-seq文库制备试剂盒的标配。这里我们简要描述了RNA-seq方法的其它改进,以便研究者可以根据特定的生物学问题或样本自身特征进行选择。这些改进包括不基于oligo-dT的RNA富集方法,特异性富集3ʹ或5ʹ末端转录本的方法,使用UMIs区分PCR duplicates的方法,以及针对降解的RNA构建文库的方法。这些方法的组合(也包括dRNA-seq和后面提到的分析其它状态的RNA的方法)允许研究者揭示由可变poly(A) (alternative poly(A), APA),或选择性启动子 (alternative promoter)和可变剪接 (alternative splicing)导致的转录组的复杂性。


大多数发表的RNA-seq数据都是基于oligo-dT方法富集包含poly(A)尾巴的转录本,定位于分析转录组上的蛋白质编码区 (生信宝典注:部分lncRNA也有poly(A)尾巴)。但是这种方法除了会导致3ʹ端偏好外,很多不含Poly-A尾巴的非编码RNA,例如miRNA和增强子RNA不会被测到。完全不进行选择而使用全部提取的RNA也不合适,因为这会导致高达95%的测序数据来源于rRNA。因此,研究者选择将oligo-dT富集用于mRNA-seq,移除rRNA进行全转录组测序(WTA)。短链非编码RNAs(如miRNA)既无法用oligo-dT方法富集,WTA测序中也很难覆盖,因此对其研究需要特定的分离建库方法,一般是切胶或磁珠分选后直接连接接头 (sequential RNA ligation,通常构建出来都是链特异性文库) (生信宝典注:这一点尤其要注意)。

WTA生成的RNA-seq数据包含编码和一些非编码RNA。WTA方法也适用于Poly-A尾巴与转录本其它部分分开了的降解了的样品。移除rRNA有两种方法,一种是将rRNAs从总RNA中分离出来(所谓的pull-out法),另一种是使用RNAse H酶降解rRNA。这两种方法都需要使用序列特异性和物种特异性的、能与细胞质rRNA (5S rRNA,5.8S rRNA,18S rRNA和28S rRNA)和线粒体rRNA (12S rRNA和16S rRNA)互补的寡核苷酸探针。为了简化人类、大鼠、小鼠或细菌 (16S和23S rRNA)样本的处理,上述探针混合后再加入提取的总RNA中,与其中的rRNA杂交以便下一步的清除。其它高丰度的转录本,例如珠蛋白RNA (globin)或线粒体RNA也可以按照类似的方法去除。Pull-out方法中探针是带有生物素的,然后使用链霉素包裹的磁珠从总RNA溶液中除去探针-rRNA复合物,剩余的RNA用于建库测序,试剂盒有Ribo-Zero (Illumina,USA) (生信宝典注:还是Illumina取名字霸气)和RiboMinus (Thermo Fisher,USA)。RNAse H方法使用RNAse H (NEBNext RNA depletion(NEB,USA))和RiboErase (Kapa Biossystems,USA)降解oligo-DNA:RNA复合物。最近的比较表明,在RNA质量高的前提下,这两种方法都可以将产出数据中rRNA的比例降低至20%以下。但是,研究还表示RNase H方法比pull-out法的稳定性要好。另外对应用不同试剂盒获得的数据进行差异基因分析时要注意转录本长度的偏好性的影响。作者还描述了另外一种类似于RNase H的方法,效果也不错但之前没有报道过。ZapR方法是Takara Bio的专利技术,它使用一种酶来降解RNA-seq文库中的rRNA片段。相比于oligo-dT RNA测序方法,rRNA移除建库方法的一个局限是需要更高的测序深度,主要是因为文库中还有一定的rRNA留存。


富集RNA 3ʹ端用于Tag RNA-seq以及可变多聚腺苷酸分析 (Enriching RNA 3ʹends for Tag RNA- seq and alternative polyadenylation analysis)


3ʹ mRNA-seq方法中每个转录本获得一条测序片段 (tag read),通常是对其3’末端的测序。tag read的数目理论上与转录本的丰度是成正比的。标签测序法 (tag-sequencing protocols),例如QuantSeq (Lexogen, Austria)通常比标准RNA-seq实验流程更为简单。标签测序法采用随机引物或带有oligo-dT的引物进行PCR扩增分选出转录本的3’末端的同时加上接头序列,优化掉了poly(A)富集、rRNA移除和接头连接等步骤。这一方法可以在更低的测序深度条件下达到与标准RNA-seq相当的敏感性,因此可以混合更多样本同时测序。因为不需要考虑外显子连接检测 (exon junction)和基因长度归一化,这一方法的数据分析也简化了(生信宝典注:其实也是需要考虑的,转录本末端或UTR区也会存在剪接,具体取决于测序读长和特定基因的结构。不过如果使用STAR/BWA等有soft-clip机制的比对工具也可以不考虑。)。但是,3ʹ mRNA-seq方法可能会受到转录本序列相似区域 (homopolymeric region) 导致的引物结合错误进而导致扩增出错误的片段的影响;也只能进行非常有限的转录异构体分析,这会抵消这一方法因为测序深度需求低带来的高性价比,尤其是对于那些仅够一次使用的样本。

mRNAs的选择性多腺苷酸化(APA)会产生3ʹ UTR长度不等的转录异构体。对于一个特定的基因来说,这不只是多转录出几个异构体,而是3ʹUTR中存在的顺式调控元件会影响转录本自身的调控。能够研究APA的方法可以让研究者们对miRNA的调控、mRNA的稳定性和定位、以及mRNA的翻译有更多理解。APA法要求是富集转录本的3ʹ末端,从而提升检测信号和灵敏度,而前面提到的3ʹ mRNA-seq标签测序法则正合适。其它方法如多聚腺苷酸位点测序 (polyadenylation site sequencing, PAS-seq)法,首先将mRNA打断为150 bp左右的片段,然后使用带有oligo-dT的引物进行模板置换生成cDNA用于后续测序,其中的80%的测序序列来源于3ʹUTR。TAIL-seq则避免使用oligo-dT,RNA打断前,先移除rRNA,然后在转录本poly(A)尾巴连接3ʹ接头。片段化后,再加上5ʹ接头就完成了文库制备。在RNA-蛋白互作分析方法如交联免疫沉淀 (cross-linking immunoprecipitation, CLIP)测序和dRNA-seq中也能评估APA。

富集RNA 5ʹ末端用于转录起始位点鉴定 (Enriching RNA 5ʹends for transcription start- site mapping)

富集5ʹ端RNA (7-methylguanosine 5ʹ-capped RNA)的测序的方法常用来鉴定启动子和转录起始位点(TSSs),可以做为DGE分析的补充。有多种方法都可以实现这个操作,但很少作为常规使用。在CAGE (cap analysis of gene expression)和RAMPAGE (RNA annotation and mapping of promoters for analysis of gene expression)方法中,使用随机引物完成cDNA第一条链合成后,mRNA 5ʹ帽子结构上用生物素标记,然后使用链霉亲和素富集5’ cDNA。CAGE使用II型限制性内切酶切割5ʹ端接头下游21-27 bp位置生成短cDNA序列。而RAMPAGE则使用模板置换 (template switching)来生成稍微长一些的cDNA,进行富集测序。单细胞标签逆转录测序技术 (single-cell-tagged reverse transcription sequencing, STRT-seq)能够在单细胞水平上鉴定TSS位点。这一方法使用生物素标记的模板置换寡核苷酸来合成cDNA,磁珠捕获并在5’端片段化然后测序。CAGE应用到的5ʹ末端标记技术是由日本理化所 (Riken)开发用于在早期功能基因研究中最大化获得全长cDNA的方法。日本理化所领导的小鼠功能注释 (FANTOM, Functional Annotation of the Mouse)项目中使用CAGE技术鉴定了1300多个人类和小鼠原代细胞、组织和细胞系的TSSs (转录起始位点),这充分显示了CAGE的强大。在最近的一个方法比较研究中,CAGE也表现最佳。但是作者同时也说到,仅使用5ʹ末端捕获测序鉴定出的TSS位点假阳性比较多,建议结合其他独立的方法进一步验证,如DNase I测序或H3K4me3染色质免疫共沉淀测序 (ChIP-seq)。


RNA-seq数据通常有较高的重复率 (duplication rates),即许多测序序列会比对到转录组的相同位置。在全基因组测序中,比对到同一位置的序列被认为是PCR扩增引入的技术噪音,通常只保留1条用于后续分析;而在RNA-seq中,这些重复的序列则因为可能是真实的生物信号而被保留。高表达的转录本在样本中可能有数百万份RNA拷贝,当做为cDNA测序时,产生相同的片段也是合理的。因此,在比对 (alignment)过程中,不建议计算去除比对到同一位置的序列,因为它们代表了真正的生物信号。尤其是在使用单端测序 (single-end sequencing)时更是如此,因为一对片段只要一端序列相同就会被认为是一个重复 (duplicate);而双端测序 (paired-end sequencing)中,片段化的两端必须发生在同样位置才会导致duplicate,而这个的发生概率比较低。但是,在制备cDNA文库时,由于PCR的偏好性,还是会引入duplication reads;很难去评估PCR引入的重复reads和生物重复reads的比例并把其作为一个质控因素校正RNA-seq实验的结果。

UMIs被认为是一个处理扩增偏好性的方法。在cDNA分子扩增前加入随机UMIs可以用于识别并计算移除PCR引入的重复,而不影响到基因自身表达引入的重复,进而改善基因表达定量的结果和评估等位基因的转录。如果一对测序reads包含有相同的UMI并且比对到转录组的同样位置,则被认为是技术引入的重复 (对单端测序来说,这里的一对测序reads是测序生成的两条序列;对双端测序来说,一对测序reads指同时包含左端和右端的两条测序序列)。

UMIs已经被证明能够通过降低检测到的基因表达变化波动和假阳性率改善RNA-seq差异基因的统计分析。因为单细胞数据的扩增偏好更严重,UMI的使用对单细胞数据结果可靠性至关重要。当使用RNA-seq数据进行变异检测 (variant calling)时,UMIs也非常有用。高表达的转录本更容易达到适合变异检测的高覆盖率要求,尤其在考虑了重复reads时,而UMIs可用于移除PCR扩增引入的reads,从而校正等位基因频率的计算。UMIs已成为单细胞RNA-seq (scRNA-seq)的文库制备试剂盒的标配,也越来越多的用于常规RNA-seq。


RNA-seq文库制备方法的发展也促进了低质量或降解了的RNA的分析,例如从临床获得的福尔马林固定石蜡包埋(FFPE)存储的样本中的RNA。低质量的RNA会导致不均匀的基因覆盖,更高的DGE假阳性率和更高的重复率,与文库的复杂性呈负相关。文库制备方法优化的方向是尽量降低RNA降解的影响。这些方法在开发基于RNA-seq的诊断技术中尤为重要,如类似于基于21个基因RNA特征来预测乳腺癌复发的OncotypeDX试剂盒(尚不基于测序)类似的检测工具。虽然现在有几种方法可以使用,但是比较研究显示两种方法表现最佳,即RNase H与RNA exome。如前所述,RNase H法使用核酸酶消化RNA:DNA复合物中的rRNA,但保留降解的mRNA用于后续测序。RNA exome方法使用寡核苷酸探针来捕获RNA-seq文库分子,非常类似于外显子测序 (exome sequencing)使用的策略。这两种方法应用简单,并都能在保留降解的和片段化的mRNA的前提下降低混入的rRNA的影响,进而获得高质量的和高稳定性的基因表达数据。3ʹ末端标记测序技术与扩增子测序(PCR扩增超过2万个外显子)方法也可以用于分析降解的RNA,但这两种方法并没有RNase H方法应用广泛。


好的DGE RNA-seq实验设计对获取高质量和有生物意义的数据是至关重要的。特别需要考虑的是生物重复的数目、测序深度、采用单端还是双端测序。

生物重复与统计检出力 (replication and experimental power)
实验中必须包含足够的生物学重复以捕获组内样品自身存在的生物差异。定量分析的可信度更多地取决于生物重复,而非测序深度或reads长度。尽管RNA-seq的技术稳定性高于微阵列平台,但生物系统固有的随机变异要求进行常规RNA-seq实验必须要重复一次。额外的重复能够帮助发现异常样品;并且在后续分析前,如有必要时移除或降低异常样品的权重。确定最佳重复数需要仔细考虑几个因素,包括预期的最小变化幅度 (effect size)、组内变异、可接受的假阳性和假阴性率以及最大能用于实验的样本量,并且可以通过使用RNA-seq实验设计工具或统计功效工具进行辅助设计。(http://www.biostathandbook.com/power.html )

样品生物学重复数据选择 1必要性 2需要多少重复?


RNA-seq文库构建好后,就需要确定测序深度了。测序深度是指每个样品获得的测序序列数量。对于真核基因组中的bulk RNA DGE实验,通常需要每个样品大约10–30百万条测序reads。但是,多个物种的比较分析表明,对于最高表达的50%的基因来说,每个样本只需要测序1百万条 reads就可以获得与测序3千万条reads相似的表达定量结果。如果只关注最高表达的基因相对大的表达变化,并且有合适的生物学重复,那么较少的测序就足以产生驱动后续实验的假说。测序完成后,估计的测序深度可以通过检查样品之间reads的分布和绘制饱和度曲线验证,并且饱和曲线还可以评估加测是否能提高检测敏感性。随着测序仪测序通量的增加,将一个实验的所有样品混合到一起同时上机测序(甚至在同一个lane里面测序)是控制技术偏差的标准做法。总产出reads数是样本数与每个样本期望获得的reads数的乘积;如果有必要,混合的文库测序足够多的次数以达到所需的总reads数。混样测序需要仔细测定每个RNA-seq文库的浓度,并假定混合的不同样品中cDNA的总量相差不大(低方差),因此读取的总reads数才能均匀地分到各个样品中。在进行昂贵的多通道混合测序之前,运行单个lane确认样品之间cDNA总量相差不大是值得的预操作。



单端测序与双端测序的问题类似。在单端测序中,每个cDNA片段的一个末端(3′或5′)用于产生测序reads,而双端测序中每个片段产生两个测序reads(一个3′和一个5′)。在需要测序尽可能多核苷酸的实验中,首选long-read paired-end测序。在DGE分析中,用户只需要计算比对到转录本的reads数即可,故不需要对转录本片段的每个碱基都进行测序。例如,将“短”的50 bp的单端测序与“长”的100 bp的双端测序的DGE分析比较表明单端测序也可以获得一致的结果。这是因为单端测序足以确定大多数测序片段来源的基因。相同的研究还表明,短的单端测序会降低检测转录isoform的能力,更少的reads会跨越exon-exon junction。双端测序还可以帮助消除序列比对 (read mapping)的歧义,适用于可变外显子定量 (alternative-exon),融合转录本检测和新转录本发现 ,尤其在注释较差的转录组应用中效果明显。

实际上,单端或双端测序的选择通常取决于成本或用户可用的测序技术。在发布Illumina NovaSeq之前,在大多数情况下,单端测序每百万条reads的成本要低于paired-end测序,因此在相同的实验成本下,可以测序更多的重复或测序更深。如果需要在获取大量较短的单端reads与生成较长和/或双端的reads之间进行选择,则测序深度的增加将对提高DGE检测的敏感性更重要。


在过去的十年中,用于分析RNA-seq以确定差异表达的计算方法的数量已成倍增加,即使对于简单的RNA-seq DGE,在每个阶段的分析实践中也存在很大差异。而且,每个阶段使用的方法的差异以及不同技术组合形成的分析流程都可能会对从数据得出的生物学结论产生重大影响。最优工具组合取决于研究的特定生物学问题以及可用的计算资源。尽管有多种衡量方式,但我们对工具和技术的评估落脚点在它们鉴定出的差异基因的准确性。为了完成这个评估,至少需要四个不同的分析阶段(图2;表2)。第一阶段把测序平台生成的原始测序数据比对到转录组。第二阶段量化与每个基因或转录本来源的reads数量,构建表达矩阵。该过程可能包括1个或多个子过程如比对,组装和定量,或者它也可以一个从读取计数生成表达矩阵。通常有一个第三阶段,包括过滤低表达的基因和至关重要的移除样品间技术差异的标准化过程。DGE的最后阶段是构建样本分组和其它协变量的统计模型,计算差异表达置信度。





如果没有可用的包含已知外显子边界的高质量基因组注释,或者如果希望将reads与转录本(而不是基因)相关联,则需要在比对后执行转录组组装步骤。诸如StringTie和SOAPdenovo-Trans之类的组装工具使用比对reads的gap来推测外显子边界和可能的剪接位点。转录本重头组装特别适用于参考基因组注释缺失或不完整的物种,或者对异常转录本感兴趣(例如在肿瘤组织中)的研究。转录组组装方法受益于双端测序和/或更长的reads的使用,增加跨越splice junctions的可能性。但是,通常不需要从RNA-seq数据中从头做转录组组装来确定DGE (生信宝典注:无参分析组装是必须的)。

最近,涌现了一些计算效率高的“alignment free”工具,例如Sailfish,Kallisto和Salmon,它们将测序reads直接与转录本关联,而无需单独的定量步骤。这些工具在定量高丰度(以及长度更长)的转录本方面表现出很好的性能。但是,它们在定量低丰度或短转录本方面不够准确。(39个工具,120种组合深度评估 (转录组分析工具哪家强))

不同的比对工具如何分配ambiguous reads的策略会影响最后的表达估计。对于可能来自多个不同基因、假基因或转录本的多映射reads (multi-map),这些影响尤为明显。对12种基因表达估计方法的比较显示,某些比对方法低估了许多临床相关基因的表达,这主要取决于对ambiguous reads的处理。在RNA-seq数据的计算分析中,对如何正确分配比对到多个位置的reads进行模型探索仍然是研究的一个重点领域。一种常见的做法是在定量前过滤掉这些reads,但这会导致结果产生偏差。其他方法包括生成包含合并映射重叠区域的“融合”表达特征,以及计算每个基因的映射不确定性估计,以用于后续的置信度的计算。



常用的定量工具包括RSEM,CuffLinks,MMSeq和HTSeq,以及上述的无比对直接定量工具。基于reads计数的工具(例如HTSeq或featureCounts)通常会丢弃许多比对的序列,包括那些具有多个匹配位置或比对到多个表达特征的reads。这可以在随后的分析中消除同源和重叠的转录本。RSEM使用期望最大化模型来分配模糊的reads,而无参考的比对方法(例如Kallisto)则将这些reads用于后续的定量,这可能会导致结果偏差。转录本丰度估计可以转换成等效的read计数,能完成这一转换的部分工具依赖tximport包。量化步骤结束后会得到一个合并的表达矩阵,每个表达特征(基因或转录本)各占一行,每个样品各占一列,中间的值是实际读数 (reads count)或估计的表达丰度。


通常,基因或转录本的reads count需要进行过滤和标准化,以移除测序深度、表达模式和技术偏差的影响。过滤去除在所有样本中都低丰度表达的基因是很直接的方式,并且已经证明可以改善对真正差异表达基因的检测。标准化表达矩阵的方法要复杂一些。简单的转换可以校正丰度,降低GC含量和测序深度的影响。如今人们已经认识到诸如早期应用的RPKM之类的方法是不够的,并已被能够校正样本之间更细微差异的方法所替代,例如四分位数或中位数归一化。(什么?你做的差异基因方法不合适?)

