
The ability to communicate your uniqueness creatively and confidently is a skill that you must cultivate. Let’s be honest, career progression by networking is faster if you present yourself than waiting to be found by headhunters. Most of us know how to pitch our project to fellow scientists at a conference, but how do you pitch your own skills?

When I left academia, I didn’t know anyone outside that world, so I knew I needed to build a network. After a few awkward encounters, I researched the matter, prepared a few loglines, and am proud to say it worked! Once, I attended a symposium and approached a panelist during a break. This guy was one of the big players at a well-known pharma company, and I was just a freshly minted PhD. Apparently, my pitch was interesting and convincing enough that he invited me for a job interview a few days later. Unfortunately, during the interview, I discovered the job was not what I thought it would be, so it didn’t work out. But hey, my pitch did!

There are many occasions when you might run into someone with whom you have always wanted to talk—not only the classic elevator encounter, but also during breaks at a conference, or during social events. It’s important to prepare for these opportunities so that you can broaden your network.

A pitch answers the prompt, “Tell me a bit about yourself.” But don’t think of this as a condensed resume or the career statement at the top of your resume (though those can guide you when you prepare your pitch). Think of it as the teaser trailer for a great movie: it captures your interest but does not tell the whole story; instead, now you want to watch that movie to find out more.

An elevator pitch is just the beginning of networking. Don’t think of your pitch as a presentation. No one wants to be lectured; an elevator pitch for networking purposes needs to trigger a conversation and should address the interests of your counterpart. Below, I’ve curated an example pitch and explained the ingredients for an effective pitch.


Introduce yourself

Start by mentioning your name. This may seem obvious, but sometimes people get nervous and forget this crucial step. Be aware of your body language, your voice, and the speed at which you’re talking; you don’t want to come across as a babbler, but speak firmly enough that you can be heard. Deliver in an engaging way: make your voice warm and inviting and use positive body language such as looking your opposite in the face and not crossing your arms in front of your chest. Watch for any signs of mirroring to help you.

Make a connection right away

Your counterpart will be more likely to be an active listener if you address anything relevant to them before talking about yourself. Maybe you spent time in the same institute where they previously worked, cited their papers, or just attended the same conference session. Think about why you find someone interesting and tell them (without sounding like a stalker). Show empathy and find common ground.

Connect the dots

Your pitch should cover the “what” (idea) and the “so what” (tangible benefits). It shouldn’t include the “how.” Get to your point quickly and address intention before details. Describing the impact you’ve had and can continue to have is much more compelling than talking about your years of experience or where you attended university.

Present your value genuinely

Speak to the listeners’ perspective—how can you benefit them? Select no more than three relevant skills and use plain language, not jargon or acronyms. Make sure to emphasize how these skills would be of interest to your counterpart or for your development in the future. However, remember that your contact may not have the same views and attitudes that you have and be respectful. Also, no one will be interested in you if you’re artificial, so your pitch needs to be real, too. Know what you’re talking about and mean what you say.

Trigger a response

To turn a pitch into a connection, you need to ask a question. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need: maybe you wanted to learn more about a specific department, career trajectory, or method they use in their lab. Maybe you want them to introduce you to someone else. Ask open questions, ones that cannot be answered in one word.

After you’ve spoken, pause. Give people a moment to digest your words before they respond to you. Your goal is to get your counterpart to the “tell me more” stage, so be prepared for questions. Be ready with all the key information and let the networking opportunity commence.

Close in a memorable way

Come to your conclusion and an agreement. You want to make sure your pitch will lead to a long-term connection, so suggest following up, perhaps via email. And don’t forget to thank your new connection for taking the time to talk to you. A firm handshake is always a good idea to close such a conversation; it gives the impression of a deal.

Your pitch is your unique value proposition to someone; thus, it needs to be tailored to your counterpart and be adaptable. Prepare loglines for different situations, keeping in mind the types of words and phrases you use. They should be easily understood and positive. Your pitch also needs to show your passion—it’s the distilled essence of your vision and what matters to you. Be prepared to accommodate questions, change your approach, and adjust on the fly—don’t be afraid to throw in an unusual question or witty response; sometimes humor is appropriate to maintain attention.

Most importantly, become comfortable with bragging about your individual contributions (in a graceful way). This can be challenging, especially if you come from a culture where you’re taught not to toot your own horn and to use “we” instead of “I.” Ditch the cultural baggage: elevator pitches are all about “I.”

Now, be yourself, develop your own style, and get comfortable. Remember that you are more than your projects or job descriptions and present yourself how you want to be seen!