比较研究表明,normalization方法的选择可能对最终结果和生物学结论有重要影响。大多数基于计算的标准化方法依赖于两个关键假设:首先,大多数基因的表达水平在生物重复中变化不大;第二,不同的样本组总的mRNA水平没有显著差异。而当这些基本假设不成立时,就需要仔细考虑是否以及如何执行标准化了。例如,如果一组特定的基因在一个样品组中高表达,而相同的基因加上另一组基因在另一个样品组中表达,那么简单地标准化测序深度是不合适的,因为在第二个样本组中相同数目的reads会分给更多数目的基因。标准化方法如edgeR所使用的的M-值的加权截尾均值 (trimmed mean of M-values , TMM)可以处理这一情况。确定合适的标准化方法是困难的;一种选择是尝试使用多种方法进行分析,然后比较结果的一致性。如果结果对标准化方法高度敏感,则应进一步探索数据以确定差异的来源。必须注意,这一比较不会被用于选择与原始假设吻合的结果的归一化方法。

解决此类问题的一种方法是使用spike-in对照RNA-即在文库制备过程中引入预定浓度的外源RNA序列。RNA-seq常用的spike-in有 External RNA Controls Consortium mix (ERCCs),spike-in RNA variants (SIRVs)和sequencing spike-ins (Sequins)。由于spike-in的RNA浓度是预先知道的,并且浓度与产生的reads的数量直接相关,因此可以校准样品中转录本的表达水平。有人认为,如果没有spike-in对照,则不能正确地分析总体表达变化较大的项目。然而,在实践中,可能难以始终如一地以预设水平掺入spike-ins ,并且它们在标准化基因水平上的reads计数时比在转录本水平上更可靠,因为单个isoform可以在样品中以显着不同的浓度表达。目前,尽管已发表的RNA-seq DGE实验中spike-in对照并未得到广泛使用,但随着单细胞实验的开展这一状况可能会改变,因为单细胞RNA-seq中spike-in应用广泛,当然前提是这个技术能进一步优化达到稳定的水平。


获得表达矩阵后,就可以构建统计模型评估哪些转录本发生了显著的表达改变。有几个常用工具可以完成此任务;一些基于基因水平的表达计数,其它的基于转录本水平的表达计数。基因水平的工具通常依赖于比对的reads计数,并使用广义线性模型来进行复杂实验设计的评估。这些工具包括EdgeR,DESeq2和limma + voom等工具,这些工具计算效率高并且彼此之间结果稳定性好。评估差异isoforms表达的工具,例如CuffDiff,MMSEQ和Ballgown,往往需要更多的计算资源,并且结果的变化也更大。但是,在差异表达工具应用之前的操作(即关于比对、定量、过滤和标准化)对最终结果的影响更大。


其它非bulk RNA分析

来自组织和/或细胞群体的RNA-seq彻底革新了我们对生物学的理解,但是它无法简单地用于解析特定的细胞类型,并且不能保留空间信息,这些对于理解生物系统的复杂性都是至关重要的。使用户能够处理非bulk RNA的方法与标准RNA-seq protocols非常相似,但是可以解决的问题却截然不同。单细胞测序已经揭示了在过去我们认为研究透彻的疾病中存在着未知的细胞类型,例如发现肺离子细胞 (ionocyte cells),这可能与囊性纤维化的病理学机制有关。空间分辨率的RNA-seq对实体组织中细胞间相互作用也有了新的发现,例如揭示成年心脏组织中存在一小部分胎儿标志物基因表达的细胞群体。在可预见的将来,Bulk RNA-seq将仍然是占主导地位且有价值的工具。但是,单细胞实验和分析方法正在被研究人员迅速采用,并且随着空间RNA-seq方法的成熟,它们也有可能成为常规RNA-seq工具的一部分。两种方法都将提高我们探究多细胞生物复杂性的能力,并且可能都需要与bulk RNA-seq方法结合使用。在这里,我们简要介绍了主要的单细胞和空间分辨转录组方法,它们与bulk RNA-seq的区别以及用户需要考虑的新问题。



scRNA-seq最早于2009年报道,方法是在含有裂解缓冲液的Eppendorf管中分离单个卵母细胞。其在新生物学问题的应用,以及可用的实验和计算方法发展之快以至于最新的综述也迅速过时了。每种scRNA-seq方法都需要解离实体组织,分离单个细胞(使用非常不同的方法),并对其RNA进行标记和扩增以进行测序,并且所有步骤都脱胎于bulk RNA-seq protocols。(单细胞转录组教程汇总)

机械分解和collagenase及DNase的酶解在单细胞悬浮液中产生的活细胞比例最高,但是这一比例具有高度组织特异性,最好根据经验确定,并且要非常小心。一旦制备了单细胞悬液,就可以通过各种方法分离单个细胞(图3a);由于大多数实验室都可以使用流式细胞仪,因此最容易获得的方法是将细胞直接分选到含有裂解缓冲液的微量滴定板中。对于更高通量的实验,存在多种用于分离细胞的技术,但需要构建或购买特定的单细胞仪器。单个细胞可以在微流体芯片中进行物理捕获,或按照泊松分布模型加载到纳米孔设备中,也可以通过基于液滴的微流控技术(例如在Drop-Seq,InDrop中)分离单细胞并与后续反应试剂包裹在一个液滴中,或者采用原位序列条形码标记(例如单细胞组合索引RNA测序(sci-RNA-seq)和基于分池连接的转录组测序(split-pool ligation-based transcriptome sequencing, SPLiT-seq))。单细胞分离后会被裂解释放RNA到溶液中以进行cDNA合成,并用于RNA-seq文库制备。通常在文库制备过程中会使用PCR扩增单个细胞的RNA。这一步扩增会引入PCR偏差,需要使用UMI进行校正。尽管由于逆转录过程符合Poisson采样分布,但只有10–20%的转录本会被逆转录,限制了转录本检测的敏感性,不过各种方法都可以生成可用的数据。在湿实验室之外,计算方法也在迅速发展,并且最近出现了关于scRNA-seq实验的设计指南。方法学的飞速发展意味着scRNA-seq方法的技术会快速过时。尽管如此,Ziegenhain等人提供了scRNA-seq方法的综述,强调了UMI在数据分析中的重要性,并展示了所比较的的六种方法中哪一种最敏感。但是,他们的研究不包括被广泛采用的10X Genomics技术。

用户选择scRNA-seq方法时应考虑的主要因素包括他们是否需要测序全长转录本,测序更多细胞(广度)或每个细胞测序更深获得更多转录本(深度)和实验预算之间的权衡。全长scRNA-seq方法通常具有较低的通量,因为每个细胞需要独立处理直到获得最终的scRNA-seq库。然而,这一方法允许用户研究可变剪接和等位基因特异性表达。非全长检测方法只测序转录本的3’或5’末端,这在检测isoforms表达时会受限,但是由于在单个细胞cDNA合成后可以pool到一起,因此可以分析的细胞数量要高出2-3个数量级。单细胞测序的广度是指同时测序的细胞、组织或样品的数量,而深度是指给定数量的测序reads可分析覆盖多少转录本。尽管实验中能测序的细胞数量是由选择的方法决定的,但它确实具有一定的灵活性,随着所分析的细胞数量的增加,增加的测序成本通常会限制转录组测序的深度。因此,可以根据广度和深度这两个维度来评估不同的scRNA-seq系统。通常,基于X孔板 (plate-based)的方法或微流控方法通常捕获最少的细胞,但每个细胞检测更多的基因,而基于液滴的系统可用于分析最大数量的细胞,如有的项目一次分析超过一百万个细胞。

scRNA-seq的发展正在推动大规模的细胞图谱项目,以期确定生物体或组织中所有细胞类型。Human Cell Atlas和NIH Brain Initiative项目分别对人体和大脑中存在的所有细胞类型进行测序。The Human Cell Atlas旨在在第一阶段对3千万至1亿个细胞进行测序,并且随着技术的发展,其广度和深度将不断增加。该项目的最新成果包括发现肺离子细胞 (ionocyte cells),以及发现儿童和成人的肾脏癌起源于不同细胞类型。但是,研究者应该意识到scRNA-seq技术几乎可以应用于任何生物体。最近,对拟南芥根细胞原生质体的单细胞分析表明,即使植物细胞坚硬的细胞壁都不是分离单细胞并且进行测序的障碍。scRNA-seq正在迅速成为生物学家工具箱的标配,并可能在10年内像今天的bulk RNA-seq一样广泛使用。

当前的bulk和scRNA-seq方法为用户提供了有关组织或细胞群体的高度详细的数据,但都没有保留细胞的空间位置信息,这降低了确定细胞所处环境与基因表达之间关系的能力。实现空间转录组学研究方法的两个技术是“空间编码” (spatial encoding)和“原位转录组学” (in situ transcriptomics)。空间编码方法在RNA-seq文库制备过程中记录空间信息,方法是分离空间固定的细胞 (spatially restricted cells)(例如通过激光捕获显微切割(LCM)),或根据分离前的位置加入条形码编码 (从组织切片中捕获mRNA)。原位转录组学方法是在组织切片内的细胞进行RNA进测序或RNA成像获得表达数据。我们推荐对此感兴趣的读者阅读最近的相关综述以获得更多了解。

LCM配合RNA-seq已成功从组织切片中分离和测序单个细胞或特定区域。尽管需要专用设备,但LCM在许多机构中广泛可用。尽管它可以实现高空间分辨率,但是却很费力,因此很难做大规模。在Spatial Transcriptomics(美国10X Genomics公司)和Slide-seq方法中,采用寡核苷酸芯片 (oligo- arrayed microarray slides)和布满寡核苷酸的凝珠 (densely packed oligo-coated beads) 直接从冷冻组织切片中捕获RNA进行测序。寡核苷酸包含spatial barcode,UMI和oligo-dT引物,可唯一识别每个转录本及其位置。测序reads比对回玻片坐标获得空间基因表达信息。已经证明,Spatial Transcriptomics可用于多种物种的组织,包括小鼠脑和人乳腺癌组织、人心脏组织和拟南芥花序组织。Slide-seq是一项最新开发的技术,已显示可用于小鼠大脑的冷冻切片分析。这些直接的mRNA捕获方法不需要专门的设备,具有相对简单的分析方法,并且可能大规模应用于许多组织。但是,有两个重要的问题有待解决。首先,该技术只能应用于新鲜的冷冻组织。其次,分辨率受到芯片大小和寡核苷酸凝珠间距的限制;当前应用的芯片大小分别为6.5×7 mm和3×3 mm,限制了可以检测的组织切片的大小。Spatial Transcriptomics的凝珠直径为100 µm,间隔为100 µm,这意味着它们不够小或不够密,以致无法实现单细胞分辨率。Slide-seq的凝珠 (beads)小得多,直径仅为10 μm,并且堆积致密,提供了十倍的空间分辨率,大约一半的beads可以获得单个细胞数据。计算整合分析组织消化分离后scRNA-seq与空间编码数据可以提高分辨率,但是还需要随着技术的发展这才能成为常规的RNA-seq工具。





基因表达实质上是一个动态过程,DGE分析无法检测复杂转录响应过程中的细微和快速变化,也不能鉴定不稳定的非编码RNA(例如增强子RNA)。RNA-seq可用于定位TSS并定量正在转录的新生RNA,从而能够研究RNA动力学。但是,与DGE分析相比,新生RNA的研究具有挑战性,因为它们的半衰期短且丰度低。因此,了解RNA动力学的重要性催生了多种分析新生RNA研究方法。这些方法揭示了启动子的不同转录程度,转录激活状态的RNA聚合酶II(Pol II)在启动子近端的停留是基因表达调控的关键步骤,新生RNA可以直接调节转录,并且它的序列和结构影响转录延伸、暂停和停滞 (stalling),以及染色体修饰酶和增强子RNAs的结合。旨在区分新转录的RNA和其他RNA的新生RNA-seq方法可以大致分为三类:run-on方法,基于Pol II免疫沉淀(IP)的方法和代谢标记方法(图4)。



Run-on方法依赖于转录时掺入核苷酸类似物,用于从总RNA中富集新生RNA,并可以测量RNA瞬时转录(图4a)。Global run-on sequencing(GRO-seq)和precision nuclear run-on sequencing(PRO-seq)通过在转录过程中分别将5-溴尿苷5′-三磷酸(BrU)或生物素标记的核苷酸掺入新生RNA中来实现这一目标。在添加外源生物素标记的核苷酸并恢复转录之前,分离细胞核并洗去内源核苷酸。测序免疫沉淀或亲和层析富集的新生转录本可以确定转录组范围内活性转录的RNA聚合酶的位置和活性。取决于转录时掺入的标记核苷酸的数量,GRO-seq只能达到10-50 bp的分辨率,这降低了TSS定位的精度。PRO-seq可实现单碱基分辨率的定位,因为在生物素核苷酸掺入后转录会停止,从而可以确定掺入位点。Run-on方法在概念上很简单-仅将掺入修饰了的核苷酸的RNA分子富集用于测序,但实际上,背景非新生RNA的存在会增加所需的读取深度。这些方法的使用揭示了在启动子上发散或双向转录起始的程度,并确定了增强子RNA在调节基因表达中的作用。通过结合对5′-帽RNA的特异性富集,GRO-cap,PRO-cap或小的5′-帽RNA测序(START-seq)提高了检测转录起始的敏感性和特异性和捕获可能在转录过程中被加工去除的RNA,减少转录后加帽的RNA产生的背景信号。

Pol II IP方法,例如native elongating transcription sequencing (NET-seq) 和native elongating transcript sequencing for mammalian chromatin (mNET-seq),使用anti-FLAG (for FLAG-tagged Pol II) 或其它结合Pol II C末端功能域(CTD)的各种抗体拉下Pol II相关的RNA。尽管非新生的Pol II结合的RNA和背景mRNA会导致更高的测序深度并混淆分析,但富集测序与这些染色质复合物相关的新生RNA可用于绘制TSS位点。NET-seq可能特异性较低,与Pol II强相关的任何RNA都可能污染新生RNA的富集,NET-seq数据中存在的tRNA和小核仁RNA可以说明这一点。在mNET-seq中使用的多种CTD抗体揭示了CTD修饰调控转录的机制,检测RNA加工中间体并能够将特定Pol II的新生RNA定位于TSS。然而,这些能力是以更复杂的实验为代价的,需要更多的细胞和更高的总体测序成本。

用核苷酸类似物4-硫尿苷(4 sU)进行代谢标记 (metabolic pulse-labelling)可以鉴定新生的RNA(图4c)。但是,在需要较长标记时间的方法中,大多数转录本都会被标记,限制其灵敏度。通过特异地靶向RNA的3′末端(即最接近RNA聚合酶的新转录的RNA),瞬时转录组测序(TT-seq)和硫醇(SH)-连接的烷基化RNA代谢测序(SLAMseq)减少5’RNA的信号。TT-seq将标记时间限制为5分钟,以便仅标记新转录本的3′末端,并且在生物素亲和纯化之前增加RNA片段化步骤以富集标记的RNA。SLAM-seq整合了3′mRNA-seq文库制备(尽管它也可以使用其他文库制备方法,例如miRNA文库),只测序标记了的新转录的RNA,而不是整个转录本。另外,在SLAM-seq中,在RNA提取后加入碘乙酰胺,用于烷基化整合到新生的RNA中的4 sU残基。这一修饰诱导了逆转录依赖的胸腺嘧啶至胞嘧啶(T> C)核苷酸转换,在测序分析中会被检测为“突变”,从而直接鉴定出4 sU整合位点。但是,低整合率意味着只有少数4 sU位点被转换为了胞嘧啶,限制检测敏感性。TUC-seq和TimeLapse-seq这两种方法也使用T> C突变分析,但不富集3’末端。他们已用于探索细胞干扰后的转录响应和测量RNA半衰期。

用于新生RNA分析的方法尚未直接做过比较。检测新生RNA的测序方法都受到非特异性背景和/或降解的RNA混入的负面影响,使得测序需要更高的深度。通过仅测序RNA 3′末端,PRO-seq,TT-seq和SLAM-seq中非新生RNA的影响会被降低,但是几乎没有证据表明任何一种方法会优于其他方法。亲和层析捕获比较费力,并且需要比代谢标记法更高的起始RNA,但是确定标记 (pulse-labelling)所需的时间很复杂,标记时间短时后续用于分析的RNA也会少,限制了检测敏感性。近来组织特异性RNA标记技术和用于“突变”分析的新计算方法的发展,可能会促使用户对新生RNA和其他RNA的检测从生化(基于生物素的)富集转换为生信富集。新生RNA检测方法的进一步发展以及它们与其他方法(例如空间转录组或RNA–RNA和RNA–蛋白质相互作用方法)的结合,将使我们对转录过程有更深入的了解。

RNA-seq的主要重点在于分析样品中现存的mRNA的种类和数量,但是mRNA的存在并不直接对应于蛋白质的产生。两种方法-多聚核糖体图谱 (polysomal profiling)和Ribo-seq技术允许我们跳出转录研究翻译组。核糖体翻译mRNA是受到高度调控的,蛋白质水平主要由翻译活性决定。Polysomal profiling和Ribo-seq帮助研究一个转录本上结合了多少核糖体及它们在转录本上的分布规律(图5)。这允许我们推断在特定时间或细胞状态下哪些转录本正在活跃翻译。两种方法均假设mRNA上的核糖体密度与蛋白质合成水平相关。样品比较分析发现在发育过程中或翻译失调相关疾病中,如纤维化,阮病毒病或癌症,处理前后随着时间推移的核糖体动力学。



Polysome profiling多核糖体分析使用蔗糖梯度超速离心法将多个核糖体结合的mRNA (polysomal fraction)与单个或无核糖体结合的mRNA (monosomal fraction)分离分别用于RNA-seq文库制备(图5a)。在polysomal fraction比monosomal fraction中检测到更高丰度的mRNAs翻译活性更高。该方法不仅可以推断单个mRNA的翻译状态,还可以生成核糖体占有率和密度的高分辨率图谱(尽管它无法确定核糖体的位置)。后续也对原始方法进行了一些改进。例如,使用非线性蔗糖梯度改善了在不同浓度蔗糖溶液临界浓度处多聚核糖体mRNA的收集;应用Smart-seq文库制备方法可以检测低至10 ng的多聚核糖体mRNA;使用更高分辨率的蔗糖梯度和深度测序允许检测转录本异构体特异性翻译。然而,多核糖体谱分析只能产生相对低分辨率的翻译谱,并且是需要专门设备,限制了其广泛使用。

Ribo-seq基于RNA印记,最初是在酵母中开发。它使用环己酰胺抑制翻译延伸进而导致核糖体停滞在mRNA上。用RNase I消化mRNA会留下核糖体保护的20–30个核苷酸印记,用于后续构建RNA-seq文库(图5b)。Ribo-seq可以获得高分辨率翻译谱,同时检测单个转录本上核糖体丰度和定位。能够获得多聚核糖体分析无法检测到的核糖体在转录本上位置的分布,意味着可以检测到影响蛋白质表达调控的翻译暂停事件 (translation pausing)。Ribo-seq技术的优化包括缓冲液和酶的优化,可以更清楚地揭示Ribo-seq数据的3 bp周期性,以及barcode和UMI的使用可以确定单分子事件。尽管最近开发了用于寻找开放阅读框,用于差异或isoforms水平翻译分析和用于研究密码子偏好性的特定工具,但标准RNA-seq工具仍可用于计算分析。Ribo-seq的主要局限性在于依赖超速离心和由于核酸酶批次间活性的差异需要凭经验确定消化条件。

前面提到的方法不能区分翻译起始、延伸和终止的信号,但是对Ribo-seq的改进使得可以对翻译动力学进行进一步研究。定量翻译起始测序(QTI-seq)通过化学“冻结”富集起始核糖体,同时从相关mRNA中去除延伸核糖体来定位翻译起始位点 (生信宝典注:原文写的是maps transcription initiation sites,应该是笔误)。在组装成熟核糖体之前,Translation complex profile sequencing (TCP-seq)通过富集与成熟核糖体RNA组装前的40S核糖体小亚基结合的RNA来定位翻译起始位点。同时,由于这种方法保留了核糖体的完整性,因此也可以分析和比较80S核糖体部分,从而获得更完整的翻译动力学分析(图5b)。



RNA在其他生物分子和生物过程(例如剪接和翻译)的调控中起着重要作用,这些过程涉及RNA与各种蛋白质和/或其他RNA分子的相互作用。RNA-seq可用于探究分子内和分子间RNA-RNA相互作用(RRI),或RNA与蛋白质的互作,从而可以更深入地了解转录和翻译过程(图6)。为互作组 (interactome)分析而开发的各种方法都有一个共同点:富集相互作用的RNA。一些方法利用了天然的生物相互作用,另一些方法则在目标分子之间发生瞬时结合或共价结合。大多数使用抗体,亲和层析或探针杂交来富集用于测序的RNA。在这里,我们简要介绍基于RNA-seq的结构组 (structurome)和互作组 (interactome)。




核酶法,例如RNA结构并行分析法(PARS, parallel analysis of RNA-structure)和片段测序(FRAG-seq, fragmentation sequencing),使用可以消化单链RNA(ssRNA)或双链RNA(dsRNA)的核酶。核酸酶消化后剩余的RNA用作RNA-seq文库制备。随后通过对所得RNA-seq数据进行计算分析,确定结构化(双链)和非结构化(单链)区域。核酸酶简单易用并允许对ssRNA和dsRNA进行研究,但由于核酸酶消化的随机性,它们的分辨率比化学法要低。此外,核酶的大体型使得它们不能进入细胞,进而不适用于体内研究。

化学映射方法使用与RNA分子反应的化学探针标记结构化或非结构化核苷酸。这些标记可阻止逆转录或导致cDNA误整合 (micincorporation),进而可通过对RNA-seq reads进行测序和分析以获得结构组学结果。SHAPE测序(SHAPE–seq)通过与RNA骨架的核-2′-羟基反应来标记未配对的ssRNA,发夹环中的碱基堆积会降低标记效率。Structure–seq和硫酸二甲酯测序(DMS-seq, dimethyl sulfate )用DMS标记腺嘌呤和胞嘧啶残基,阻断了逆转录,使得能够通过分析所得的截断cDNA推断出RNA结构。SHAPE和突变图谱分析(SHAPE–MaP)和DMS突变图谱分析(DMS–MaPseq)都优化了实验条件提高逆转录酶的合成能力并防止cDNA截断。相反,化学标记会导致误掺入事件,然后使用RNA-seq数据分析这些“突变”以揭示RNA结构。化学探针是小分子,可以在体内研究更具生物学意义的结构体;由于细胞内环境的动态变化,数据的变异度也会高一些。化学法还可以用于进行新生RNA的结构分析,并揭示共转录RNA折叠的顺序。

核酸酶和逆转录阻断法通常产生短RNA片段,并且仅检测单个消化位点或化学标记,而误掺入和突变检测方法每条测序reads可能检测到多个化学标记位点。这些方法都不是没有偏好的, 逆转录阻断效率不会达到100%,诱导突变的化学标记可能会阻断cDNA的合成,这两个因素都会影响数据的分析解释。Spike-in对照可能会提高结构组分析的质量,但尚未得到广泛使用。SHAPE方法的比较揭示了仅在体内实验中明显的效率差异,强调了比较此类复杂方法时需要特殊注意。


探索RNA–RNA分子间互作 (RRI)
分子间RRI在转录后调控中起重要作用,例如miRNA靶向3’UTR。已经开发的用于研究分子间RRI的工具,可用于靶向和全转录组的分析。这些方法有共同的操作流程,其中RNA分子在断裂和就近自连之前先进行交联固定互作状态(图6b)。通过不同方法生成的大多数(但不是全部)嵌合cDNA源自稳定碱基配对(即相互作用)的RNA分子之间的连接。靶向方法,例如CLASH (crosslinking, ligation and sequencing of hybrids),RIA-seq (RNA interactome analysis and sequencing), RAP-RNA (RNA antisense purification followed by RNA sequencing)可以生成单个RNA的深度相互作用图谱。CLASH可使用IP富集法分析特定蛋白质复合物介导的RRI,而RIA–seq使用反义寡核苷酸pull down与靶标RNA相互作用的RNA。两种方法都不能区分直接和间接RRI,这使生物学解释变得复杂。为了提高RRI分析的分辨率,RAP–RNA使用psoralen和其他交联剂,然后用反义寡核苷酸捕获RNA,并通过高通量RNA-seq检测直接和间接RRI。尽管该方法确实允许进行更特异的分析,但它需要准备多个文库(每种交联剂一个)。

全转录组方法与靶向方法基本相似:相互作用的RNA在体内进行交联并富集。富集通过减少连接反应中携带的非相互作用RNA的量来提高特异性,可以通过2D凝胶纯化富集(如PARIS,psoralen analysis of RNA interactions and structures法中)或使用生物素亲和层析富集( 如 SPLASH,sequencing of psoralen crosslinked, ligated and selected hybrids),或通过RNase R消化去除未交联的RNA(如LIGR-seq,ligation of interacting RNA followed by RNA- seq)。连接后,去交联,然后进行RNA-seq文库制备和测序。PARIS方法产生最大数目的相互作用,但每个样品需要7500万条测序reads,比其他RRI方法要多很多,并且是DGE分析平均测序深度的两倍以上。

整合RNA互作数据分析可以同时对多种相互作用进行探索,并揭示了不同种类RNA的RRI分布的变异。总的来讲,90%的RRI有mRNA参与。近一半有miRNA或长链非编码RNA参与,并且大多数互作都靶向mRNA。这些数据整合比较分析揭示了特定RNA种类在不同方法中存在很大偏好性,这导致方法之间几乎没有检测到共有的互作。因此,要完整了解RRI,可能需要使用不止一种方法。但是,RRI方法存在一些局限性。也许最具挑战性的是RRI是动态的,并且受结构构象和其他分子间相互作用的影响,如果没有重复,结果就很难解释。分子内相互作用为分子间RRI分析增加了噪音,这要求将高度结构化的RNA(例如rRNA)过滤并去除。其他问题包括RNA提取过程中的相互作用破坏,需要稳定的交联方法,但最常用的RRI交联试剂 psoralen和4′-氨基-甲基三氧杂沙仑(AMT)-仅能低效交联嘧啶,降低了方法的敏感性。此外,邻近连接步骤效率低下,并且可能同时连接相互作用和非相互作用的RNA,从而进一步降低了灵敏度。

ChIP-seq已成为探索DNA-蛋白质相互作用的必不可少的工具。一种类似的IP方法可以用于研究RNA与蛋白质的相互作用。RNA与蛋白质的相互作用方法也依靠IP,利用一种针对感兴趣的蛋白的抗体来捕获其结合的RNA进行分析(最初是结合微阵列芯片使用)(图6c)。各种RNA与蛋白质相互作用方法之间最明显的区别是互作的RNA和蛋白质是否进行交联以及如何交联:有些方法避免交联(直接IP),另一些方法则使用甲醛进行交联,而另一些方法则使用紫外线(UV)进行交联。.最简单的方法是RIP-seq( RNA
immunoprecipitation and sequencing ),通常但并非总是使用细胞内未加改造的蛋白的抗体富集,并且不需要RNA片段化处理。其操作简单使得该方法易于采用。RIP-seq可以获得有生物意义的分析结果,但是有两个大的缺点。首先,用于保持RNA与蛋白质相互作用的温和洗涤条件意味着相对高水平的非特异性结合片段也会得以富集。第二,RNA片段化步骤的缺失降低了结合位点的分辨率。因此,RIP-seq结果高度可变,并取决于RNA-蛋白质结合的天然稳定性。使用甲醛交联在RNA及其相互作用的蛋白质之间产生可逆的共价键可以提高稳定性并减少非特异性RNA的pull down,但是甲醛也会产生蛋白质-蛋白质交联。可以通过与0.1%甲醛进行轻度交联(比用于ChIP–seq研究的低10倍)来缓和这种影响,这在在多个蛋白质靶标上获得了高质量的结果。

在CLIP中引入的254-nm UV交联是一项至关重要的改进,它提高了RNA-蛋白质相互作用分析方法的特异性和结合位点鉴定的分辨率。UV交联会在蛋白质和RNA的相互作用位点之间建立共价键,但至关重要的是,不会导致互作蛋白的交联。这样可以稳定RNA与蛋白质的结合,从而允许使用之前会破坏RNA-蛋白互作的更严格的富集操作,减少背景信号。随后,CLIP protocol已成为许多方法开发的基础。单核苷酸分辨率CLIP(iCLIP)将UMI纳入文库制备中以去除PCR重复。同时它还利用交联核苷酸上cDNA合成过程中普遍存在的未成熟终止的优势,通过截断的cDNA扩增获得单核苷酸分辨率的交联位点的定量检测图谱。PAR-CLIP(Photoactivatable- ribonucleoside-enhanced CLIP)通过使用4 sU和356-nm UV交联获得单核苷酸分辨率的RNA-蛋白互作图谱。4 sU在细胞培养过程中被整合进入内源性RNA,而356 nm的紫外线照射仅在4 sU插入位点产生交联(获得高特异性)。在所得序列数据中检测反转录诱导的T>C替换可实现碱基对分辨率的检测解析,并可区分交联片段与非交联片段,从而进一步降低背景信号。对CLIP的最新改进提高了它的效率和敏感性。红外CLIP(irCLIP)采用红外凝胶可视化和基于beads的纯化功能取代了放射性同位素检测。这些改变使得试验操作更简单,而且仅需20,000个细胞 (iCLIP通常需要1-2百万个细胞)就可以进行RNA-蛋白质互作分析。eCLIP (enhanced CLIP)去掉了RNA-蛋白质复合物的质控和可视化过程,将样品barcode与RNA adaptor结合在一起,使多个样品可以更早地混合,并用beads代替凝胶进行片段富集。这些更改旨在简化用户的操作,作为ENCODE项目的一部分,已经针对近200种蛋白质进行了eCLIP实验。但是,irCLIP和eCLIP目前均未得到广泛采用,部分原因是eCLIP和irCLIP敏感性的某些提高可能是由于特异性的降低所致;支持这一结论的是,这两种方法检测到的PTBP1结合位点处结合基序和调控的外显子富集度降低。由于大量公开可用的数据为计算分析提供了新的资源,因此重点考虑CLIP数据的质量控制,过滤,鉴定结合位点 (peak calling)和标准化所采用的方法,这些都会影响数据的生物学解释。对此感兴趣的读者建议继续阅读推荐的综述。



Wang,Gerstein和Snyder在他们的预测中认为:RNA-seq将“给真核转录组分析带来革命性变革”。但是,即使他们也可能对技术拓展应用到如此之多的RNA层面感到惊讶。今天,我们可以分析RNA生物学的许多方面,这对功能基因组的理解,研究发育以及引起癌症和其他疾病的分子失调都是必不可少的。尽管生物学发现阶段还远远没有结束,但临床已经在使用基于RNA-seq的检测试验。单细胞测序已成为许多实验室的标配,空间单细胞组学分析随着方法的进一步发展也很可能会遵循类似的发展路径。对大部分的研究者而言,长读长测序方法有可能取代Illumina的短读长RNA-seq作为默认的研究方法。为了使这种情况发生,就增加通量和降低错误率方面,长读长测序技术还需要进行重大改进。如果长读长测序变得与短读长测序一样便宜可靠,那么除了对RNA降解的样品之外,鉴定mRNA isoforms都会首选长读长测序。考虑到这一点,任何关于RNA-seq在未来十年内发展的预测都可能会过于保守。

Science Career | How to keep a lab notebook


其实除了传统的纸质版的实验记录,还有很多工具能够帮助科学家们记录工作和进展,但到底如何记录才最有效,有没有什么好的方法,却很少会有人教你。许多科研机构、组织都有关于实验记录的要求或指南,但在保证遵守这些规定之外,其实你可以自由发挥,按照自己的喜好来,找到最合适最有效的方式。Science Careers走访了来自不同学科、处于不同事业阶段的科研工作者们,在这里和大家一起分享他们记实验记录的窍门和策略。为了保持内容短小精悍,回答内容已稍作修改。



——Caroline Bartman,普林斯顿大学定量代谢组学博士后


——Maiko Kitaoka,加州大学伯克利分校分子和细胞生物学博士生


——Valentina Ferro,实验物理学博士,在华盛顿西雅图任自由科学插画师


——Matteo Falessi,意大利ENEA弗拉斯卡蒂研究中心等离子物理方向博士后


——Caroline Lynn Kamerlin,瑞典乌普萨拉大学结构生物学教授


——Jeremy C. Borniger,加州帕罗奥多市斯坦福大学神经科学方向博士后







——Karine Salin,法国IFREMER环境生理学方向研究员



通常,纸质版的记录本就足够了,但我会把所有的笔记做电子备份,要么用Genius Scan软件拍照,要么写到word文档里。我还会在电脑里建一个文件夹,存着所有的实验步骤,这样每次做实验的时候查看起来很方便,也不用每次都在实验记录本上写一遍。此外,我会给每个科研项目准备一个活页夹,外面写上标签,里面放着一些不方便放在实验记录本里的东西,比如说excel表打印件、图表数据、合同和材料转让协议。





——Lina Colucci,剑桥市麻省理工学院健康科学和技术方向助理研究员,旧金山湾区数据咨询师








——Danielle Solano,贝克尔斯菲市加利福尼亚州立大学化学与生物化学系主任、副教授



















Considerations when planning your Cas9 experiment

When choosing the Cas9 nuclease for your experiments, there are three important factors to consider: site accessibility, specificity, and sensitivity.

Site accessibility
Site accessibility is a measure of which genomic sequences can be targeted by the Cas9. This is determined by the PAM sequence recognized by the nuclease. For the most frequently used Cas9, spCas9 from Streptococcus pyogenes, this sequence is 3’-NGG. But Cas9s found in other species can recognize a variety of different PAM sequences. Researchers have also used experimental evolution to develop Cas9s that have a broader PAM specificity, allowing for the targeting of sites that were previously unavailable.

Specificity is the assessment of the off-target activity of Cas9. This can occur when Cas9 cleaves a site that is not a perfect match to the guide RNA (gRNA) used to target the genomic locus of interest. As these off-target effects can be genome-wide and, in some cases, difficult to determine, the potential for off-target cleavage should be an important consideration during any experiment.

Cas9 sensitivity is often closely related to specificity. Sensitivity is a measure of the on-target activity of the Cas9 nuclease. This can be determined by measuring the indel frequency at a target site. A specificity ratio can be measured by calculating the on-target activity divided by the off-target activity.

Cas9 nucleases that exhibit enhanced site accessibility

In order to generate a genomic alteration at a specific location, it must be accessible by Cas9. Our previous blog post The PAM Requirement and Expanding CRISPR Beyond SpCas9 described the PAM specificity of Cas9s isolated from different organisms and engineered Cas9 variants that were able to target different PAM sites (NGG, NGAN, NGNG, NGAG, and NGCG). Since then, the Osamu Nureki Lab described a rationally engineered Cas9, SpCas9-NG, which required only the di-nucleotide PAM NG (Nishimasu et al., 2018). The David Liu Lab similarly described xCas9, which displayed the ability to target multiple PAM sequences (NG, GAA, and GT), greatly increasing the number of genomic loci that can be targeted (Hu et al., 2018).

These altered variants can allow for targeting of your genomic loci of interest that may not be accessible by wild-type Cas9, due to its stringent PAM specificity. This can be especially important for base editing techniques, where Cas9 must be directed to a very specific site.

Specificity vs. sensitivity in choosing the Cas9 to use in your experiments

Another important consideration when choosing a Cas9 is balancing specificity and sensitivity. Wild-type Cas9 exhibits high on-target activity, but also high off-target activity, which may be undesirable in many applications. At the time of our first blog post on choosing a Cas9, the Feng Zhang Lab had described eSpCas9, while the Keith Joung Lab had developed SpCas9-HF1. Both of the enzymes showed decreased off-target activity relative to Cas9. Since then, the Joung and Jennifer Doudna Labs used targeted mutagenesis to generate hyper accurate Cas9 (HypaCas9). This nuclease showed decreased or similar off-target activity, relative to eSpCas9 and SpCas9-HF across a number of different sites. Using a combined random and directed mutagenesis approach, the Anna Cereseto Lab created pX-evoCas9, which they showed also increased specificity.

Most recently, the Jungjoon Lee Lab used directed evolution to generate Sniper-Cas9 resulting in a Cas9 with improved specificity. They compared on-site and off-site activity of Sniper-Cas9 to different Cas9 variants using gRNAs of different lengths (Lee et al., 2018) and found that Sniper-Cas9 showed a high degree of both specificity and sensitivity across a large number of loci and gRNA lengths.

Recent alternatives to Cas9

While Cas9 remains the most widely used CRISPR nuclease, recent work has shown that alternative enzymes may better suit specific experimental approaches. One example is CasX, characterized by the Oakes and Doudna Labs, which is both small and potentially less likely to elicit a strong immune response, factors that may make it especially suitable for in vivo research and potentially treatments. Cas12b, characterized by the Zhang (Strecker et al., 2019) and Li (Teng et al., 2018) Labs also shows promise for in vivo research due to its small size and specificity relative to Cas9. As scientists continue to characterize CRISPR nucleases from a variety of sources, it is likely that the toolkit available to researchers will continue to expand.

Final thoughts

Since the first use of Cas9 to engineer the genome, there are more and more Cas enzymes and variants to choose from. While no enzyme is perfect for all experimental approaches, knowledge of both the advantages and limitations of each Cas enzyme can help determine which enzyme to use. Remember, accessibility, specificity, and sensitivity are key considerations in choosing a Cas protein for your experiment.


Hu, Johnny H., et al. “Evolved Cas9 variants with broad PAM compatibility and high DNA specificity.” Nature 556.7699 (2018): 57. PubMed PMID: 29512652. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5951633.

Lee, Jungjoon K., et al. “Directed evolution of CRISPR-Cas9 to increase its specificity.” Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 3048. PubMed PMID: 30082838. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6078992.

Nishimasu, Hiroshi, et al. “Engineered CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease with expanded targeting space.” Science 361.6408 (2018): 1259-1262. PubMed PMID: 30166441. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6368452.

Strecker, Jonathan, et al. “Engineering of CRISPR-Cas12b for human genome editing.” Nature communications 10.1 (2019): 212. PubMed PMID: 30670702. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6342934.

Teng, Fei, et al. “Repurposing CRISPR-Cas12b for mammalian genome engineering.” Cell discovery 4.1 (2018): 63. PubMed PMID: 30510770. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6255809.










快释 (fast-release)
缓释 (slow-release)
堆肥(compost) 可以增加土壤的养分和有机物,帮助土壤在干旱时保持水分。堆肥最好在秋天第一场霜冻下来前施入草坪, 这时的草坪高度可以在1英寸左右比较合适。

肥料的释放是有一定配比的。 使用过多会伤草, 并且多余的肥料会被雨水冲走,浪费金钱,污染当地当的池塘和小溪。 请严格按照肥料包装袋子上的说明去做。

7. 你还没有做土质检测
8. 种植了错误的草种
冷季草(cool season grasses)
暖季草 (warm season grasses.)。



a. 如前面所说的,土壤施肥要先做好。防止杂草比在杂草出现后清除杂草容易得多。清除杂草的最好方式是确保你的草坪修剪的高而健康,使用适量的肥料/堆肥,土壤有机质,水和草籽混合物。
b. 早春在土里拨入pre-emergence herbicides。 也就是说在早春, 杂草还没长出时, 就及时做抑制。 pre-emergence herbicides里包含一种有机物质叫作corn gluten, 可以抑制90%的杂草。
c. 常见的杂草Crabgrass:这种杂草比较喜欢阳光, 如果你院里的草割的太低(低于2英寸), 就会滋长这种草的生长。
d. 有的杂草需要手拔:比如 tall fescue这种杂草就需要手拔, 因为能除 tall fescue的除草剂往往会把草坪的好草也出掉。


Nanopore is a relatively new sequencing platform and researchers are still trying to optimize the protocol for their own specific applications. In our lab, we work primarily with metagenomic samples and use the 1D sequencing kits. Over the past year, we have optimized this technique. To check the quality of the Nanopore library preparation we check between steps using Qubit and Nanodrop measurements. Nanopore library quality mostly depends on the individual researcher’s technical skills and pipetting technique. In this article, we discuss some pointers to perform a successful NGS library preparation for metagenomics sequencing on the MinION platform.

Use High-Quantity Starting Material

The recommended starting material for DNA sequencing is <1 ug. However, we have observed in our experiments that with a little higher quantity (around 1.5 times) of DNA, the final library concentration will be within the desired range. It is a well-known fact that higher the library concentration the better the sequencing result. We have observed the same with our own experiments. Nevertheless, it is not always easy to get high quality DNA in sufficient concentration. Pooling of samples, if possible, can be done totry and improve the concentration. Alternatively, you can use PCR followed by purification of desired bands using gel extraction kits.

Use High-Quality Nucleic Acids

We recommend using a fluorometer to measure DNA/RNA concentrations as Nanodrop readings for concentration is not always reliable. However, the absorbance ratios at 260/280 and 260/230 measured in Nanodrop are very useful. The 260/280 ratio for DNA should always be in the range of 1.7 – 1.9. The closer it is to 1.8, the better the results. The 260/230 ratio should higher than 2.0. For RNA, the 260/280 ratio should be around 2.0 and the 260/230 ratio should be above 2.0. Read more about the strengths and limitations of your nanodrop.

If possible, the quality of DNA/RNA should also be measured using Bio-analyser/Tape station along with traditional methods. As there are no steps to check the quality once the library preparation starts, it is better to start with a high-quality sample rather than searching for issues in case of poor sequencing data. Real time PCR kits are available to check library prep quality but this adds to the cost and time of experiment.

Consider the optimal DNA fragment size

The DNA fragment size also impacts the quality of the sequencing reads and we spent a lot of our time determining the optimal fragment size for Nanopore sequencing.

We found that the optimal size was between 3 Kb and 8 Kb. Fragments smaller than 1-2 Kb greatly reduced the overall sequencing quality, whereas higher molecular weight DNA fragments (10 Kb to 40 Kb which are common in manual DNA preparations) do not interfere with overall quality of data. Some Nanopore users have reported clogging of pores when using high molecular weight DNA and recommend the new flow cell wash kit to revive the clogged pores and prepare for the next run. Flow cell washing is recommended after every run and latest kit supposedly gives better yields when combined with a nuclease flush step.

The objective of Nanopore is long read sequencing but how long the reads should be (< 10 Kb or >10 Kb) is up to the scientist to decide depending on their individual experiment parameters. It should be noted that the overall fragment size distribution among all the samples in a single batch should be similar. Fragment length normalization and optimization will help to reduce the sequencing bias of heterogeneous samples. Steps should be taken to maintain a uniform fragment length distribution and should be normalized across samples. Fragment size also affects the efficiency of PCR barcoding steps. Longer fragments are difficult for PCR barcoding. End prep is another important step. Barcoding step affects the overall outcome of the sequencing. Insufficient barcoding leads to loss of valuable data.

Increase Your Incubation Times

We have observed that incubating the samples with beads for a longer duration gives better results. After mixing with the beads, we left the tubes idle for twice as long as suggested by the manufacturer’s protocol.

Use Fresh Beads

AMPure XP beads utilizes an optimized buffer to selectively bind DNA fragments 100 bp and larger to paramagnetic beads. Excess primers, nucleotides, salts, and enzymes can be removed using a simple washing procedure. Prepare fresh 70% ethanol each time to avoid dilution effect upon reuse due to the hygroscopic nature of 70% ethanol. We found that this simple step dramatically improves the bead utilization.

Minimize Tube Changes During Nanopore Library Preparation

We would recommend not transferring DNA from one tube to another unless it is absolutely necessary. For example, when eluting DNA from beads, you must collect the eluent in a fresh new sterile tube. This is primarily to avoid loss of sample during library preparation. The tubes and tips are not completely resistant to liquid sticking on the walls, and we feel it is better to avoid this rather than to try and retrieve the lost sample. Good pipetting practices will help you to minimize volume loss during such transfers. Additionally, we recommend using DNA LoBind Eppendorf® tubesfor all the steps.

Mix Your Samples Thoroughly… but Carefully!

The tube contents and reagents should be mixed properly. Even though vortexing is not recommended, light vortexing can be done in the initial steps. The most appropriate method for mixing is flicking the tubes. Pipette mixing can also be done, but this is not recommended as repeated pipetting may result in shearing of the DNA fragments affecting the size distribution. Again, proper pipetting skills are required to ensure that the sample is processed optimally.

Optimize Your PCR

In our experiments, we have observed that for PCR barcoding, the number of cycles can be doubled to 30 cycles. We did not get enough output with the recommended number of cycles (12 to 15 cycles). This may vary depending on the sample type and protocol but there is no harm in programming additional PCR cycles. Always check with Nanodrop and Qubit before and after such procedures to ensure consistency.

Prep Your DNA Before Ordering a New Flowcell

One of the major problems that we faced, other than the issues in Nanopore library preparation, was lower pore count of the MinION flowcell. Even though the company claims that there are 2048 pores, by the time we receive the flowcells, the count of pores is down to less than 1400. Having fewer pores directly impacts the quality and quantity of sequences/reads in the output. As the number of pores reduces, so does the confidence on the quality and quantity of the output data. Every day we lose a bunch of pores as these are biological and not chemical in nature and the longer the flowcell sits in the fridge the lower the capacity. So, we highly recommend preparing your DNA samples first – before ordering a new flowcell. As soon as you receive it, you should be able to start the experiment right away.

Make Sure You Have a Good Internet Connection

It must be noted that the most recent MinION flowcell can generate 30 GB raw data and close to 5 GB FASTQ data after basecalling. We have confirmed these numbers from our own experiments even at low pore counts of 1500 per flowcell. You need a high-speed broadband internet connection for real time basecalling. We recommend this approach as you can continuously monitor the data generated and stop the run when sufficient data is collected. You can immediately wash the flowcell and prime it for the next batch. This way you can reuse the flow cells for at least three library preps making it more economical compared to other sequencing platforms.

Common Practices to Keep in Mind for Nanopore Library Preparation

While working on the various experiments with Nanopore MinION, we figured out that the following practices greatly improved the final data output from sequencing:

  • The working bench, pipettes and all the consumables should be clean and dust free.
  • The reagents stored in -20°C should be thawed on ice before use and should be immediately returned to the proper storage area (-20°C) after use – use an ice bucket at all times.
  • The magnetic beads should be normalised to room temperature and resuspended properly before use.
  • As the library preparation protocols are not very long, try to finish the complete procedure within one day and start sequencing. Though there are steps after which the sample can be stored and the protocol continued the next day, it is better to avoid this scenario if possible.
  • Plan ahead of time to ensure all the equipment is readily available, start early and finish the entire process in one go without stops.

文章来源: https://bitesizebio.com/44244/get-prepped-nanopore-library-preparation-optimization/



1. 尾静脉注射

1. 提取小鼠尾巴,将其放在鼠笼盖或者手背上,并进行适当的安抚;
2. 将小鼠装入固定器中,盖紧盖子,并使尾巴朝外露出用酒精棉球擦拭小鼠尾巴或者用热水、浴霸加热,使其血管扩张;
3. 将尾巴拉直,使其红色静脉清晰可见;
4. 距离鼠尾尖1/3处进针,若进针畅通无阻,则说明针头在血管内;
5. 检查针管内有无回血,如有,则可以注射;
6. 用棉球按压注射点1min左右进行止血;
7. 最后,将小鼠从固定器取下,放回鼠笼中。


1. 大鼠尾静脉注射病毒量参考:文章“AAV9 supports wide-scale transduction of the CNS and TDP-43 disease modeling in adult rats”中给出:6周龄的年轻成年大鼠重约150g。文中AAV9 TDP-43 or AAV9 GFP, 一个典型的剂量是每kg大鼠给药3 x 10^13 – 1 x 10^14 v.g。确保体积不超过标准建议注射量体积(250克大鼠250-500μL)。对于年轻的成年大鼠,推荐的注射体积是200μl。
2. 小鼠尾静脉注射视频: http://www.taogene.com“动物注射”板块观看。



2. 颞/面静脉注射

1. 将一只幼崽直接放在湿冰上30-60秒,以麻醉动物。由于存在低温相关并发症(包括心室颤动,组织缺氧和代谢性酸中毒)的风险,请勿将动物置于冰上太久。文章中告知,30-60秒足以减缓小鼠运动以允许注射。如果需要更深的麻醉,吸入剂如1-2%的异氟烷可能是合适的;
2. 当动物在冰上时,向注射器中加入30μl伊文思蓝染料;
3. 当动物完全麻醉时(仍然呼吸但在冰上缺乏运动),在显微镜下移动它。对于右手注射,请将对着动物的枪口朝向右侧。将左手食指放在枪口上,左手中指放在耳塞尾部,使耳塞位于食指和中指之间;
4. 检查耳朵前方的毛细血管,当皮肤被操纵时会移动。毛细管并不是目标,而是识别颞/面静脉识别很重要。接下来,找到毛细管下方的暗阴影静脉,无论皮肤位置如何,毛细管都保持固定。颞静脉呈阴影状,向腹侧背侧,并进入颈静脉;
5. 进入颞静脉,针斜面向上。如果正确插入,可以通过皮肤观察针斜角填充血液。然后慢慢压下柱塞,注意静脉沿着脸部侧面漂白;
6. 让针头在静脉内保持10-15秒,以防止注射剂回流。



说明:更多注意事项请参考文章“Intravenous Injections in Neonatal Mice”。

3. 腹腔注射

1. 从笼中提取小鼠尾巴,并将其放在手背上,进行适当安抚;
2. 左手握小鼠,用拇指、食指捏住小鼠颈背部,用无名指及小指固定其尾和后肢,腹部向上,头呈低位;
3. 右手持注射器,插入小鼠腹部,注射部位为下腹部离腹白线约0.5cm 处,使针头与小鼠腹部约成 30°角刺入腹腔,针头刺入的速度要快,刚开始刺时会有一种明显的抵抗力,那是因为鼠皮具有韧性,后来突然会有一种抵抗力消失的感觉,说明针头已刺入腹腔内,此时回抽没有回血,说明针头没有进入脏器,就可以进行注射。(注意:针头刺入腹腔不宜超过 1cm,进针动作要轻柔,防止刺伤腹部器官);
4. 注射完病毒后,缓缓拔出针头,并轻微旋转针头,防止漏液;
5. 最后,将小鼠重新放回笼中,继续饲养观察。


4. 视网膜下注射

1. 通过腹腔注射安乐死和唑拉西泮(1:1,2.25 mg / kg体重)和盐酸甲苯噻嗪(0.7 mg / kg体重)或替代品的混合物麻醉成年小鼠(即6-8周龄);
2. 用0.5%的去氧肾上腺素和0.5%的托吡卡胺滴眼液扩张瞳孔;
3. 准备已经加有1.5-2μl病毒微量注射器;
4. 为了方便注射,打开眼睑,使眼睛露出赤道(equator),并在手术显微镜下观察。保持眼睛露出赤道(equator)直到注射结束,防止在注射期间可能发生针的移位。将手指放在眼眶边缘外以便牢牢握住眼球;
5. 在角膜表面涂抹一滴眼用粘弹性溶液;
6. 在角膜顶部放置一个小圆形盖玻片,以显示视网膜;
7. 使用30 G 1/2无菌针头在角膜缘后面的一个小孔处穿孔进行进一步的视网膜下注射。为了方便,是孔位于右眼的下方,左眼的上方;
8. 将微量注射器的33 G钝针穿过预穿孔并进入视网膜下腔,直到感觉到轻度阻力的点为止;
9. 将病毒载体(比如1×10^6TU /μl)轻轻注入视网膜下空间而不发生震颤,以避免不必要的组织损伤,然后轻轻取出针头;
10. 在手术显微镜下注射后观察视网膜下水泡的形成,以确保视网膜没有出血;
11. 轻轻关闭眼睑以覆盖注射部位;
12. 将小鼠放回笼中,保证小鼠活力。

更多注意事项请参照文章“Limbal Approach-Subretinal Injection of Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy in Mice Retinal Pigment Epithelium”。

5. 脑立体定位注射


脑立体定位仪,常规手术器械,颅骨钻,微量注射器,干棉球,1% 的戊巴比妥钠,生理盐水,1ml 注射器,小鼠 。
首先,用 1% 的戊巴比妥钠,以腹腔注射的方式麻醉小鼠,注射量为 80mg / 100g 小鼠 ;
然后,从饲养笼中取出小鼠 。5-10min 后,麻醉剂起效 。待小鼠麻醉后,用剃毛器将小鼠头部毛发剔除干净 。

将麻醉小鼠剔毛后的固定到立体定位仪上 ;
左手托起小鼠头部,将左侧耳杆插入小鼠耳道,调节左右侧耳杆使动物头部保持在 U 型开口的中心位置,先锁紧固定一侧耳杆,后旋紧另一侧耳杆,使动物头部不能晃动,同时旋紧门齿夹螺丝;
根据脑图谱,确定待注射脑区的位置参数,包含离 Bregma 和 Lambda 点的距离以及核团深度。以 Bregma 为 0 点,按照预先确定好的坐标移动颅骨钻,打开合适大小的骨窗(窗口尽量小但又不妨碍实验)。

用 PBS 冲洗微量注射器 ( 5μl 规格 ) 3-5 次;
先吸取 1μl 空气,再吸取 1μl 稀释好的病毒 ( 方便病毒充分注射进脑 ),在空气中测试注射器是否通畅;
将微量注射泵,微量注射器组装好,置于钻好的孔上方,针尖与颅骨平行 (Z=0),微调注射器位置使之与之前钻孔时位置相同。根据定好的深度将注射针缓慢下降。
6. 肌肉注射

1. 限制动物,确保动物的一条后腿自由并稳定注射。固定动物可能需要两个人。如果动物在注射期间可以动,则针头可能会导致肌肉损伤。动物固定方法可以参考文章“Manual Restraint and Common Compound Administration Routes in Mice and Rats”;
2. 针应垂直于动物皮肤插入。使用适当大小的注射器和针头,近似斜面的角度将针头插入,并将材料注入动物的股四头肌(大腿前部)或大腿外侧肌肉块。不要注入后部肌肉,因为它可能会损伤坐骨神经;
3. 如果动物要接受多次肌肉注射,交替腿进行注射。

7. 皮下注射

1. 限制动物自由,但是需要足够松散,保证皮肤能够移动;
2. 如果动物在皮下注射后要做常规处理,请不要使用颈背,此时可以使用背侧臀部或侧腹的皮肤。如果动物要接受多次皮下注射,则换其他部位进行注射;
3. 抓住皮肤,轻轻向上拉,形成“帐篷”形状;
4. 使用适当大小的注射器和针头,将针头以30-45°的角度插入拉起来的皮肤,然后注射。注射保持于拉起来皮肤的手指平行且尽量远离手指;
5. 如果注射成功,将会看到皮肤下的小肿胀。注射结束后,轻轻施加压力以防止回流。

8. 皮内注射

1. 对于皮内注射,通常将动物剃毛以便可以看到皮肤;
2. 用于多次皮内注射的动物的约束可能是困难的。在这种情况下,化学镇静可能是必要的;
3. 将适当大小的针头以15-30°的角度插入皮肤。针头不要插入很远,注射遇到阻力即可。另一种方法是在注射部位附近轻轻捏住皮肤,并以非常小的角度插入针头。这在小鼠中很有用,因为它可以防止它们在注射过程中移动;
4. 如果注射成功,将会看到一个小疱。它会比周围的皮肤更苍白;
5. 注射后,轻轻施加压力以防止回流。

9. 灌胃

1. 只对受限制的清醒动物进行强效灌胃。麻醉或镇静会增加误吸的风险;
2. 选择使用适当大小的口服喂食针。这些针头的末端有球形尖端,以防止它们进入气管。所需的长度可以将受约束的动物保持向上然后从嘴角开始测量确定;
3. 约束动物,使其头部和身体呈直线垂直,这会使食道变直,使喂食针更容易通过;
4. 将针的球形尖端插入动物的嘴里,并在舌头上方。一旦针头到达正确位置,将针头和注射器向上,轻轻按压上颚,使动物的鼻子朝向天花板。在给大鼠进行胃内给药时,针可能需要在通过喉咙后部时稍微改变方向,如果感受到针上的任何张力都表明需要调整位置;
5. 继续将针送到预定位置。针应该很容易通过,动物不应该喘气或呛到,如果有阻力或动物喘息或者窒息,立即停止并取下针头。

10. 鞘内注射

1. 剔除小鼠腰背部毛发,用75%酒精棉球消毒;
2. 将小鼠引诱至棉手套中,左手固定小鼠,暴露髂脊背部,右手持29 gauge注射针,待其安静后找到髂脊。ICR小鼠L5椎间隙几乎与髂脊平行,L6椎间隙距髂脊水平距离约为3 mm;C57BL/6小鼠L5椎间隙距髂脊水平距离约为1.5 mm,L6椎间隙距髂脊水平距离约为4 mm;
3. 以30°-45°角度插入中线皮肤,髂脊水平向尾部约3 mm处进针(ICR小鼠)或髂脊水平向尾部约4 mm处进针(C57BL/6小鼠),若针不能插入L6椎间隙,进针角度缓慢下调,同时沿着棘突和乳突间的凹槽向前移动针尖,直到插入L5椎间隙,针尖可以进入到椎管约5 mm位置;
4. 针尖进入椎管推入10 μL药液,小鼠尾巴颤抖或突然甩动则证明进针成功;


1. 健康小鼠在做脊神经结扎前1天禁食禁水;
2. 实验时,将小鼠背部毛发剔除,暴露出皮肤,用异氟烷呼吸麻醉;
3. 待小鼠进入麻醉状态后 ,用碘伏消毒后再用75%酒精棉球消毒,用11号刀片划开小鼠皮肤,具体位置为髂脊中线偏左。开口大小一厘米左右;
4. 接下来,在腰背部中线偏外侧划开,用弯镊沿脊柱方向钝性分离肌肉,暴露第六腰椎横突后,用棉球将横突周围血肉擦拭干净,使用尖镊钳断横突,暴露出神经,使用玻璃电极分离出第五腰神经,用6-0丝线结扎,使用微量注射器沿神经方向在神经外膜下进行注射;
5. 注射时注意速度缓慢匀速,随后剪去线头,将神经回复原位置,缝合肌肉,用碘伏消毒,最后缝上皮肤,再次消毒伤口;
6. 将小鼠放置温暖处待其苏醒。



1. Understand your audience
Even before you start writing, make sure you have a good sense of who is going to read the article. It may sound like an obvious point, but keeping a consistent tone throughout the manuscript is going to save you a lot of time in revision. Is this a tutorial review, aimed toward people who are totally new to the field? You’ll want to include lots of context and define terms that may seem obvious to you. A historical perspective? Don’t be afraid to dig far back in the literature to the seminal publications. A digest or highlight piece? Worry less about assembling every single paper on the topic and focus more on what the most interesting handful of results say right now.

Pengfei Kong, editor of Trends in Parasitology, suggests thinking about the scope of the review as a function of the expertise of the audience: if it’s meant for readers actively engaged in a specific field, then you can go deeper, whereas if you want it to be more accessible to a general audience, you should go wider. Former Cell Stem Cell reviews editor Anh Nguyen also advises you to “make sure your article has the type of breadth and depth that the journal typically publishes.”

2. Understand what the journal wants
Most journals, including the Trends journals, have a dense array of author guidelines that provide instructions on everything from how to format a glossary (put each term in bold the first time it appears in the main text) to how long an abstract can be (strictly no more than 120 words for longer formats and 50 words for shorter formats) to how to prepare print-quality figures (300 dpi, .tif format preferred). These items are important and may delay or preclude publication if they’re not followed, but they’re things that can be addressed as you’re polishing a manuscript for submission.

Before you start writing, though, get a general sense of what the journal expects from you. In particular, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences editor Kushi Mukherjee emphasizes how understanding the journal’s length requirements before you start writing can prevent significant frustration later on. Trends journals advise submitting Review articles between 3,000 and 3,500 words on initial submission. If you keep this goal in mind from the beginning and end up a few hundred words long or short, then it’s relatively straightforward to cut or add to reach the appropriate length. But if you choose to ignore the instruction and end up with a 9,000-word albatross, then you’ll have to discard 60% of your effort, in many cases before the journal will even send your manuscript out for review.

3. Figure out what you want to say
Danielle Loughlin, editor of Trends in Cell Biology, puts it well: “First, define the overall goal of the manuscript. What do you want to convey to the reader? What are the major points that you want to make?” Claudia Willmes from Trends in Molecular Medicine agrees: “Start with the motivation for why you’re writing this review and make sure this is your running thread.” Claudia explains this by encouraging authors to think back to where the idea for the review came from in the first place. For instance, if an editor invited you to write after listening to you give a talk, then it makes sense to write the review with a similar take-home message to the talk.

After you’ve decided what to convey to the reader, Anh reminds you to “make sure you are aware of other reviews in this area over the past few years to ensure yours offers a unique angle on the topic.” It’s worth re-examining the literature once you have a good sense of audience, journal requirements, and scope just to make sure that you’re not inadvertently writing the same article that someone else published a few months ago.

4. Make an outline
This is the single most common piece of advice I got. Claudia says, “plan a structure to see what are the core topics that need to be addressed in dedicated sections,” while Danielle’s advice is to “create an outline, bullet point major areas or publications,” and Kushi’s is to “write out an outline of main subtopics that the article will cover.” Trends in Cognitive Sciences editor Lindsey Drayton and I also covered the importance of the outline in our webinar on writing reviews, and you may have even created an outline if you proposed the review to the editor.

Nearly every editor who shared their thoughts brought up outlining in some capacity, so take heed. An outline doesn’t have to be a hierarchical list of bullet points, though it certainly can be if that’s what will help you organize. You might also consider a mind map or other diagram or simple clusters of publications that are related to each other. To structure smaller sections or single paragraphs, Trends in Microbiology editor Gail Teitzel (inspired by her 9-year-old son’s homework) suggests that food-themed graphical organizers can be surprisingly useful for adult writers too.

Why outline? As Lindsey talked about in the webinar, the outline helps you understand the relationship between the different parts of the review and to elevate your review from a collection of results into a compelling narrative. Understanding which publications you want to cite in which section, or which elements of your argument you want to advance in which order, before you begin writing will let you focus on how to tell the most interesting story possible. Outlining beforehand will also help you to spot structural weaknesses in the manuscript before they become problems: if what you thought could be a main section only ends up with one paragraph’s worth of content, you might consider reorganizing to bolster the section or move that paragraph elsewhere.

5. Think about figures
“Even if the actual design of the figures is left to a later stage,” advises Moran Furman, editor of Trends in Neurosciences, “I think it can be helpful to start thinking about the figures from the outset.” Anh agrees: “It’s helpful to devise figures conceptually early on because schematics can be worth a thousand words and help you focus your text.” Moran also advises against what we around the Cell Press office have taken to calling “Frankenfigures”: “figures that tend to work well in Review or Opinion articles are ones that summarize findings or highlight new ideas, rather than just reproduce primary source data.”

6. Start with the introductory section
Just as with research articles, there is no one correct place to begin writing, but the introduction came up frequently as a reasonable place to start. Consider the right level of specificity, again keeping your audience in mind: if you’re writing a review of algal biofuels for a biomolecular engineering audience, you probably don’t need to motivate the entire concept of biofuels.

There are three critical elements of introductory sections that I encourage every Trends in Biotechnology author to include: a basic scientific overview (for a biotechnology journal, this should encompass both the biological system being exploited as a technology and the practical problem that technology is intended to solve), the unique selling point of the review, and a preview of the specific content of the review.

Most authors do well with the scientific overview and the preview of the article. But the unique selling point often takes a little more encouragement. As an author, this should be the most exciting part: this is your chance to tell the world why it should be interested in what you have to say. If you can express this in a succinct and compelling manner, while also explaining how your review advances the conversation beyond any other reviews that may have been published on the topic, then you are putting yourself in a position to succeed as you compose the rest of the manuscript.

7. Engage co-authors, editors, and colleagues early and often
Finally, as we have explained before, never submit the first draft of your manuscript. Instead, read it again and expect to make significant revisions even before you submit: make sure that all of the sections feel like they’re part of the same coherent work, terms are used consistently, and the level of scientific detail doesn’t vary significantly from one paragraph to the next.

You’re not writing a review in a vacuum. Often, you’ll be writing in collaboration with co-authors, who should ideally be involved with every stage of writing, but especially when they’re contributing specific technical expertise. If you’re writing for Trends, you’re working with an editor whose job it is to help you write the best review possible. And you almost certainly have colleagues who are educated and interested in science yet not subject-matter experts in the precise topic of the review. Use these resources to make sure that the article you’ve started writing captures the most recent and exciting literature, conforms to the journal’s specifications, and is comprehensible to a wide audience.

本文来自: http://crosstalk.cell.com/blog/how-to-get-started-writing-a-review-article


Throughout the course of my career, I’ve written many recommendation letters for people I’ve both worked with and supervised. The recipients of these letters have ranged from managers of corporate full-time jobs that need just a quick few lines of feedback, to those in government roles where I’m required to provide a lengthy documentation of my time with my colleague.

Serving as someone’s professional or personal reference is a powerful position, indeed; many times, it can be the deciding factor for employers during the hiring process. But while you know the stakes are high, knowing what to actually write in a recommendation letter can be another matter entirely. Here are some useful tips on how write a letter to help your colleague shine above the rest!

While these ideas do not comprise full-fledged recommendation letter templates, they can help any letter writer with writing a letter that will illuminate a job applicant or help a student application by illustrating their qualities. If you have major writing block, while you may want to start with a sample letter of recommendation, a letter sample must be customized to candidate application, and should be a customized letter of recommendation in order to be a good letter.

1. Get the Details

Obtain as much information from your colleague as you can before you write this letter, including (if possible) the job description of the position they’re after and their updated resume.

2. Treat it Like a Cover Letter

Indicate what position the person is applying for, why you know they’re interested in working for that company, and any of their best skills and personal strengths that you have witnessed. Much like cover letters, recommendation letters must paint the picture for an employer. You know your colleague or friend is great, but the employer needs to know the specifics about why. Show them, don’t just tell them.

Example: “It is with pleasure that I recommend Piper Jones for the senior volunteer coordinator position within your department. Piper has been a volunteer manager with our department for over two years where her role has been to coordinate volunteers for service projects. Piper and I have had many conversations about her career goals that include obtaining a leadership role in an organization that may offer opportunities to travel abroad, such as your company has.”

3. Use the S.T.A.R.S. Method

To better tell your colleague’s story, discuss a particular Situation, the Task the person had to execute, the Action steps they took, the Results, and the Skills or Strengths you witnessed this person use effectively.

Example: “Piper was stationed in Spain last fall, where she assisted our satellite office with providing service opportunities to the local community and coordinated volunteers both in person and virtually. Her strengths lie in her ability to organize, communicate, and execute tasks, as demonstrated by her initiating several projects there last fall. Since her return to our main office, she has participated in programs where she has contributed creatively and reconnected with those staff members and individuals she serviced abroad.”

4. Make Confidence Contagious

Make sure you close your letter with confident, reassuring statements that this person is the one they are looking for! This may help seal the deal if your colleague was a bit nervous during the interview and didn’t mirror these sentiments him/herself.

Example: “I am confident that Piper will be an integral part of your team and work well with your professional staff as she has with ours. I am happy to discuss my experience supervising Piper further and can be reached at the number below.”

5. Lastly — Keep a Copy

Always keep a copy of your recommendation letters for both your and your colleague’s sake. You never know when you may need to write another one!

In addition to the foregoing tips for writing a recommendation letter, think about the reader’s point of view. Do you discuss their work ethic, is this a character reference letter, and what overall message are you conveying as a recommender? Do you provide specific examples, is this an appropriate recommendation letter for employment, or is it for a graduate school application?

Ultimately, to write a letter that’s outstanding, recommenders will need to think beyond the recommendation letter template box!






















  3、烘烤一些巴西坚果,并将其分散撒在沙拉中。这样的沙拉富含硒(一种矿物质元素能够杀死肿瘤细胞并帮助细胞修复其DNA)。 哈佛大学对超过1000名前列腺癌患者的一项研究表明,13年来,体内血液中含有最高水平硒的患者同体内血液中含有最低水平硒的患者相比,癌症加重人数减少48%。康奈尔大学和亚利桑那大学进行一项引人注目的研究表明,每天摄入200mg硒(含量是无壳巴西坚果的2倍),能够使前列腺肿瘤发生降低63%,结肠直肠癌发生降低58%,肺部恶性肿瘤降低46%及癌症总体死亡率降低39%。




  7、每周可以在食品杂货店购买香瓜,干完杂活后将其切成片状。将其储存到 冰箱中,每天早上食用数片。香瓜富含类胡萝卜素和植物成分,能够显著降低肺癌风险。












  19、利用避孕套并保持一个配偶。女性拥有的性伙伴越多,感染人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)的风险越高(HPV能够引起子宫颈癌)。拥有不忠诚的丈夫同样会增加女 性感染人乳头状瘤病毒的风险。



  22、在沙拉上喷洒韭葱。饮食中高含量的洋葱可能使前列腺癌风险降低50%。当食用生葱或轻炒的葱时,效应最强。因此,尝试韭葱、Vidalia 洋葱、青葱或细香葱用来调味。


  24、据西雅图Fred Hutchinson癌症研究中心一项研究表明,每天晚上餐后步行30分钟,可以降低乳腺癌风险。推翻了以往的观点,即只有中等强度的锻炼能够降低雌激素水平(一种致乳腺癌激素)。170名超重,平躺呈马铃薯样的50-75岁女性每周进行3小时中等强度的锻炼,三个月后循环中雌激素水平显著下降。1年后,那些通过步行锻炼使体重降低至少2%的肥胖女性,雌激素水平下降更明显。另一项研究发现, 步行4小时或徒步旅行能够使胰腺癌风险降低一半左右。获益主要由于锻炼引起的胰岛素代谢改善。





  29、调整饮食,从炸马铃薯片和番茄薯片转到磨碎的马铃薯和椒盐卷饼。当食品进行烘烤和油煎时,很容易产生潜在的致癌物质(丙烯酰胺)。不感到惊讶,很多富含丙烯酰胺的食品是你最喜爱的食品,如炸马铃薯片、番茄薯片及烘烤的糖类食品。尽管该结论尚未最终确定,但为了公众的利益,生命中心执行主管Michael Jacobson博士估计丙烯酰胺能够造成每年1000-25,000例癌症。他的代理机构已经向食品药品监督管理局(FDA)提出诉讼,申请限制出售含丙烯酰胺的食品。FDA正在研究该问题。




    汉语中目前使用的标点符号是参考借鉴西文的标点体系而制定的,它既保留了西文标点的主体特征,又带有与汉语语言特点相适应的特   色。因而,中英文标点符号之间存在着一定的差异。
  ⒈ 汉语中的某些标点符号为英语所没有。
  ⑴ 顿号(、):顿号在汉语中起分割句子中的并列成分的作用;英语中没有顿号,分割句中的并列成分多用逗号。如:
  She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.
  注意:类似的情况下,最后一个逗号后可加and,这个逗号也可省略–She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box.
  ⑵ 书名号(《》):英文没有书名号,书名、报刊名用斜体或者下划线表示。如:
  Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》
  Winter’s Tale / Winter’s Tale 《冬天的童话》
  The New York Times / The New York Times 《纽约时报》
  ⑶ 间隔号(•):汉语有间隔号,用在月份和日期、音译的名和姓等需要隔开的词语的正中间,如“一二•九“、“奥黛丽•赫本(人名)“等。英语中没有汉语的间隔号,需要间隔时多用逗点。
  ⑷ 着重号:有时汉语用在文字下点实心圆点表示需要强调的词语,这些实心点就是着重号。而英语中没有这一符号,需强调某些成分时可借助文字斜体、某些强调性词汇、特殊句型、标点停顿等多种方法。
  ⒉ 英语中的某些标点符号为汉语所没有。
  ⑴ 撇号–Apostrophe(’)
  ⑵ 连字号–Hyphen(-)
  ⑶ 斜线号—Virgule or Slash(/):该符号主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于标音,如bed /bed/。
  ⒊ 某些符号在汉英两种语言中的形式不同。
  ⑴ 中文的句号是空心圈(。)
  ⑵ 英文的省略号是三个点(…),位置在行底;
  ⑶ 英文的破折号是(-)


所有的博客网站都有一个橙黄色的XML 或是RSS的小标志,而仿佛一夜之间,RSS,这个昔日栖息寻常巷陌的家燕,开始分身百亿,飞入王谢堂前了(BBC、CNN、时代华纳、福布斯、路透社、雅虎、苹果、CNet……)。
在播客鼻祖、前MTV名人Adam Curry和Doc Searls、Dave Winer等一帮播客的摇旗鼓噪下,Podcasting在美国如野火蔓延。9月28日,著名博客Dan Gillmor曾说:“Podcasting必成气候,比你想象的要快”。言犹在耳,Podcasting就火疯了。在过去短短的一周,Google有关Podcasting的搜索结果每天都在急剧增长。著名播客Doc Searls注意到, 在10月4日时,Google关于Podcasting的搜索结果还只是5,950项,到次日下午,就增加到8,900项--尽管Google仍然固执地认为你输入的词可能错了,善意地提醒你要搜的是不是broadcasting 。
NBC4.com评论:“正如博客一样,Podcasting是网络和传统媒体的最佳联姻”。博客Richard Gayle说:“如果说博客是新一代报纸,那么Podcasting就是新一代广播”。播客Jason Clarke则宣称:Podcasting是“传统广播模式最可怕的梦魇”。

Distinct Contributions of Vaccine-Induced Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) and IgG2a Antibodies to Protective Immunity against Influenza

Despite the availability of an effective vaccine, the World Health Organization estimates that annual influenza epidemics exact a toll of 3 to 5 million severe illnesses and 250,000 to 500,000 deaths in the industrialized world (63). Part of this failure is due to limited distribution of the vaccine, but part can be attributed to reduced efficacy in groups at high risk for complications. The incipient pandemic developing in Southeast Asia is a warning that we need more-effective influenza vaccines (3, 70). Particularly troubling is the difficulty in generating a robust immune response against highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses of the H5N1 subtype by use of traditional vaccine approaches (67, 72). Refinement of the methodologies used to prevent this important disease and to evaluate the immune response to influenza vaccines is needed.
Typical assays used to measure vaccine responses against influenza antigens include hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and microneutralization assays. These standardized tests are easy to perform and provide a quantitative measure of antibodies based on their ability to neutralize viral particles (57). Use of these assays has shown that high levels of antibody are required to see effective neutralization in vivo (54). While neutralizing titers immediately following vaccination may be high enough to meet this threshold, antibody titers wane over time. In many cases, it may be difficult for the host to maintain a neutralizing antibody titer sufficient to prevent infection during an entire influenza season and into subsequent seasons.
In addition to their neutralizing properties, antibodies can mediate host effector functions and facilitate the removal of a pathogen from a host. Specifically, the Fc portion of immunoglobulin G2a (IgG2a) antibodies interacts with complement components (51) and activatory Fc receptors (21, 25, 69) with a high affinity. This interaction can efficiently activate Fc receptor-mediated effector functions, which include the stimulation of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (36) and opsonophagocytosis by macrophages (64), the latter of which has been shown to contribute to the clearance of influenza virus from infected hosts (31). The Fc portion of IgG1 antibodies mediates a lower-affinity interaction with activatory Fc receptors and does not stimulate Fc receptor-mediated immune responses as effectively (52, 53). Interestingly, protective anti-influenza immunity in the absence of measurable neutralizing antibodies has been described to occur in influenza vaccine trials with both animals (38, 39) and humans (4, 9), but the explanation for this observation has yet to be determined.
BALB/c mice typically respond to inactivated influenza vaccines and subunit vaccines with a Th2-type immune response (2, 5, 27, 48), which is associated with the stimulation of IgG1 antibodies (60). However, the major antibody isotype present in the sera of mice that survive viral infections is IgG2a (10, 11), which is stimulated during Th1-type immune responses (60). Stimulation of IgG2a antibodies has been associated with increased efficacy of influenza vaccination (1, 30, 31, 48). Additionally, monoclonal antibodies of the IgG2a isotype are more efficient at clearing influenza (20, 50), Ebola (71), and yellow fever (58) virus infections than monoclonal antibodies of the IgG1 isotype displaying similar antigenic specificities.
In the present study, we specifically stimulated immunity against the hemagglutinin (HA) surface glycoprotein of influenza virus without complementary immunity from other external (neuraminidase) and internal (nucleoprotein [NP] and acid polymerase [PA]) components of the virus that are known to play a role in immunity against influenza viruses (13, 33-35). While focusing on the HA alone does not induce optimal protection against influenza challenge, it allowed us to dissect the distinct contributions of different elements of the immune response. We delivered influenza HA expressed in plasmid DNA via the gene gun, a route of vaccination that is known to induce a predominantly IgG1 response in BALB/c mice (16, 41, 76). We then vaccinated mice with replication-deficient viral replicon particles (VRP) from Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus, which express the influenza HA in a manner known to enhance IgG2a antibody levels in mice (23, 75, 76). Our results support a role for IgG1 antibodies in the neutralization of viral particles both in vitro and in vivo. In contrast, the specific induction of IgG2a antibodies was not associated with neutralization of influenza virus but appears to assist in the clearance of influenza virus from the infected host. The data are discussed with emphasis on the different roles of antibody isotypes in antiviral immunity.
Mice. Adult (6- to 8-week-old) female BALB/cJ mice were obtained from Jackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, ME). Mice were housed in groups of four to six in high-temperature 31.2- by 23.5- by 15.2-cm polycarbonate cages with isolator lids. Rooms used for housing mice were maintained on a 12-h:12-h light:dark cycle at 22 ± 2°C with a humidity of 50% in the biosafety level 2 facility at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (Memphis, TN). Prior to inclusion in experiments, mice were allowed at least 7 days to acclimate to the animal facility. Laboratory autoclavable rodent diet (PMI Nutrition International, St. Louis, MO) and autoclaved water were available ad libitum. All experiments were performed in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Animal Care and Use Committee at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Coupling plasmid DNA to gold particles. HA from the A/Hong Kong/1/68 (H3N2) (HK68) (GenBank accession no. AF348176) strain of influenza virus was cloned into pHW2000 plasmid DNA as described previously (29). The HA cloned in these studies differed from the GenBank sequence at N153I (A458T).
Spermidine (0.1 M) (Sigma, St. Louis, MO), 2.5 M CaCl2 (Fisher, Fair Lawn, NJ), and 2.5 µg plasmid DNA per 1 mg gold (1-µm particle size) (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA) were incubated at room temperature. Ethanol-washed gold beads were suspended in ethanol containing 0.2 mg ml–1 polyvinylpyrrolidone (molecular weight, 360,000) and dried onto Tefzel tubing (Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, Mickleton, NJ).
VRP creation. VEE VRP expressing an identical HA sequence were produced as described previously (46, 55) using constructs provided by Alphavax (Alphavax, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC). Briefly, RNA from a single construct expressing both VEE nonstructural proteins and HK68 HA in place of VEE structural proteins was transfected into baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells by electroporation. Concurrently, RNA from two helper constructs that expressed VEE structural proteins but lacked packaging signals was transfected into BHK cells. Coelectroporation of these three RNA constructs results in the production of VRP that express the nonstructural proteins of VEE and the influenza HA. Supernatants from transfected BHK cells containing VRP were purified and concentrated prior to inoculation. VRP encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) in place of influenza HA were used as a heterologous antigen control (46).
HK/Syd reassortant influenza virus. Individual influenza genes were cloned into pHW2000 plasmid vectors as described previously (29). The HA component of the virus was derived from the HK68 HA plasmid described above. The neuraminidase component used for creation of these viruses was from the A/Sydney/5/97 (H3N2) strain of influenza virus. The remaining genes used to create influenza virus were from A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (Erich Hoffmann, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital). Influenza virus (HK/Syd) was created using the reverse genetics technique described previously (28), and the rescued virus was propagated in 10-day-old embryonated chicken eggs for 72 h at 37°C.
HK/Syd virus created using reverse genetics had an egg 50% infective dose (ID50) of 107.50 and a Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) 50% tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) of 107.375, measured using techniques described previously (74). With BALB/c mice (Jackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, ME), the ID50 was 1 TCID50, while the 50% lethal dose was 105.5 TCID50. Following administration of lethal doses of influenza (either 3 or 10 50% minimum lethal doses [MLD50]), mice were monitored for signs of morbidity (weight loss) and mortality (survival). Mice that lost more than 33% of their initial body weight were euthanized and recorded as dying on the following day. Either 3 or 6 days after sublethal challenge (100 50% median infective doses [MID50]), mice were euthanized, lungs were removed, rinsed in sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and homogenized, and TCID50 values for dilutions of these homogenates were determined. ID50 and 50% lethal dose values were calculated using the method of Reed and Muench (56).
Vaccination. For DNA vaccination, 2.5 µg of either HA- or vector control DNA-coated gold particles (1 mg) was delivered at two nonoverlapping sites on the abdomen, using a Helios (Bio-Rad) gene gun, at 21-day intervals. Mice that were boosted with VRP received 1 x 106 infectious units expressing either HA or GFP (vector control) delivered subcutaneously in a 10-µl volume in the right rear footpad (46) at 28-day intervals. For an additional control group, mice were inoculated in the right rear footpad with PBS. When DNA was delivered without subsequent VRP administration, mice received three DNA inoculations (primary, secondary, and tertiary exposures). For groups that received DNA and VRP, mice were inoculated with two doses of DNA (primary and secondary) followed by two vaccinations with either VRP or PBS in the footpad (tertiary and quaternary). For all experiments, when DNA was administered, serum was collected 14 days after each vaccination, and when VRP or PBS was inoculated into the footpad, serum was collected at day 21 postinoculation. Serum was obtained from blood collected via the orbital plexus of isoflurane-anesthetized mice. Vaccination and serum collection time points were optimized through prior preparatory experiments conducted in our lab with these immunogens.
ELISA. Egg-grown HK/Syd virus was concentrated, purified over a sucrose gradient as described previously (42), and inactivated with 0.025% formalin treatment for 3 days at 4°C (68). HA content of this virus preparation was quantitated after resolution through 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Bio-Rad) using bovine serum albumin (BSA) (Pierce, Rockford, IL) as a standard. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) plates (Becton Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ) were coated with 1 µg HA ml–1 in PBS. Plates were washed with PBS containing 0.05% (vol/vol) Tween 20 (Sigma) (PBST) and blocked with 10% fetal bovine serum (HyClone, Logan, UT) in PBST (FBS-PBST). Receptor-destroying-enzyme-treated (Accurate Chemical & Scientific Corp., Westbury, NY), heat-inactivated sera were diluted in FBS-PBST. Alkaline phosphatase-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgA, IgM, IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3, or IgG ( heavy chain specific) (Southern Biotechnology Associates, Birmingham, AL), diluted 1:1,000 in FBS-PBST, was used as the detection antibody, with p-nitrophenylphosphate as a substrate (Sigma). The optical density (OD) was read at 405 nm using a Multiskan Ascent plate reader (Labsystems, Helsinki, Finland) 1 h after substrate addition. Reciprocal serum antibody titers were calculated at 50% maximal binding on the titration curve. Samples with OD values of less than 0.5 at the starting dilution (1:50) were reported as having a titer of less than 50.
Microneutralization. HK/Syd (2 x 103 TCID50 ml–1) was incubated for 2 h with serum diluted in infection media as described previously (57). Virus-serum mixtures were then added to PBS-washed MDCK cell monolayers in 96-well Falcon plates (Becton Dickinson) and incubated for 2 h. Inoculum was removed, and cells were incubated with media containing 2 µg ml–1 TPCK-trypsin for 18 to 22 h. Influenza virus was detected using mouse monoclonal antibody specific for influenza A virus nucleoprotein (kindly provided by Robert G. Webster, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital) diluted 1:2,000 in 1% BSA (Invitrogen, Grand Island, NY) in PBS containing 0.1% (vol/vol) Tween 20 (Sigma), as described previously (57). Horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (Fc specific) (Sigma), diluted 1:2,000 in 1% BSA in PBS containing 0.1% (vol/vol) Tween 20, was used as the detection antibody, with o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride as the substrate (Sigma). Upon addition of 1 N H2SO4, the OD at 492 nm was measured using a Multiskan Ascent plate reader. The microneutralization titer is reported as the reciprocal of the final serum dilution that exhibits an OD value less than one-half of that measured in virus control wells.
Flow cytometry. Mice were euthanized, the axillary artery was cut, and cells were recovered from the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid by three 1-ml washes with Hanks balanced salt solution. The inferior vena cava was cut, and the liver was perfused via the hepatic portal vein. The gallbladder was excised during the liver’s removal. Livers were minced and plunged through fine-mesh filters. The cell suspension was washed twice in cold PBS with 2% fetal bovine serum and 0.02% sodium azide and spun through 33.8% Percoll (Amersham Biosciences, Sweden) for 12 min at 693 x g to isolate lymphocytes as previously described (24). Isolated cells were incubated for 20 min on ice with phycoerythrin-conjugated anti-CD8 (BD Pharmingen) and an unconjugated rat anti-mouse CD16/32 antibody (BD Pharmingen) to block nonspecific Fc receptor-mediated binding. Cell populations were analyzed using a FACSCalibur system and CellQuest software (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA).
Statistical analysis. Comparison of survival between groups of mice was done with a log rank chi-square test of the Kaplan-Meier survival data. Comparison between antibody titers was done using repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) by the Holm-Sidak method. SigmaStat for Windows (v3.11; SysStat Software, Inc.) was utilized for all statistical analyses. A P value of <0.05 was considered significant for these comparisons. Because of small group sizes, the analysis lacked the power to distinguish statistically between lung titer values.
HA-DNA vaccination induces protective immunity in mice. To test the efficacy of our vaccine using the plasmid DNA vector alone, we initially delivered plasmid DNA (pHW2000) expressing influenza HA (HA-DNA) from the A/Hong Kong/1/68 strain of influenza three times via gene gun. After the first exposure to the DNA, neither IgG1 nor IgG2a antibody levels were detectable by ELISA (Fig. 1A). After two doses of the DNA vaccine (secondary response), influenza-specific IgG1 antibodies had increased significantly (P < 0.01 by ANOVA) in the group inoculated with HA-DNA compared to levels in the group receiving vector DNA. After a third dose of the vaccine (tertiary response), a significant increase (P < 0.01 by ANOVA) in IgG1 antibody expression was seen in the HA-DNA-vaccinated group compared to levels in all other groups, including in comparison to the IgG1 titers seen after the secondary exposure to HA-DNA. Two of the five HA-DNA-vaccinated mice had measurable levels of IgG2a at day 14 after the secondary exposure to DNA. After the third exposure to HA-DNA, three of the five mice expressed IgG2a to a level that resulted in a significant difference (P < 0.01 by ANOVA) in IgG2a antibody titers upon comparison to those of vector DNA-inoculated mice. Upon challenge with a lethal dose (3 MLD50) of influenza virus (Fig. 1B), all of the mice were infected, as evidenced by a drop in body weight. Mice that received three doses of HA-DNA were significantly protected (P < 0.01 by log rank test of the Kaplan-Meier survival data) from the challenge (94% survival), while mice that received vector DNA were not (20% survival).
Influenza virus-neutralizing antibodies are induced following administration of HA-DNA but not HA-VRP. Having established that this DNA vaccine regimen induced the expected result of consistent IgG1 expression and protected mice from a lethal challenge with influenza, we next used a VEE VRP vector expressing the same influenza HA in an attempt to understand the relevant role of vaccine-induced IgG2a responses within these animals. Our initial assessment of vaccine-induced immunity involved measuring neutralizing antibodies induced using these different HA-expressing vectors. Groups initially received two exposures to either vector or HA-DNA, followed by two inoculations with VRP expressing either HA (HA-VRP) or GFP (GFP-VRP) as a control. As a further control for the potential effects of the VRP alone, additional groups were boosted with PBS instead of VRP. The serum samples analyzed here were obtained 21 days after the quaternary exposure to the immunogen (two exposures to DNA followed by two exposures to either VRP or PBS). Mice primed with vector DNA did not produce specific neutralizing antibodies as measured by microneutralization (Fig. 2), even after two subsequent inoculations with HA-VRP. Groups primed with HA-DNA, however, expressed detectable levels of neutralizing antibody in most animals. The group that received HA-DNA plus HA-VRP was the only group that exhibited a statistically significant increase in neutralizing antibody titers (P < 0.01 compared to all three groups inoculated with vector DNA). While boosting HA-DNA-vaccinated animals with HA-VRP modestly enhanced this response, it is clear that induction of neutralizing antibodies in this model was dependent on the HA-DNA prime. Analysis of sera using the traditional HI assay showed a similar pattern of neutralizing antibody induction (data not shown).
Expression of HA-specific IgG antibody isotypes depends on the vector used for antigen delivery. We next employed an ELISA technique to measure serum antibody expression 21 days after the quaternary exposure to the immunogen (two exposures to DNA followed by two inoculations with either VRP or PBS). This analysis revealed that IgG antibodies were induced to similar levels in animals vaccinated with either HA-DNA or HA-VRP (Fig. 3). This is of interest because influenza virus-specific antibodies present within the sera of mice vaccinated with HA-VRP were not detected by microneutralization (Fig. 2) but were detectable by ELISA. The groups inoculated with HA-DNA followed by a boost with either PBS or GFP-VRP expressed influenza virus-specific IgG antibody levels that were significantly higher (P < 0.01 by ANOVA) than those detected in groups that received vector DNA followed by either PBS or GFP-VRP. As expected, combined vaccination with HA-DNA and HA-VRP yielded maximal IgG expression, resulting in a significant increase in IgG antibody titers (P < 0.01 by ANOVA) compared to those of mice in all three groups that received vector DNA. Based upon this finding, we investigated the contributions of the different IgG isotypes to this total IgG response.
The IgG isotype response was dominated by IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies, which are reported for the six groups after each individual administration of immunogen (Fig. 4). IgG1 antibodies were not detected 14 days after a primary inoculation with HA-DNA. A second vaccination with HA-DNA induced a significant (P < 0.01 by ANOVA) and consistent IgG1 antibody response by all three groups inoculated with HA-DNA, as shown at 14 days after this secondary inoculation. The IgG1 response to HA-DNA in this experiment was similar to that reported in the first study (Fig. 1). Inoculation of mice with HA-VRP alone (tertiary and quaternary inoculations) did not yield significant IgG1 expression, but the group inoculated twice with HA-DNA and boosted with HA-VRP had significantly higher IgG1 titers (P < 0.01 by ANOVA) than all groups at 21 days after both tertiary and quaternary exposures to the HA antigen.
As with IgG1 expression, and consistent with what we saw in the initial experiment (Fig. 1), IgG2a levels were below the detectable limit 14 days after primary exposure to the antigen via the gene gun (Fig. 4). In fact, delivery of HA-DNA alone did not significantly induce an IgG2a response to this antigen even at day 14 of the secondary response to HA-DNA. However, 21 days after exposure to HA-VRP (tertiary response), IgG2a levels were increased, regardless of the DNA prime. Influenza-specific IgG2a expression by HA-VRP-vaccinated mice reached a significant difference (P < 0.01 by ANOVA) for the group that received two inoculations with HA-DNA, compared to all other groups, at 21 days after both the tertiary and the quaternary exposure to the antigen. Thus, HA-DNA vaccination induced primarily IgG1 antibodies, while HA-VRP inoculation consistently stimulated IgG2a antibodies. When HA was administered by both DNA and VRP vectors, the highest titers for influenza-specific IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies were achieved. On day 21 of the quaternary response to influenza HA, IgA, IgG2b, and IgG3 antibody titers were measured. Influenza-specific serum antibodies of the IgA and IgG3 isotypes did not achieve a measurable titer in this study, and only two mice in the vector DNA-plus-HA-VRP group (titer values of 113 and 119) and three mice in the HA-DNA-plus-HA-VRP group (titer values of 128, 153, and 290) expressed measurable levels of IgG2b antibodies. Influenza-specific antibodies of the IgM isotype were detected but levels did not differ between the groups (data not shown).
In vivo neutralization and protective immunity against influenza are optimized when both HA-DNA and HA-VRP are delivered. To assess the role of vaccine-induced antibodies in protection against influenza, mice were first challenged with a sublethal dose (100 MID50) of influenza virus. At both 3 and 6 days after challenge, mice that were primed with HA-DNA exhibited lower viral titers than those that were primed with vector DNA (Fig. 5). The most effective in vivo neutralization was seen with mice that received a prime with HA-DNA and a boost with HA-VRP. On day 6 after viral challenge, two mice in the group inoculated with HA-DNA plus HA-VRP had undetectable levels of virus in their lungs, and the third mouse in that group had a lung viral titer of 2 x 103 TCID50 ml–1.
Next, we utilized an influenza virus challenge study to assess the impact of vaccine-induced IgG1 and IgG2a expression on survival. In our previous experiment, HA-DNA was effective at preventing death in 94% of BALB/c mice challenged with 3 MLD50 of influenza virus. To test the contributions of HA-DNA and HA-VRP delivery to protection against lethal influenza challenge, we exposed these mice to a much higher dose (10 MLD50) of HK68 HA-expressing influenza virus as a more stringent measure of immunity (Fig. 6). After exposure to this high viral load, all mice were infected and lost weight (Fig. 6, top). Mice in the vector DNA-vaccinated groups that were boosted with either PBS or GFP-VRP were not protected from the challenge (0% survival for both groups) (Fig. 6, bottom). Mice that were vaccinated with HA-DNA alone showed survival rates of 30% (HA-DNA plus PBS) (P < 0.05 compared to groups vaccinated with vector DNA plus PBS and vector DNA plus GFP-VRP by log rank test) and 20% (HA-DNA plus GFP-VRP) by use of this higher challenge dose. Interestingly, the two groups that received HA-VRP showed similar, significant levels of survival (P < 0.05 compared to groups vaccinated with vector DNA plus PBS and vector DNA plus GFP-VRP by log rank test), regardless of whether they were initially inoculated with vector DNA (44% survival) or HA-DNA (45% survival). Challenge with 10 MLD50 influenza virus allowed for an assessment of the increased immunity observed with HA-VRP inoculation that could not have been determined using 3 MLD50.
Vaccination against influenza HA by use of this regimen does not enhance CD8 T-cell immunity. CD8+ T cells contribute significantly to protection against influenza, primarily through presentation of peptides from internal viral proteins (NP or PA) (66). We used a vaccine regimen directed specifically against the HA component of influenza virus to avoid confounding immunity from T cells. However, in the absence of NP and PA proteins, it is possible that T-cell immunity may be stimulated through a compensatory mechanism (7). Thus, we tested the ability of this vaccine regimen to enrich CD8 T cells within the cell populations of the BAL fluid and livers of these mice. The BAL fluid was measured for the presence of CD8 T cells within the local infection environment, whereas the CD8 populations within the liver were analyzed based on the role of this organ as a reservoir for memory effector T cells (12, 32). On day 6 after sublethal (100 MID50) viral challenge, there were suboptimal levels of effector T cells in both the lungs and the livers of these mice (Fig. 7). The low-level expression of these cells indicates that this vaccine regimen is not effective at enriching T cells, although a role for T cells in the resolution of influenza virus past day 6 cannot be excluded.
In this study, we attempted to parse the contribution of vaccine-stimulated IgG antibody subclasses to protection against influenza infection. We utilized two routes of vaccination known to differentially stimulate immune responses and focused only on the HA as an antigen so our results would not be confounded by a contribution of cellular immunity. Upon HA-DNA vaccination via gene gun, antibody stimulation could be measured using a traditional microneutralization assay. These antibodies could also be detected by ELISA and were shown to be of the IgG1 isotype. Induction of these antibodies plays a role in protection against influenza, as HA-DNA-vaccinated mice exhibited reduced lung viral titers upon challenge with a low dose (100 MID50) of influenza virus and protection against challenge with a modest dose (3 MLD50) of influenza virus. However, the groups that received HA-DNA exhibited suboptimal survival upon challenge with a significantly higher dose of influenza virus (10 MLD50), even in the presence of high IgG1 expression and viral neutralization.
When mice were exposed to both HA-DNA and HA-VRP, antibody levels reached their highest as measured by both microneutralization and ELISA. These elevated antibody levels correlated with protection against a more stringent challenge dose of influenza virus (10 MLD50). While it was expected that mice inoculated with both HA-DNA and HA-VRP would achieve optimal survival in this experiment, it was surprising that the mice that received HA-VRP alone, a group which had low levels of viral neutralization and IgG1 expression, achieved equivalent survival rates. Analysis of antibody expression by ELISA revealed IgG antibody levels that were comparable to those seen with HA-DNA-vaccinated mice, but the major IgG isotype expressed within these animals was IgG2a, not IgG1. The inability of the observed protection to be explained by vaccine-induced memory effector T cells within these mice implicates influenza-specific antibodies in both the neutralization and the clearance of this virus. It has been reported that antigen delivery using a VRP vehicle can result in enhanced antigen-specific serum IgA expression (76), but we were unable to detect this isotype after HA-DNA and HA-VRP vaccination. The low levels of IgG2b and IgG3 observed after gene gun and VRP vaccination are similar to what has been reported previously (16, 23). Taken together, the analyses of different serum antibody isotypes after vaccination with this regimen strengthen the argument that vaccine-induced IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies contribute to the protective responses observed.
Of specific interest is the observation with this model that mice were protected from influenza infection even when serum neutralizing activity was not detectable by standard assays. Protective immunity in the absence of strong neutralizing antibody titers has been observed previously with influenza vaccine studies (4, 38, 39, 44). Here we show that antibody levels are measured more efficiently by an ELISA method, allowing for the quantitation of vaccine-induced antibodies that remain undetected when traditional neutralization assays are employed. Furthermore, by using the ELISA technique, not only were we able to detect vaccine-induced antibodies within these mice but we were able to analyze the individual isotypes stimulated and the differential contributions of these isotypes to immunity against influenza. Specifically, we describe contributions of both neutralizing and host effector response-activating antibody isotypes that together result in strong immunity against influenza. Since the induction of these isotypes could be detected and differentiated only by ELISA, our findings argue for the incorporation of this technique in studies designed to assess correlates of immunity after influenza vaccination, in particular, when neutralizing antibody levels are either low or undetectable.
In support of the hypothesis that antibody isotypes play different roles in antiviral immunity, experiments conducted with monoclonal antibodies against Ebola envelope antigens showed that IgG2a antibodies were more effective at clearing infections than antibodies of the IgG1 isotype, even when each was specific for the same epitope (71). Protection against Ebola was achieved with lower concentrations of IgG2a antibodies, making it possible that, in addition to neutralizing viral particles, antibodies of the IgG2a isotype can stimulate host effector mechanisms that aid in the clearance of viral infections (71). Host effector mechanisms that are stimulated by IgG2a antibodies include complement fixation (51) and Fc receptor activation (52, 53). Since high levels of antibody (approximately 70 antibody molecules) are required to neutralize a single influenza virion (65), the presence of antibodies that are more active inducers of host clearance mechanisms and that are effective at lower concentrations (71) may aid in the resolution of the infection when levels of neutralizing antibodies begin to wane.
A contribution of the complement system in stimulating anti-influenza T-cell immunity has been described previously (40), but its role in the clearance of influenza virus is still unclear (17, 50). Alternatively, a role for Fc receptor-mediated clearance of influenza from vaccinated hosts has been described previously (31) through the use of mice deficient in expression of activating Fc receptors that signal through the common  chain (64), a group that now includes the recently described FcRIV (52). Furthermore, antibodies of the IgG2a isotype exhibit the best Fc receptor activatory-to-inhibitory ratio of all IgG isotypes (53), making it the isotype predicted to have the greatest ability to activate Fc receptor-mediated host effector responses.
Vaccination against the HA component of influenza by use of either HA-DNA or HA-VRP does not appear to induce strong T-cell-mediated immunity, as enriched memory populations of CD8 T cells were not detected in the local (BAL fluid) or systemic (liver) populations after challenge of these mice with influenza virus. While the absence of these cells implies that antibodies are the main contributors to the protection seen within this model, the important role of T cells in the eventual resolution of the virus infection cannot be excluded. T cells are important in viral clearance due to their ability to lyse infected cells (45, 73) and stimulate cytokine expression, which activates cells, like macrophages, that are involved in the clearance of pathogens (18, 37, 49). Since the vaccine itself does not specifically enrich T cells but the antibodies present can significantly reduce the amount of virus to which the host is exposed, it is possible that the stimulation of T cells is delayed past day 6 after challenge and that these cells do not reach their maximal capacity until later in the infection process, during the resolution phase. For this study, we deliberately used a vaccine strategy that would not be predicted to induce T-cell immunity. A vaccine of similar design, utilizing a protein that stimulates cellular immunity, such as NP, would be predicted to be more efficacious in terms of improved overall survival.
The vaccine design described in this study stimulates IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies in a way that makes it possible to study the contribution of these isotypes both individually and in concert. This study reveals that even in the absence of neutralizing antibodies a vaccinated host may have protective immunity against influenza. These findings have implications in the development of vaccines for pandemic preparedness, as subunit and recombinant vaccines against H5 antigens have shown low immunogenicity in humans, as measured by HI titers, microneutralization, single radial hemolysis, and ELISA for total IgG (61, 62). In order to increase the immunogenicity of a vaccine against the H5N3 virus A/Duck/Singapore/97, the adjuvant MF59, which has been licensed for use in Europe (59), was included in the vaccine (62). MF59 increases influenza-specific antibody responses in humans (14, 47), with evidence of modest IgG2a antibody induction after vaccination of BALB/c mice (26).
Additionally, H5 HA-expressing DNA delivered via the gene gun to either mice or chickens induces protection against homologous and heterologous virus challenge, even in the absence of high HI titers (38, 39). Our results suggest that reduced expression of neutralizing antibodies in response to H5 antigens does not necessarily indicate an ineffective vaccine and that characterization of the immune response induced using more-sensitive, isotype-specific assays may better predict vaccine efficacy. Pursuit of a vaccine strategy to induce complement-fixing and Fc receptor-activating antibodies in addition to neutralizing antibodies might improve vaccine efficacy.
DNA vaccines provide an advantage over conventional influenza vaccines in their ability to be mass-produced safely in a short period of time and their ability to be quickly altered to deal with the rapidly changing antigens of influenza viruses that circulate within the human population (19). Unfortunately, the applicability of DNA vaccines to humans has been limited by low efficacy (15, 19). One proposed way to increase the immunogenicity of DNA vaccines is to deliver them in a prime-boost manner using viral vectors as the boosting vehicle (6, 15, 22). This vaccination regimen has been shown by other groups to be beneficial over repeated exposures to the antigen delivered by either the DNA or the viral vector alone (8, 43). Our data support this concept and demonstrate that the increased immunity seen after delivery of both the DNA and the viral vector is not simply due to increases in total antibody responses. Instead, the prime-boost regimens may be more effective due to their ability to stimulate both neutralizing and host effector response-activating antibodies, thus better equipping the host to deal with infection.





5、 如果你想在35岁以前成功,你一定在25至30岁之间确立好你的人生目标
6、 每日、每月、每年都要问自己:我是否达到了自己定下的目标


1、 人怕入错行:你的核心竞争力是什么?
2、 成功者找方法,失败者找借口
3、 从三百六十行中选择你的最爱
4、 寻找自己的黄金宝地
1、 不满现状的人才能成为富翁
2、 敢于梦想,勇于梦想,这个世界永远属于追梦的人
3、 35岁以前不要怕,35岁以后不要悔
4、 出身贫民,并非一辈子是贫民,只要你永远保持那颗进取的心。中国成功人士大多来自小地方
5、 做一个积极的思维者
6、 不要败给悲观的自己
7、 成功者不过是爬起来比倒下去多一次
8、 宁可去碰壁,也不要在家里面壁
(1) 找个地方喝点酒
(2) 找个迪厅跳跳舞
(3) 找帮朋友侃侃山
(4) 积极行动起来


(1) 创业不怕本小,脑子一定要好
(2) 可以开家特色店
(3) 做别人不愿做的生意


(1) 做人要讲义气
(2) 永不气馁


4、 者早一步,愚者晚一步


(1) 激情感染别人
(2) "三o七法则"实现领袖气质
(3) 拍板决断能力
(4) 人格魅力
(1) 知道自己的长处、短处,定向聚焦
(2) 尽量在自己的熟悉的领域努力


a) 每天淘汰你自己
b) 在商言商




(1) 办公室
(2) 生活可以不拘小节,但要把工作做细
(3) 学习聆听,不打断别人说话


(1) 为自己确立目标
(2) 发挥自己的长处
(3) 做事要有计划
(4) 做事不拖拉
(5) 轻易不要放弃
(6) 学会自我激励
(7) 不要让自己成为别人

第十一章 11个需要避开的成功陷阱

5、 盲目跟风,人云亦云,人做我也做
6、 小富即安,不思进取,知足常乐
7、 承认错误而非掩饰错误
8、 脚踏实地而非想入非非
9、 野心太大而不是信心十足

第十二章 十二分努力



4.你想找什么样的实验室做博后?(我猜可能是不是问我是否喜欢他们实验室,我说找象他们实验室的研究背景,即做Cancer Biology的研究,好象在拍了马屁。)
5.你的长期目标是什么?(我回答如有机会在他们那做博后,先努力完成博后training program相关课题,然后找个大学里的位子或回国继续Cancer Biology的研究)
7.你掌握那些技术?(详细说几种包括细胞生物学、分子生物学、病理学、免疫学技术,还有动物实验如nude mice, SCID mice 肿瘤模型建立等等。)
15.Any question to me ?(这里我问了两个与他课题有关问题,虽然表达不很好,但他能明白并回答了我。)
大概花了25分钟,我自己感觉虽然所有问题都基本能听明白,但因为口语不流利,回答有些结巴,当然他不时表示OK, great!之类。总体上我觉得这两个老米还顶nice,因为他们问问题时尽量放慢速度让你听明白。 最后他告诉我要等我一周后他才给我答复。真不知有没有戏。各位战友帮把把脉!
1.熟悉自己的CV,Research interest,提炼自己的研究兴趣(概括成通俗的2~3点),我觉得这点表达清楚很重要,因为老板面试无非目的一是了解他和你能否能交流,二是看你专业是否扎实(理论与技术)。

A guide in interview

1.your published papers.
2. prepare general questions as well as professional ones in your field.
i can give you my example for details, hope it will do help to you in your face-to-face interview.
1.  what job are you seeking?
I will complete my doctorate training, and I will go on to do research in a world renowned lab as my postdoc training and learning. The job I am seeking must be my interested one and cover, at least in part, my previous research.
2.  What do you think you might like to work for me?
First you are a living legend professor, who has won many great honors and made tremendous contribution in the cardiology. I am deeply impressed by your article style, very succinct and easy to understand, but often address an important issue of the field. Your research interest is stem cell transplant for heart diseases, which match my background and meet my interes.
3.  Tell me about yourself
I am 28, and I am doing research as a doctorate student in the State Key Laboratory of Experimental Hematology (Chinese Academy of Medical Science & Peking Union Medical College, the best medical college in China). I will graduate in July, 2006, one year in advance because of my good academic performance. My work mainly focuses on vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, stem cell transplantation (EPCs, MSC, HSC), cardiovascular diseases. I have published several papers in peer-reviewed international journals during my PhD training. I am young and eager to learn more. I am honored many awards such as Excellent Postgraduates, Excellent Student Scholarship, et al. I like playing football and long run such as marathon.
4.  What kind of salary do you like to receive?
I think NIH payment might be reasonable, but I will follow M.D. Anderson’s payment scale. I ask for time to mutually explore the position and my qualifications, and you will surely provide me a reasonable payment, which can support me and my wife.
5.  What qualifies you for this job?
My previous work mainly focuses on vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, stem cell transplantation (EPCs, MSC, HSC), cardiovascular diseases. I have obtained much knowledge in experiments and hands-on experience and techniques. My past quite match your present work and research direction, such as stem cell for heart diseases. In addition, I have passion and potential to learn more in a field I am interested in.
6.  What is your opinion of your present boss or co-worker?
My present boss is my mentor whose name is Zhong Chao Han. He is a very kind and able person, and last month he was honored as a member of French Academy of Science. He treated me kindly and always left much room for designing my research and helped me when I was in difficult in the experiments. I have many lab mates who helped me a lot. We cooperated with each other in a harmonious and friendly way, as you can see that two of my papers are co-authors, showing that I have team spirit with good communication skills.
7.  What is your greatest strength?
I will never give up once I set my goal to attain it. Perseverance and hard working with right methods can tackle any difficult. That is my strength.
8.  What are your chief liabilities?
In the interpersonal communication, I always express my thought without thinking too much of the feeling of others. Honest and frank are good, but I should know the good way to express under certain conditions, and try to express the same meaning in the different way or in different conditions. Communication is an art, and I need to learn more.
9.  With which other companies do you plan to interview?
I am eager to have interview opportunity with professors from prestigious universities like Harvard University, but my background must match their work, and my interest should be given priority.
10.  What is your toughest situation you have faced?
Once I was a clinical medical student, and I had little idea of the research. When I enter the present lab, I was frustrated about all the experiments, since I was unfamiliar with research. I am worried if I can achieve doctorate degree successfully. Things are always difficult at the beginning. After adapting to the new surrounding, I gradually get familiar with the research surroundings and get into the track. Now I have successfully accomplished the task of my mentor, who approved my graduation 1 year ahead.
11.  What are you future plans?
Short goals: to investigate the stem cell biology and cardiovascular diseases, and publish articles on the top journals. Long goals: Be a researcher in the field I am interested and have my own lab focusing on the field of interest to contribute what I have done to the world.
12.  Your work value?
I am most comfortable in a harmonious work atmosphere, where workmates can communicate smoothly and help each other warmly. I will challenge the difficult task and tackle it with my determination and perseverance. But I can also think independently and enjoy work independently. With eagerness to learn more, I have the great passion and enthusiasm in working with people to do research.
13.  Extracurricular activity?
I am fond of football, because this needs teamwork and cooperation to kick a goal. I am also crazy of long running, because it can strengthen my body, and build my iron will and perseverance. Exercising, relaxing with a football match, socializing with friends can also turn stress into productive energy and relieve the stress from research.
14.  What do you know about our company?
I have logged on to your website and know M.D. Anderson Cancer center, whose aim is to make cancer history. At M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, your mission is to eliminate cancer. Cardiology department provides the most advanced cardiac care to cancer patients with co-existing heart diseases and are particularly adept at treating cardiovascular complications of cancer and cancer therapies.
15.  What makes you want to work hard?
Naturally, material reward is an attraction. But I am more interested in the research, which will contribute to the better therapy of heart disease or cancer patients. I can derive from work the achievement and the satisfaction from research that I derive from it.
16.  How do you handle pressure and stress?
Everybody feels stress, but the degree varies. Under little stress, I feel I am highly efficient and doing thing quickly and effectively. But if the stress is too heavy, playing football, jogging, seeing movies, and having a talk with friends can relieve the stress and turn my stress into productive energy.

good luck and best wishes.
anymore question, please don’t hesitate to contact me: bzhoupumc@gmail.com

A pracitcal guide in postdoctoral application

1.  After reading many articles, you must have a general idea of who or which group is the leading one in your research field. Take down the corresponding author’s email address, and write to them that you are interested in their papers before you apply for postdoc position.
2.  Please remember that you must have one or tow original articles, otherwise you are in disadvantage in applying for postdoc. Write cover letter first, tell him your interest and your research background. Then compliment his excellent work published on Nature, cell…et al. Add the addresses, email, phone numbers of your references or recommending professors (Zhoubin-9).
3.  Make your CV, and you can refer to my example. (Zhoubin-10).
4.  Now send your cover letter, and CV to the PI (principle investigators) you find in the articles you read.
5.  you can find those PI’s email on those universities’ webpages. Type universities’ names in google, and you will surely find them, and I have found many information in such schools: Harvard u, Stanford u, Yale u, MIT, UCLA (university of california, Los Angeles), UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, Washington U at St. Louise, Washington U at Seattle, John Hopkins U, U of Pennsylvanian, U of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Baylor Medical college, Columbia U, UC San Francisco, Chicago U….many universities in US are excellent in the world. Also Karolinska Institute, Cambridge U, Oxford U…
6.  you can also search for opening positions, and this is the most efficient way! Like
http://www.med.harvard.edu/jobs/ http://www.jobs.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=stem+cell&contract=00&catagories=0200&referer=medical
7.  Also CHB welcome postdoc researchers.
8.  Then you will get 9 negative answers from those replying, most remaining unreplied. Do not get frustrated, continue sending your cover letter and CV everyday (50 everyday for a week). You are surely to get one or two positive reply. If your publication record is good and you are lucky, you may get a lot of positive reply.
9.  Write the reference letter for prof. Han, because he is usually too busy, and let him send the letter out for you from his mail box. And also prof. Wu Ke Fu is a good choice.
10.  If one PI in Standford want to have a phone interview, please read his articles (2-3) carefully, write down what he is doing, and other questions he may raise. (Zhoubin-11,12)
11.  type your CV, your paper, your Zhoubin-11,12 and prepare them before interview.
12.  You can have several interviews and finalize one offer you’d like.
13.  please tell him to send the official offer, not email offer. (Zhoubin-13).
14.  now ask him to send you DS2019 form for preparation of visa interview.
you can ask me for more detailed information if you need them. i would be of help to you if you write to bzhoupumc@gmail.com
good luck friends, and you are sure to find a good postdoc position.


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网络攻防教程 http://www.netsill.com/wenzhang/list.asp?id=115
网络入侵步骤及思路 http://www.iamguo.com/bh3/hackguide2.htm
拒绝背后黑手的窥探 IPC$漏洞大揭秘
全球ip分配表 http://519519.vicp.net/lb5000//usr/3/3_11.txt
黑客入门教程 http://www.pttc.yn.cninfo.net/dtsy/nettech/netanquan/43934529.htm
就提供了详细的命令帮助。在开始菜单–》帮助中可以搜索到“windows 2000 命令参考”。强烈建议各位新手
Win2000命令全集 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=343&ID=343
Windows XP下cmd命令详解
TELNET命令,http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=277&ID=277
tftp命令: 由于TFTP命令过于简单,请自行使用“TFTP /?”进行查询。下面在给出一个参照的
Linux 的常用网络命令
共享入侵 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=269&ID=269
入侵windows98系统 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=270&ID=270
win98入侵网吧详解 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=271&ID=271
NetPass 1.0 破解98共享密码 http://lovezxd.myetang.com/indexpage/indextool/NetPass.zip
cain v2.5 综合破解工具 http://www.qq888.com/down/download.asp?Did=968
exeBinderZ 1.3 EXE捆绑机 http://www.heibai.net/download/show.php?id=3028&down=3
http://download.pchome.net/php/d … anv30.exe&svr=3
X-SCAN2.3下载 http://www.xfocus.net/download.php?id=366
流光98下载 http://www.netxeyes.com/cfluxay2k1for98setup.exe(因榕哥不愿意看到加了补丁的作品,为了
终端服务客户端 http://arm.533.net/hack/winterminal.zip (既3389连接器)
溯雪 http://www.netxeyes.org/dansnowb7setup.exe
溯雪中文补丁 http://www.netxeyes.org/dansnowb7_cn.zip (先安装英文版,释放到原英文版目录即可)
溯雪教程 http://1123.myrice.com/jiao9/j1095.htm
溯雪破解21cn信箱的完整教程 http://www.521hacker.com/download/show.php?id=1263&down=2
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=272&ID=272
破解硬盘还原卡: http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=273&ID=273
破解硬盘还原卡:http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=274&ID=274
网吧封锁权限破解:http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=275&ID=275
破解美屏: http://tty.yyun.net/wenzh/youjian/21.htm#MAILLISTDOC22
网吧幽灵1.8下载 … 6F62707C6C696B62677
建议看看自带的说明。 (不过个人看法,新手最好不要使用流光,因为它的强大会让你变的懒惰。)
流光4.7 http://www.netxeyes.org/fluxay47/fluxay47build3200setup.exe
流光98下载 http://www.netxeyes.com/cfluxay2k1for98setup.exe
答:如果拷贝文件出错,可能是因为目标admin$共享未开放。请采用其他shell,在目标主机上执行net share
乱刀 小榕出品,破解UNIX系统的密码 http://www.netxeyes.org/bladese.exe
john 最著名的UNIX密码破解工具(windows版) http://arm.533.net/crack/john.zip
万能钥匙 http://arm.533.net/crack/xkey.zip
Idgwin下载 http://secrecy.ayinfo.ha.cn/hack/dict/idgwin.zip(字典智能生成器(并非随机生成))。
xkeyset下载 http://secrecy.ayinfo.ha.cn/hack/dict/xkeyset.exe(造字典工具中的精品,根据你的需要一
LC4超管密码破解软件( 注册版)http://www.51299.com/OICQ/2002/b05/25/lc4setup.zip
拒绝背后黑手的窥探 IPC$漏洞大揭秘
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=281&ID=281
IPC入侵全攻略 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=278&ID=278
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=282&ID=282
取消默认共享≠安全 http://js00.51.net/23/wudi/show. … p;id=20021017212524
答:使用命令 net use \\IP\ipc$ "" /user:"" 就可以简单地和目标建立一个空连接(需要目标开放ipc$)。
在NT/2000下的空连接 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=280&ID=280
解剖WIN2K下的空会话 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=283&ID=283
2、确认你的命令没有打错。正确的命令是: net use \\目标IP\ipc$ "密码" /user:"用户名"
错误号5,拒绝访问 : 很可能你使用的用户不是管理员权限的,先提升权限;
错误号51,Windows 无法找到网络路径 : 网络有问题;
错误号53,找不到网络路径 : ip地址错误;目标未开机;目标lanmanserver服务未启动;目标有防火墙(端
错误号67,找不到网络名 : 你的lanmanworkstation服务未启动;目标删除了ipc$;
错误号1219,提供的凭据与已存在的凭据集冲突 : 你已经和对方建立了一个ipc$,请删除再连。
错误号1326,未知的用户名或错误密码 : 原因很明显了;
错误号2242,此用户的密码已经过期 : 目标有帐号策略,强制定期要求更改密码。
in权限的。然后你可以使用shell执行命令 net share ipc$ 来开放目标的ipc$。从上一问题可以知道,ipc$能
答:使用命令net use z: \\目标IP\c$ 密码" /user:"用户名" 将对方的c盘映射为自己的z盘,其他盘类推。
如果已经和目标建立了ipc$,则可以直接用IP加盘符加$访问。比如 copy muma.exe \\IP\d$\path\muma.exe
。或者再映射也可以,只是不用用户名和密码了:net use y: \\IP\d$ 。然后 copy muma.exe
y:\path\muma.exe 。当路径中包含空格时,须用""将路径全引住。
答:用命令 net use \\IP\ipc$ /del 删除和一个目标的ipc$连接。
用命令 net use z: /del 删除映射的z盘,其他盘类推。
用命令 net use * /del 删除全部。会有提示要求按y确认。
net share ipc$ /del
net share admin$ /del
net share c$ /del
  首先运行regedit,找到如下主键[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA]
  3,禁止自动打开默认共享
 
net stop lanmanserver
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=284&ID=284
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=285&ID=285
cgi漏洞大全 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=293&ID=293
常见CGI漏洞及应对二 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=286&ID=286
常见CGI漏洞及应对一 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=287&ID=287
Windows 2000漏洞集锦1
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=288&ID=288
Windows 2000漏洞集锦2
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=289&ID=289
Windows 2000漏洞集锦3
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=290&ID=290
Windows 2000漏洞集锦4
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=291&ID=291
Windows 2000漏洞集锦5
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=292&ID=292
ASP漏洞大全 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=294&ID=294
IIS漏洞整理一 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=295&ID=295
IIS漏洞整理二 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=296&ID=296
中国网络安全响应中心各种漏洞大全 http://www.cns911.com/holes/linux/list.php
特别是帐户安全。无奈安全系统过于庞大,多少会出现漏洞,于是我们就有机会了。 还要补充一点,就是在拿
erunasx 利用Debug Registers漏洞提升权限 http://www.qq888.com/down/download.asp?Did=796
Windows NT/2000权限提升工具,可以将任意用户提升到SYSTEM级别的权限。漏洞出在smss.exe中的DEBUG子系
上可访问的目录下,例如C:\下。以GUEST身份运行"ERunAsX 要执行命令",例如"ERunAsX cmd.exe",这时执行
的命令是以SYSTEM 权限运行的…(请注意:具体使用以软件内英文说明为准,内附该BUG解决办法)
PipeUpAdmin 对sp1及更低有效 http://maopao.com/down/download.asp?Did=69
ISPC 利用IIS的漏洞,详见自带说明 http://www.cnsq.net/sq88/down/show.asp?id=572&down=1
http://www.newyouth.org/softdown … .0.exploit_code.zip
http://www.newyouth.org/softdown … ack/chmoverflow.zip
NT/2K权限提升工具GetAdmin下载 http://www.csdn.net/cnshare/soft/openfile.asp?kind=1&id=9807
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=297&ID=297
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=298&ID=298
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=299&ID=299
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=300&ID=300
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=302&ID=302
Windows NT4的安全结构(对新手有些难,了解一下吧)
代理服务器英文全称是Proxy Cerver,其功能就是代理网络用户去取得网络信息。形象的说:它是网络信息的 中转站。在一般情况下,我们使用网络浏览器直接去连接其他Internet站点取得网络信息时,须送出Request信号来得到回答,然后对方再把信息以bit方式传送回来。代理服务器是介于浏览器和Web服务器之间的一台服务器,有了它之后,浏览器不是直接到Web服务器去取回网页而是向代理服务器发出请求,Request信号会先送到代理服务器,由代理服务器来取回浏览器所需要的信息并传送给你的浏览器。而且,大部分代理服务器都具有 缓冲的功能,就好象一个大的Cache,它有很大的存储空间,它不断将新取得数据储存到它本机的存储器上,如果浏览器所请求的数据在它本机的存储器上已经存在而且是最新的,那么它就不重新从Web服务器取数据,而直接将存储器上的数据传送给用户的浏览器,这样就能显著提高浏览速度和效率。更重要的是:Proxy Server (
代理服务器)是 Internet链路级网关所提供的一种重要的安全功能,它的工作主要在开放系统互联 (OSI) 模型 的对话层,有了对代理的了解,相信你也认识到了什么是跳板。
SocksCap 2.2 SOCKS调度工具 http://www.123gz.com/dzc/download/sc32r231.exe
SkSockServer1.04 代理跳板 http://www.123gz.com/dzc/download/sksockserver.zip
Snake跳板傻瓜版 http://www.123gz.com/dzc/download/sgtb.zip
代理猎手V3.1Beta1简装版 http://www.123gz.com/dzc/download/proxyhunter.zip
FTP Serv-U 4.0 正式汉化版,最常用的ftp服务程序 … 627E207574756375737
slimftp 隐蔽的ftp服务器
天雁WEB服务器 不用安装的小型web服务程序
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=305&ID=305
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=307&ID=307
如何使用代理服务器 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=309&ID=309
简单制作跳板 http://www.123gz.com/dzc/sksockserver-cusky.htm
Serv-U设置教程 http://www.enanshan.com/ftp/
SocksCap32 使用详解
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=306&ID=306
利用 unicode 漏洞,轻松建立自己的代理服务器
特别推荐猎手与蚂蚁收藏馆 http://www.123gz.com/ (绝对值得一看)
winxp下的客户端 功能比2000下的更强大
终端服务程序的一个补丁 使本地和远程间能复制文本
web版终端客户端 使用浏览器调用ActiveX控件访问终端服务
C3389.EXE 修改终端服务端口号的工具
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=385&ID=385
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=386&ID=386
3389资料 http://www21.brinkster.com/srob/wawa/wawa/3389txt.htm
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=387&ID=387
克隆ca.exe http://www.netxeyes.org/CA.exe
检查克隆cca.exe http://www.netxeyes.org/CCA.exe
手动克隆需要SYSTEM权限,用它 psu.exe
工具克隆:ca和cca 请访问作者主页 http://www.netxeyes.org/main.html
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=390&ID=390
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=388&ID=388
1,使用ca时,出现connect **.**.**.** …Error是怎么会事?
cleanIISlog 清除web日志
Clean IIS Log(清除IIS日志)
Clear Event Log(清除事件日志)
elsave.exe 清除事件日志
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=383&ID=383
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=382&ID=382
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=384&ID=384
wollf-v1.5 功能挺多的木马 http://www.isgrey.com/down/show.asp?id=144&down=1
WinShell v5.0 精巧的Telnet服务器 http://www.isgrey.com/down/show.asp?id=200&down=1
广外女生1.52C http://netsill.com/download/download.asp?Did=1815
冰 河YZKZERO最终变异版 http://netsill.com/download/download.asp?Did=1799
WinEggDropShell V1.32 http://netsill.com/download/download.asp?Did=2069
ASP Cmd(ASP木马,可远程执行命令)http://arm.533.net/control/aspcmd.zip
CGI BackDoor(CGI后门)http://arm.533.net/hack/cgibackdoor.zip
Root Kit(NT后门)http://arm.533.net/hack/rk.zip
网络神偷 V3.4 反向连接,上线通知 http://www.isgrey.com/down/show.asp?id=239&down=1
Sunx Backdoor(Unix内核后门)http://arm.533.net/hack/sunxkdoor.tar
如果你发现肉鸡有漏洞的话,一般可以用上面提到的漏洞搜索引擎找到相应的补丁下载URL。大的补丁比如sp2 就找微软要吧(特别推荐windows update,可以使用WEB方式的搜索功能,查看到你现在有哪些补丁没有下安装 ,以免因为系统漏洞给你或你的公司带来不必要的损失。在攻击别人之前自己的安全一定要做好,否则,呵呵 ,你就哭去吧)。
肉鸡补丁教程 http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=380&ID=380
http://download.microsoft.com/do … 5/CN/w2kSP2SRP1.exe
http://download.microsoft.com/do … N-US/w2kSP2SRP1.exe
CERNET网络应急响应组各类补丁下载 http://www.ccert.edu.cn/patch/index.php
telnet是一种命令行方式的终端服务,其优势在于客户端和服务端都是系统自带的。它是除了木马外,获得cmd下shell的最好选择。使用该服务时,最常遇到的问题就是NTLM认证方式。当NTLM=2时,要求你必须使用你系统当前的帐户和密码登陆;当NTLM=0时直接要求你输入帐户及密码进行验证;NTLM=1则是前一种要求失败后再用 后一种。由于系统默认的NTLM为2,所以想用你得到的帐户登陆,要么在自己系统上也建立一个用户名密码都一样的帐户,要么想办法更改对方的NTLM。(TELNET我个人非常喜欢,原因很简单,他是系统本身自带的,100% 不会出现被查杀的情况)TELNET使用方法很简单直接在CMD下键入telnet remote-computer-name(or IP)既可。
telnethack 远程开启telnet服务 http://www.bluedon.com/download/down.asp?id=310&sort=6
Win Shell(最精巧的Telnet服务器软件)http://arm.533.net/hack/winshell.zip
Inet Spy(Telnet客户端)http://arm.533.net/hack/inetspy.zip
NT Shell(Telnet服务器(自带客户端),可互传文件,还可能获取Admin权限)
最快速登录WIN2K TELNET 服务 http://www.sandflee.net/txt/list.asp?id=58
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=377&ID=377
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=376&ID=376
telnet 跳板攻击
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=378&ID=378
http://www.sixthroom.com/ailan/f … otID=379&ID=379
FTP是英文File Transfer Protocol(文件传输协议)的缩写。顾名思义,FTP就是专门用来传输文件的协议,也就是说通过FTP我们可以在Internet网上的任意两台计算机间互传文件。
  一些人容易将FTP与Telnet混淆,而实际上Telnet是将用户的计算机当成远端计算机的一台终端,用户在完成远程登陆后,具有远端计算机上的本地用户一样的权限。而FTP没有给予用户这种地位,它只允许用户对远方 计算机上的文件进行有限的xx作,包括查看文件、交换文件以及改变文件目录等。
华军软件 http://www.newhua.com/ (根据物理位置自行选择速度快的镜像)
中国下载 http://download.com.cn/ (使用查找功能可找到大部份软件)
东丽在线 http://www.tjdl.net/softdown/ (不错的软件下载站,类似华军)
世纪下载 http://www.21sx.com/ (也是一个不错的下载站)
安全焦点 http://www.xfocus.net/tool.php
安全资讯 http://www.aurorasafe.com/list.asp
天天安全 http://www.ttian.net/download/list.php
网嗅下载 http://netsill.com/download/default.asp
灰色轨迹 http://www.sandflee.net/down/list.asp


一、 关于科学研究的本质特征
1 处理好国家目标与创新的关系 所谓“国家目标”就是在我国现代化建设过程中,科技工作必须围绕国家经济建设和社会发展中的重大关键性科技问题进行布置和规划。概括地讲,国家目标就是发展经济,提高国家的整体科技水平,增强综合国力。具体体现在国家的科技发展规划、计划或项目招标指南中,如973规划、863计划、国家自然科学基金项目招标指南等。选题要把注重在学科领域内创新和体现国家经济、社会与科技发展目标有机地结合起来,因为选题的准确与否,体现了对科学发展趋势的了解与预测,体现了对市场需求的预测,体现了对国家经济、社会与科技发展目标的理解程度。只有把两者结合起来,才能真正说是选准了课题,瞄准了目标,同时又有创新。
2 处理好前沿与自身特色的关系 科学研究的前沿是指已知与未知的界面。分为热前沿和冷前沿。热前沿即当前有多数人围绕某一问题进行研究。常常是在某一学科或领域取得突破性进展,或者出现了新的技术手段有利于进一步深入研究时形成的。如从基因水平揭示疾病的发生机制,探求新的防治方法及基本病理过程,是国际也是我国基础医学和临床医学的热前沿。冷前沿当前很少有人研究,但却是蕴藏着重大意义的问题,常常是由于人们难于着手或未予以重视的问题。而特色是科学家们长期围绕一个主题的系列研究并通过积累,形成的传统性研究方向与专长。前沿要探索,特色不能丢。已经形成的传统特色研究方向可从前沿借用新的理论、手段和方法来解决当前课题面临的问题,进一步形成自己的优势和特色避免一窝蜂上前沿。而对于还没有形成自己特色,的年青科技工作者,在把握学科发展趋势的同时,从学科发展的前沿去选题,走前沿和尖端要快,从而尽快把研究工作推向前沿。
3 处理好现有基础与创新的关系 现有工作的积累是创新的前提和基础,单从书本、文献上找热门课题,赶时髦是做不出开拓性工作的。选题要站在世界科技发展的潮流之中,要有专业的敏感性。有人认为,最好的选题不是现在的热点,而是在两三年后凸现出来的东西,这样的人才才有可能领导一个方面的开拓性工作。
4 在学科的融合、交叉和综合中体现创新 充分注意学科交叉和跨学科研究选题。学科交叉根据其交叉程度的不同,大体有三种形式。一是方法上的交叉,即借用其它学科的研究方法和技术手段来解决本学科的问题,得出单一学科无法得到的指标、数据和结论;二是不同学科、不同专业的研究人员互相结合,针对同一问题,从不同侧面去探求问题的本质和规律,这需要不同专业的研究人员进行广泛合作,共同对研究内容、研究方法和研究结果加以综合分析,以求获得整体性、综合性的结论;三是学术思想上的交叉、互融,用单一学科的理论基础和技术手段不能取得理论性突破,需要其它学科新理论的参与,共同设计研究方案的解决途径,达到学术理论之间的碰撞、互补和衔接,这也是最深层次和最应鼓励与支持的一种学科交叉。应提倡从多学科的融合中提出新问题,选出新方向,应改变那种只在本学科范围内选题的习惯。但在实际工作中,很多所谓交叉项目,往往只是一些方法上的交叉应用,真正从学术思路上交叉的项目少。严格意义上的交叉,必须从学术思想、预期目标、技术方法等方面实现结合,离开任何一个学科都不能完成既定目标。
5 与创新密切相关的科学观、系统观问题
(1)注意医学科学研究的特点即系统性与复杂性 医学面对的人是一个有机整体,是一个包括多种物质运动形式、多层次、多因素相互作用的复杂的开放系统。系统性和复杂性是人体、疾病和医学科研的基本特征。在选题、设计和结果验证等科研过程中要引起高度重视。否则,不但课题中不了标,就是中标了,其实验结果也难以让人信服。这也是医学研究的难点。
(2)医学科学研究必须十分关注生物学(生命科学)的发展动态 从总体上讲,医学科学的发展是随着生命科学的发展而发展的,因为生物学研究的是正常生理状态下生命发生、发育与调控的规律,而医学科学研究的是病理状态下疾病发生、发展与转归的规律。许多学科联系紧密,密切相关。如解剖学—病理解剖学,生理学—病理生理学,细胞生物学—细胞病理学,分子生物学—分子病理学,基因组学$C基因病理学。临床医学研究又必须十分关注基础医学的发展。如免疫学—临床免疫学,药理学—临床药理学,神经生物学—神经病学,微生物学、寄生虫学—病原生物学,生物化学—临床生物化学等等。随着人类基因组计划的完成,医学科学研究可充分吸收其研究成果,来阐明疾病的发生机理,进而建立新的临床诊断方法和治疗方法。
(3)树立“大科学观念” 科学发展至今天,人类已进入大科学时代。当代生命科学由于受到人类基因组计划(HGP)的冲击,正在发生着一场影响广泛而深刻的革命。随着HGP的完成,医学也将进入“分子医学”、“基因医学”时代,同时一些新的研究领域正在不断涌现,如生物芯片、基因信息学、蛋白质组学等。因此,在科研选题中,也应树立现代科学的“大科学观念”,树立“基因观念”、“基因病理学观念”,而相应的科研思维模式、方法和手段都应有所转变。对当代医学科学的发展,不仅要熟悉自己所在的学科领域(局部),还要了解整个医学的发展态势(全貌),既要知道自己所处的位置,又要知道同行的领域和动向。科研选题在科研活动中具有重要地位,一定意义上讲科研选题的成功,科研就成功了一半,认真作好科研选题,突出注重选题的创新性原则,是对每个科技工作者的基本要求,应引起科研管理部门的高度重视。


适用范围:由于国内杂志对图片的要求低,本文主要针对影响因子较高(IF>3)的国外杂志,为一般原则(General guidelines)。




(1)文章被接收后杂志对图片的要求(Manuscripts Accepted for Publication):主流要求图片格式为EPS和TIFF等(Figures only in TIFF or EPS formats)。
(2)第1次投稿的时候对图片的要求(即:审稿阶段)(Initial Submission of Manuscripts for Review)。



首先要清楚下列3种图概念:monochrome artwork和halftone artwork以及combination artwork(请参考:http://www.dxy.cn/bbs/post/view?bid=45&id=4387892&sty=1&tpg=13&age=0 )

杂志对monochrome artwork分辨率要求最高,一般1200dpi(1200 DPI/PPI for monochrome),halftone artwork分辨率要求最低,一般300dpi(300 DPI/PPI for halftones),combination artwork(600 DPI/PPI for combination halftones)分辨率要求中间,一般600dpi。

建议:平时一般分辨率保存为600 dpi。因为:某图片分辩率为600*600dpi/像素/英寸,那么,它现在的尺寸就可放大至一倍以上使用也没有问题。如果分辨率为300*300dpi,那么它就只能缩小或是原大,不能再将其放大。因此600 dpi是比较折中的,基本满足杂志对图片的要求,在TIFF格式的时候储存的图片大小也能接受。另外要注意采用的图片不能以显示为准,不要因为图片经过acdsee或是其它软件看到挺精美,放大后也很精美就认为可以作为印刷用,一定要经过photoshop打开,用图像大小一项来确认其真正分辩率。




建议:平时图片保存为RGB模式。因为:(1)尽管目前有95%以上的杂志在Manuscripts Accepted for Publication阶段要求作者提供CMYK模式,但是我们必须看到越来越多的杂志改变以往的要求,要求作者提供RGB模式(可能是一种趋势)。例如Journal of Biological Chemistry杂志在其最新的投稿须知中明确了不在接收CMYK模式,只接收RGB模式(The JBC is now in an RGB (Red, Green, Blue) workflow for color figures. Prior to June 1, 2005, authors were required to submit figures in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK) color mode, as this is the native color mode for the printing process and thus optimizes color for press. As of June 1 2005, all color figures should be submitted in RGB format. Images supplied by authors in RGB color will retain the brilliant reds, greens, and blues for online publication, but may experience a color shift in printed form. To learn more, please see http://art.cadmus.com/da/jbc/index.jsp) 主要原因是因为现在很多杂志都有在线杂志,由于RGB图比CMYK图显示更好,色彩更漂亮,适合网络上用(online publication)。而且由RGB转变为CMYK模式容易(适合印刷),但是由CMYK模式转变为RGB模式,图象的表现力下降。(2)平时总有机会参加学术交流,因此要制作幻灯片,选择RGB比CMYK更能体现图片包含的信息。






二、 “习惯为创新之母,创新得益于好的习惯”

































  拉条子,一种不用擀、压的方法而直接用手拉制成的面制品。制作拉条子要把握两个关键,一是和面用水中的盐要适量。盐少了容易断,多了拉不开。二是面要醒好,一般以柔软有筋为好,技术高超的 厨师,一把面可以拉十几公斤。总长达数公里。拉条子在吐鲁番大大小小的餐厅饭馆都可以吃到,通常人们吃的炒面、拌面就是拉条子加工后做成的。











1.新疆人民政府驻京办事处 海淀区三里河路37号

2.西藏自治区人民政府驻北京办事处 西城区鼓楼西大街149号
正宗藏族吹肺、吹肝,藏族酸奶, 松子鱼, 羊肉炒面片, 酥油糌粑. …

3.安徽省人民政府驻京办事处 朝阳区惠新西街1号
腊八粥、大救驾、徽州饼、豆皮饭、,“五元神仙鸡”、马蹄鳖、怀胎鱼、油爆虾、安庆素火腿、素烤鸭 —–

4.上海市人民政府驻北京办事处 西城区北长街前宅胡同7号

5.天津市人民政府驻京办事处 和平里西街小黄庄路1号

6.河北省人民政府驻北京办事处 东城区黄化门街锥把胡同甲1号

7.山西省人民政府驻京办事处 西城区西板桥景山西街16号

8.内蒙驻人民政府京办事处 崇内大街47号

9.辽宁省人民政府驻京办事处 东单麻线胡同15号

10.湖南省人民政府驻北京办事处 海淀区北太平庄七省驻京办大院

11.吉林省人民政府驻京办事处 北太平庄七省驻京办大院

12.山东驻京办事处 北太平庄七省驻京办大院
锅塌菠菜、金牌化皮乳猪、山东煎饼、九转大肠、红烧海螺、 棒棒鸡好多好多

13.浙江驻京办事处 北太平庄七省大院

14.江西驻京办事处 北太平庄七省大院
豆腐包鳅鱼、小乔炖白鸭(和美女连在一起的名菜哟) 、鄱阳湖狮子头、风味烤卤

15.河南驻京办事处 朝阳区潘家园华威里28号
必点小吃:枣锅盔、白糖焦饼、鸡蛋布袋、 血茶、鸡丝卷、“铁锅蛋”、“糖醋

16.陕西省政府驻北京办事处 朝阳区北三环东路17号
歧山面、商州糍粑、荞麦??、牛羊肉泡馍, 灌汤包子 黄桂柿子饼,波丝烤羊腿,
臊子面. 泡泡油糕,粉蒸羊肉, 凉拌腰丝

17.四川省人民政府驻京办事处 建内大街贡院头条5号

18.江苏省人民政府驻京办事处 安外大街甘水桥江苏饭店

19.宁夏人民政府驻京办事处 安定门内大街分司厅胡同15号

20.贵州省人民政府驻北京办事处 北三环东路和平西桥樱花街18楼北京贵州大厦
夜郎面 鱼、荷叶糍粑绝对值得一吃。超辣,怕长豆豆的朋友不去为妙


22.广东人民政府驻京办事处 西三环岭南路36号

23.广西人民政府驻京办事处 东三环中路双花园南里

24.云南人民政府驻京办事处 北三环东路17号

25.潮州市驻京办 东外察慈小区8号楼
那里的 潮州小点和名菜是最正宗的。烧雁鹅、豆酱鸡、护国菜、什锦乌石参、葱

26.海南人民政府驻京办事处 西内大街172号

27.德州市驻京办 海淀区北蜂窝甲2号








蔬菜是健康饮食的重要组成部分,可是你是否知道蔬菜可以预防癌症呢?乔治城大学(Georgetown University)医学中心的研究人员发现,十字花科蔬菜如花椰菜含有的一种称为Indole-3-carbinol(I3C) 的物质,以及豆制品中含有的染料木黄酮(Genistein, 异黄酮的一种, 又名金雀异黄酮或染料木素),可以刺激人体细胞生产出作用于DNA修补的蛋白质,从而更有效地避免基因突变以及癌症的发生。
癌症的发展可以看作是一个进化的过程。正常的细胞在经历基因突变后可能成为具有更琼森长能力的细胞,而这样的细胞就有机会累积更多的突变。在这样的恶性循环下,一些正常的细胞就这样一步步进化成生长不受约束的癌细胞。因此,减少基因的突变是从根本降低癌症发生机率的方法之一。人体的细胞其实早已内置了强大的保护系统来检测并且修复DNA遭受的损伤,从而避免基因的突变。可是人体细胞内的DNA时时刻刻都在面临着内外各式各样的威胁,我们的保护系统偶尔也会力不从心。如果我们可以适当地加强这个系统的能力,基因突变也就会间接地减少。BRCA1和BRCA2都是这个系统中的重要成员。这两个基因得名于它们在乳腺癌(BReast CAncer)中的作用。事实上,在很多乳腺癌、前列腺癌以及卵巢癌病例中,两者都发生了突变。
乔治城大学Rosen博士领导的研究小组之前已经发现单单I3C就可以提高乳腺癌细胞的BRCA1含量。而此次当该小组在把乳腺癌以及前列腺癌的细胞置于一定浓度的I3C和染料木黄酮之中,发现BRCA1和BRCA2的蛋白质含量比预期有了显著增加,这也意味着细胞修复DNA的能力得到了增强。这项成果发表于《英国癌症期刊》(British Journal of Cancer),其重要性在于,这是迄今最早的从分子细胞角度来解释某些蔬菜在预防癌症中所起作用的实验之一。
原始论文: S Fan, Q Meng, K Auborn, T Carter and EM Rosen. (2006) BRCA1 and BRCA2 as molecular targets for phytochemicals indole-3-carbinol and genistein in breast and prostate cancer cells. British Journal of Cancer 94: 407-426.

Avian Influenza and Pandemics — Research Needs and Opportunities

As the year 2004 progressed, so did conditions favoring the start of an influenza pandemic. The first warning came in January, when Thailand and Vietnam reported fatal human cases of avian influenza caused by the H5N1 strain of influenza A virus. That strain was already notorious for its pandemic potential, revealed during an outbreak in Hong Kong in 1997 and later in a smaller number of human cases in 2003.
With the H5N1 strain now endemic in birds in large parts of Asia, the probability that this potential for a pandemic will be realized has increased. Recent laboratory and epidemiologic studies have yielded disturbing evidence that the H5N1 virus has become progressively more pathogenic in poultry, has increased environmental resistance, and is expanding its mammalian host range. In 2004, H5N1 caused 44 human cases of avian influenza, of which 32 were fatal. Two features are striking: the overwhelming concentration in previously healthy children and young adults and the very high mortality rate. The risk that more people will be affected is now firmly entrenched in rural areas in Asia, where most households maintain free-ranging poultry flocks and depend on them for income and food. Outbreaks under such conditions may escape detection, are difficult to control, and increase the opportunity for human exposure, especially in situations where children play near poultry and families slaughter birds for food.
Since the beginning of this year, all prerequisites for the start of a pandemic have been met save one — namely, genetic changes in this virus that would allow it to achieve efficient human-to-human transmission. Will the recent changes in the ecology of the disease and the behavior of the virus lead to this last step, or will they prove irrelevant? No one can say with certainty. Nonetheless, the warning signal has been clearer than ever since 1968, when the last pandemic occurred, and thus there is an unprecedented opportunity to intensify worldwide preparedness. Fortunately, scientific understanding of influenza, including the origins of pandemics, has progressed enormously since 1933, when an infected ferret sneezed in the face of a scientist and a virus was eventually identified as the cause of the scientist’s subsequent influenza-like illness. Recent studies of the H5N1 strain of avian influenza A virus, conducted by laboratories in the World Health Organization Global Influenza Surveillance Network, have shown the power of molecular epidemiology to contribute to the monitoring of an outbreak and its evolving threat. But substantial gaps in knowledge remain, making the ability of science to guide policy imperfect at a critical time.
Information is urgently needed, in the short term, in five research areas: case management and hospital infection control; clinical research on the immunogenicity of vaccines for pandemic influenza; early interventions to slow down the spread of emerging pandemic viruses; the role of various animal and bird species in the epidemiology of influenzaviruses with pandemic potential; and risk assessment. In the longer term, the development of vaccines capable of conferring enduring protection against all influenzavirus subtypes and thus of reducing death and disease from seasonal and pandemic influenza would be a breakthrough. Furthermore, studies of the ecology and molecular biology of influenzaviruses could uncover the genetic foundation of influenzaviruses’ host specificity and pathogenicity.
The most pressing question is the following: Why has H5N1 not reassorted with a human influenzavirus? It certainly has had ample opportunity to do so. The world has never before seen outbreaks of avian influenza on the scale of those that have swept through large parts of Asia, including densely populated China. From January through March 2004, more than 120 million poultry birds died or were destroyed as part of massive control efforts. Unprotected workers had intense exposures, as did health care workers. Virologic surveillance has demonstrated the concurrent circulation of human viruses. Hence, one conclusion is tempting: if H5N1 could reassort, it should have done so by now. The explanation may lie in sheer statistical luck. It could also be that reassortment has occurred but has resulted in viruses that are not viable, not pathogenic, or not more easily transmitted among humans than H5N1 currently is. If so, this news would be very good, and H5N1 could be moved a notch down on the watch list of viruses with the potential to cause a pandemic.
The only way to answer this question is to mimic reassortment in a laboratory under appropriate biosafety conditions. The H5N1 and human influenza H3 or H1 viruses need to be sequenced and cloned, their genes and proteins expressed in cell culture by means of reverse genetics, and the resulting viruses tested for identity with the wild virus. Subsequently, both viruses would be put in cell culture bottles, and any reassorted virus would be characterized for viability and tested for pathogenicity and transmissibility in animals. Some of this work has begun in a single laboratory but may not be completed before the end of 2005.
In 2003, avian influenza A (H5N1) virus was isolated from diseased pigs on farms in southern China, marking the first documented natural infection of pigs with any virus of the H5 subtype. That finding was not a major surprise, unlike the detection of H5N1 in its highly pathogenic form in dead migratory birds. Wild waterfowl are the natural reservoir of all influenza A viruses and have historically carried these viruses in a form with low pathogenicity, in evolutionary equilibrium, without showing signs of disease. Most recently, domestic ducks without apparent illness have been found in experiments to excrete H5N1 in its highly pathogenic form. Because these ducks can excrete large quantities of virus that is lethal to other poultry without the warning signal of visible illness, it has become difficult to give rural residents realistic advice on how to avoid exposure. The role of domestic ducks as a silent reservoir of H5N1 may help explain why several recent human cases could not be traced to contact with diseased poultry.
These hints of changes in the ecologic characteristics of H5N1 need further investigation. Data on the prevalence of H5N1 in aquatic birds and pigs are needed. We also need to know whether domestic ducks are a sustainable reservoir of the virus on their own or whether infection in other poultry is needed to maintain the transmission cycle. Pending answers to these questions, it will be difficult to introduce disease-control measures in animals that have the best chance of reducing opportunities for human exposure. Conducting serologic studies in pigs and taking samples from wild and domestic aquatic birds are relatively simple and inexpensive measures.
Although the 18 cases of avian influenza A (H5N1) virus infection that occurred in humans in Hong Kong in 1997 have been extensively investigated, there has been relatively little progress in our understanding of the natural history of the disease and its treatment. The occurrence of primary viral pneumonia in these cases, with no evidence of secondary bacterial infection, is of particular concern. Features important for case management, infection control in hospitals, and epidemiologic investigations of individual cases and clusters, but poorly understood, include the incubation period, antibody kinetics, patterns of virus excretion, the duration of infectivity, factors determining the outcome of disease, and the clinical effectiveness of various medical interventions. Should H5N1 eventually give rise to a pandemic, answers to these questions could guide the appropriate use — or nonuse — of costly and socially disruptive interventions such as social distancing, isolation and quarantine of patients and their contacts, and travel restrictions. They will also help determine the best procedures for diagnosis and sampling and for triage in hospitals, as well as the level of infection control needed to prevent nosocomial spread.
Until now, collaborative studies, such as that reported by Ungchusak et al. in this issue of the Journal,1 have rarely brought clinical, epidemiologic, and virologic experts together. Collection of sequential samples from patients is often begun too late, or data from patients and epidemiologic data are not accompanied by vital complementary information, such as information on case management and hospital infection-control measures. An international clinical-research network on avian influenza in selected countries in Asia could be the foundation for faster and more productive investigations and could serve as a nucleus for an integrated clinical, epidemiologic, and virologic network on emerging infectious diseases.
Vaccine licensing depends on clinical studies to demonstrate safety, immunogenicity, and effectiveness. In the special context of preparedness for a pandemic, in which a rapid increase in production would be required and the demand for vaccines would far exceed supply, these studies must perform a second function: to provide data that will make possible vaccine formulations that make maximal use of limited antigen. Because manufacturing capacity is finite and cannot be augmented quickly, research is necessary to establish the smallest amount of antigen per dose that will confer sufficient protection. For example, the use of certain adjuvants can reduce the antigen requirement per vaccinee by half to three quarters. There is little experience with and great variability in the immunogenicity of avian influenzaviruses in humans, so clinical trials are urgently needed to obtain answers quickly. International coordination to decide on clinical-study protocols is indispensable because of the large number of possible vaccine formulations and the many variables to consider (e.g., type of vaccine, antigen dose, number of doses, age groups, and adjuvants) and the fact that most such trials will be conducted by pharmaceutical companies on a commercial basis. Coordination of clinical trials and rapid sharing of data are required to expedite research in the face of a possible pandemic of avian influenza A due to the H5N1 strain.
A virus with the potential to cause a pandemic could emerge suddenly, by way of a single reassortment event, or more gradually, by adaptive mutations during human infections, with the virus incrementally improving its transmissibility. Should the latter occur (and be detected by good surveillance), its detection could open an opportunity to intervene with antiviral drugs or a vaccine and thus forestall international spread or even eliminate a virus with low transmissibility. Though it is an attractive option, no attempt has ever been made to interrupt the transmission of an influenzavirus; the results of such an enormous and costly undertaking remain uncertain. The option deserves further investigation, however, particularly when viewed against the profound effect a delay in global spread and a flattening of the peak in disease prevalence could have during the initial phase of a pandemic. Its pursuit further depends on assessment of the feasibility and logistic requirements of bringing interventions to large urban populations and scattered rural residents in Asia. Without such feasibility data, any detailed planning, including funding proposals, will be severely hampered.
Past pandemics have typically hit world populations like a flash flood. They have started abruptly and explosively, swept through populations, and left considerable damage in their wake. They could not be stopped but peaked rapidly and then subsided almost as abruptly as they began. The emergence of human cases of avian influenza A (H5N1) virus infection in Asia is an unprecedented warning and has given the world more time to prepare than anyone might have expected. Given the well-documented consequences of pandemics, it seems prudent to find answers to these questions. We need to put up safeguards while the storm is still gathering.